Hawaii Five-O Discussion Forum -- December 2010

The Hawaii Five-O Discussion Forum -- December 2010

The following are archived comments from December 2010. After looking around, please add your own comments!

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Submitted by: JulieS
From Australia

When will seasons 8-10 be released here in Australia - good question.

The only reason I see for the delay is that sales haven't been good and they are reluctant to release them. Also they have to be converted from region 1 to region 4 so that may have something to do with it as well.

I got tired of waiting and have gotten 8-10 from the USA. As long as your DVD player is region free you can play these and you can get them from places like Amazon which are trustworthy and they send them out pretty quick - on average 10-14 days. Also with the Australian dollar going great against the US dollar you are practically buying them for what you would pay for them here now is the time to get them.

Added: Friday 31 December 2010 19:30:18 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Well, I finally got around to watching When Does a War End? ... the rating went down to NO STARS, as did Angel in Blue, two episodes which have no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

I found one amusing piece of trivia in WDAWE -- the bad guy of the movie spends some time babbling in a lunatic- like fashion at the grave site of this guy who was in a Japanese prison camp with his father (his father died in the camp).

If you look carefully at the other tombstones in this graveyard, almost all of them are for Japanese people!

Added: Friday 31 December 2010 19:11:52 PST

Submitted by: Maxine
From Brooklyn

Yeah, I like how Kwan Hi Lim sometimes plays slimy scumbags and other times plays the attorney who represents slimy scumbags. With him there's a general (slimy) consistency, although he has played all types, it's true.

Added: Friday 31 December 2010 18:52:53 PST

Submitted by: Rick
From Newport Beach

>>>It's odd that Josie Over plays a "good guy" and then a "bad guy" in consecutive episodes...<<< ...not really. Nothing strange about that. All of the "Five-0 Players" including Over, were cast from week to week in whatever role they were needed. Happened in every ep. Kwan Hi Lim was cast as a cop in-between weeks of mostly playing slimey scumbags. Same with Robert Luck. One week he's a bartender then the next week he's ...well, he's a bartender again but you know what I'm saying.

Added: Friday 31 December 2010 18:31:20 PST

Submitted by: Kris Richmond
From Australia

When will the seasons 8 to 12 be released here in Australia????... I have all the sets to season 7 and am wondering when the next season (8) will be released out here....... thanksSteve

Added: Friday 31 December 2010 17:57:11 PST

Submitted by: Big City Gal
From NYC

Otto, no worries about completely ignoring Che...I was being facetious and maybe a tad sarcastic. Such is my nature.

I had asked about where you are in NYC only to offer to come to your place and find something to annoy you with. :D

But since you answered sincerely, I will as well. I'm nearly at the top of Manhattan on the East side. And it's still quite interesting up here.

Happy New Year everyone! I'm about to go into the bunker for the night to avoid the annual gun play.

Added: Friday 31 December 2010 17:49:14 PST

Submitted by: Maxine
From Brooklyn

It's odd that Josie Over plays a "good guy" and then a "bad guy" in consecutive episodes near the beginning of Season 10. It's not like viewers aren't gonna notice her. But I seem to recall the same thing happened earlier in the series with some other actor. Does anyone know who I'm talking about?

Added: Friday 31 December 2010 17:47:52 PST

Submitted by: Mr Hiram
From NYC

just bought season 6 set and man! NIGHTMARE IN BLUE was hard to watch!

wondered if CBS back in the 70s put a 'due to mature theme, parental discretion is advised' warning before the episode. jack lord at his most angry! his exchange with mr burdick outside mrs burdick's hospital room is powerful and very tense!

when McG shoots and kills Stark and the cop plummets to his death, kinda strange to see his shades dangling on a hook under the balcony.

i have seasons 1,and 7 and now 6 . HOOKMAN, very very tense. will see more this weekend.

i remember seeing as a kid on syndication some of the season 12's and part of 9 DRAGONS. trying to remember other episodes.

to mike and the fans here, HAPPY 2011 AND ALOHA! hope the new 5-0 gets better now that we see the new Wo Fat

Added: Friday 31 December 2010 16:16:21 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From The Republic of Che

Big City Gal: Please don't ignore Che Fong, he's the linchpin of Five-O's fight against crime. I wasn't complaining about his oral acrobatics, in fact i don't mind it at all. And now that i know it's because he's a pothead who constantly has 'cotton-mouth', i'm even more sympathetic.

I live in the East Village, near Ave. A and 1st. Not as interesting as when i moved here 23 years ago. But still relatively livable. Where are you?

Added: Friday 31 December 2010 15:16:29 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

Right on, Steven!! :) "Target-A Cop" used to be my all-time favorite episode many moons ago. It's no longer at the #1 spot (that spot is reserved for "Rest in Peace, Somebody";) but it definitely has to be in my TOP 5. In any case it's the best episode of season 9! With "A Capitol Crime" a close second.

Added: Friday 31 December 2010 14:31:07 PST

Submitted by: Big City Gal
From NYC

Otto, I had never noticed Che's clicking speech...Now that you pointed it out, however, it drives me up the wall. Thank you for that. I needed one more thing to drive me crazy. Where in NYC do you live again?

I'm going back to finish S3 and try ignore Che.


Added: Friday 31 December 2010 11:22:00 PST

Submitted by: Steven
From Miami


I found an episode we both agree on! At the IMDB board, we "bond" over our enthusiasm for S9's "Target...a Cop"! I knew we hadda have *some* kind of common ground! :!beer:

Added: Friday 31 December 2010 10:52:18 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Interesting comment from Film Score Monthly board about 10th season episode "When Does a War End?" (link is in message below):

Let me take a moment to endorse the half-star rating for "When Does A War End?" on the Five-O site. There is something of an appalling subtext to this episode that suggests that atrocities committed by the Japanese during World War II should be forgotten in the name of "let us all love each other now" or some other such drivel of the kind McGarrett spouts at the end. But let's get real for a minute, if respectable Mr. Muramoto had been respectable Mr. Schmidt who had once been the head of a concentration camp in the *same* war would McGarrett have delivered the same speech or any of his other platitudes about the war being long over? I doubt it. We probably would have heard an attempt to understand the rage of David Dukes' character if it was a case of covering up the past of someone who had murdered his father in a death camp. But instead we're getting the notion of the revenge being motivated only by hate etc. which I think in the end really serves to understate and cheapen the dimension of how what Americans went through at Bataan was in many respects equal to what Jews in a concentration camp suffered. This is a guy who regardless of the excuse we get about how the war made him an animal is a guy who should have stood trial as a war criminal, yet at the end do we hear any "opening up" from Muratomo about this or any confrontation with McGarrett over his past? Nope, not a bit. Thumbs down across the board for this.

Added: Friday 31 December 2010 09:54:25 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

I watched 10th season's Invitation to a Murder yesterday. Last time I watched this show, I sort of liked it, but this time I found it soooooooooo boring!! Jack Lord delivers some of his lines like a plumber dragging out a job to make more money. This is an unusual episode for Five-O, like one of those Agatha Christie mysteries where a crime is committed and you have to figure out who did it. The music in this show (by Walter Scharf) is unusual (last time I thought it was OK, this time it just sounded weird). You have to wonder if the low-key performance by some of the actors was done on purpose or they were just running out of gas.

Added: Friday 31 December 2010 08:13:02 PST

Submitted by: Elaine
From Watertown. MA

Mr. Mike, et.al...I have to post a revision to my earlier post about season 10 quality. I have now watched 7 episodes (I watched Shake Hands With the Man on the Moon last night) and yes, there are problems with both the audio and video. In The Descent of the Torches, some of the panoramic scenes of Hilo were outrageous...in one shot, following a car traveling south along Route 19, the ocean looked brown and muddy and in the very next shot, it was cyrstal clear blue...now we all know that it rains every day on the Big Island for a few miutes in the am, and a good downpour can certainly muddy the waters...but this was clearly just poor video footage... And then again, there was an audio "slur" when the action faded back in and showed the sign for the Naniloa Surf Hotel, it was like someone had put their thumb down on the record for a second and stopped the sound and then it picked back up but not at the right speed. I don't know what this is called when it happens...but it was not a crisp musical lead in...so I now agree that there are problems with the audio and video for the S10 DVD's. Pity, that CBS-P has so little regard for the classics!
Ah, it's all about making the almighty buck, isn't it!
Well, I'm still glad to have Jack and Co. back on my little screen....

Happy New Year to All. May it be peaceful, healthful and joyous for everyone.

And, Happy Birthday, Jack!

Added: Friday 31 December 2010 07:45:08 PST

Submitted by: Steven
From Miami

"When Che Fong speaks, you can hear the spittle roiling around in his mouth. It's subtle but once you notice it, you can't NOT hear it. To find out why this is the case, you'd probably have to ask Che Fong himself; he knows everything. But that would be awkward."

Yes, it drives me crzy! Get the guy a drink of water!!! It sounds like he's smacking his food. Yechh!

Added: Friday 31 December 2010 05:07:00 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From Manhattan

OK, so we have two episodes where Che is high on weed. Why else would he be so cagey about the source of the smoke? It's all starting to come together, because the 'cotton mouth' effect of marijuana does create an audible saliva performance.

Added: Thursday 30 December 2010 22:36:15 PST

Submitted by: Rick
From Newport Beach

Actually, Che blows smoke in THE JINN WHO CLEARS THE WAY ...season five

Added: Thursday 30 December 2010 22:27:26 PST

Submitted by: Maxine
From Brooklyn

Che Fong breathes fire in "The Jinn Who Clears the Way" (5th Season). Mr. Mike addresses it in the "Trivia" section for that episode.

Added: Thursday 30 December 2010 22:26:45 PST

Submitted by: JulieS
From Australia

Maxine: For that matter, Harry Endo never satisfactorily explained why there was smoke coming out of his mouth in that one early episode.

I just watched that episode. It was "The Child Stealers" - season 5

Added: Thursday 30 December 2010 22:23:17 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From Endo the year

It's unsettling to say the least. There seem to be many mysteries involving Che Fong's most crime-fighting * * *. In which episode does smoke issue forth, Maxine?

Added: Thursday 30 December 2010 21:58:28 PST

Submitted by: Maxine
From Brooklyn

For that matter, Harry Endo never satisfactorily explained why there was smoke coming out of his mouth in that one early episode.

Added: Thursday 30 December 2010 21:47:30 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From NYC

But you DO know that those sounds are there. And so i am not alone. In a way, those odd noises can be soothing as Che gently provides the critical evidence. But other times i bolt upright in the middle of the night, crying out, "WHY? What are those sounds?"

Added: Thursday 30 December 2010 21:24:53 PST

Submitted by: Rick
From Newport Beach

Che's not even in EAST WIND... I scanned about 40 eps and couldn't find that clickety clack. An hour of my life I'll never get back.

Added: Thursday 30 December 2010 21:14:00 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From Che Fong's mouth

Yes, there are times when it is out of control, but strangely, i only noticed the phenomenon about a year ago. You could be right about dentures. I assumed it was the kind of lazy saliva sounds one might produce under the influence of a bunch of Vicodins.

Added: Thursday 30 December 2010 19:39:51 PST

Submitted by: Rick
From Newport Beach

Otto... "When Che Fong speaks..." I've always thought that clicking was his dentures. Throughout one ep I watched recently, I think it's EAST WIND, ILL WIND the clicking is completely out of control.

Added: Thursday 30 December 2010 19:36:15 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From NYC

Three Strange Things I've Noticed About Five-O:

1. When McGarrett enters a crime scene, whether by kicking down the door or otherwise, he quickly surveys the room in darting glances, and almost always shoots a glance at the ceiling. What does he hope to find on the ceiling? A clue? A killer wedged in a corner ready to pounce? I suppose something COULD be up there, and McG is just a thorough cop.

2. When Che Fong speaks, you can hear the spittle roiling around in his mouth. It's subtle but once you notice it, you can't NOT hear it. To find out why this is the case, you'd probably have to ask Che Fong himself; he knows everything. But that would be awkward.

3. It never rains in the Hawaii of Five-O. From what i understand it rains plenty in Hawaii, sometimes in short bursts that pass quickly. But never in McG's Hawaii! Is it too much to ask that Danno suddenly get drenched while chasing down a lead?

Added: Thursday 30 December 2010 19:20:53 PST

Submitted by: Big City Gal
From NYC

"Today would have been Jack's 90th birthday."

And in tribute I used an entire can of Vitalis to style my hair into a pompadour today.

Added: Thursday 30 December 2010 18:49:25 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

As previously mentioned, the music has been changed on the DVDs in The Big Aloha. I have put brief clips of the scenes where this has happened here:


The clips are from an old TV dub and from the recently released DVDs.

The first clip is after John Palahana has a fight with Constance Kincaid and comes out of the house to where people are dancing. There is a sequence in the middle of this which is cut out when the Governor is talking to Constance (the music continues playing in the background of that scene).

In the TV version, there are these two guys playing guitars and a bass fiddle, and that's the music you hear. In the DVD version, there is what sounds like a Hawaiian version of "Happy Birthday to You," played by a steel guitar and flute alternating the melody.

The second clip takes place at the funeral of Gideon Webb, who is found drowned at the beginning of the show. An older woman who plays Palahana's mother sings the song Hawai`i Aloha. According to some WWW site, "This is one of the many songs composed by the Reverend Lorenzo Lyons, known as Makua Laiana, who had a church for many years at Waimea, Hawai`i. He died in 1886 [!]." So you would suspect this song is in the public domain. But it is cut out!

E Hawai`i, e ku`u one hanau e
Ku`u home kulaiwi nei
`Oli no au i na pono lani e
E Hawai`i, aloha e

In the TV version, you hear and see the woman singing the song and there is a closeup of her as one of the family servants behind her pulls out a hanky and wipes away a tear. But in the DVD version, this shot of the servant is eliminated and there is no closeup of the woman. The music has been replaced by some generic Five-O music.

Added: Thursday 30 December 2010 17:12:28 PST

Submitted by: Rick
From Newport Beach

Hey Big H, yeah FACE was her first role. I watched THE DAYS OF WINE AND ROSES recently. Heavy Stuff.

I'm going to crack open my S10 DVD's tonight. Looking forward to the 16 or so eps that were not in syndication. I haven't seen them in a long time.

Added: Thursday 30 December 2010 14:31:16 PST

Submitted by: big H
From Most anywhere, USA

"But seriously, watching "Hookman" is like watching DIRTY HARRY or something. It's almost too good for the small screen. As is Mort's score."

Sorry guys, been away for the holidays and trying to catch up on the comments. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and all. Yeah, Ring, I agree...Hookman should actually have been a two-parter, IMO. It's like it (script, score, characters, etc.) was ripped straight from DIRTY HARRY.

Rick, I caught your Aunt Lee in another good performance over the holiday....in "A FACE IN THE CROWD." It must have been one of her earlier roles; she looked very young. AND, my mom and I saw the last half of "Anatomy of a Murder" too...my mom is 78 and has NEVER seen that movie.....sheesh!

Added: Thursday 30 December 2010 10:59:52 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

Wow! That parody looks better than what CBS is currently showing! It actually has the Five-0 vibe.

Added: Thursday 30 December 2010 09:22:06 PST

Submitted by: H50 1.0 FOREVER
From My heart is in Hawai`i

Today would have been Jack's 90th birthday.

Hau `oli la hanau, Jack!

Added: Thursday 30 December 2010 08:09:42 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Just in ... the color in this parody looks much better than in the current CBS show, by the way.


Priya Rai Shakes Her Coconuts in ‘Hawaii Five-O’ Parody

Dec 29th, 2010 01:50 PM

LOS ANGELES—Everybody gets lei’d in stacked starlet Priya Rai’s newest release This Ain’t Hawaii Five-O XXX. Directed by Stuart Canterbury for Hustler video, the parody promises all the fun and excitement of the series with lots of steamy sex and a showcase of exotic beauties.

Rai plays the role of sexy female cop Kona, who helps the leads, played by veterans Jack Vegas and Jack Lawrence, chase down the bad guys and interrogate the even naughtier girls.

The parody also stars Nicole Ray, Tommy Gunn, Sophia Santi, Kaiya Lynn, Victoria White, Lana Lopez and Pike Nelson, and releases Jan. 4.

Rai, whose birthday falls on Christmas, has much to be thankful for this year. “I’ve had a pretty good year, and I really enjoyed working on the Hawaii Five–O parody for Hustler. I loved working with the whole cast and crew, especially my leading men Jack Lawrence and Jack Vegas,” Rai said.

You can view the trailer [Note: this is not X-rated. - MQ] for This Ain’t Hawaii Five-O here.

Added: Wednesday 29 December 2010 21:09:35 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

From New York Post


THE presents have been opened, and the eggnog drunk. It's time to exchange that "Glee" sweatshirt for something you really want (like a sexy "Mad Men" T-shirt). Drama Mama also has a few shows she'd like to return from this year's TV season.

GRANDMA ROSE KNIT ME A SWEATER: It was a sweet gesture, but Grams isn't exactly known for her fashion sense. "Hawaii FiveO" suffers from being produced by the same network that brought us the interminable "CSI"/"NCIS" franchises, and their Preparation H-greased handprints are all over what should be a hip, sexy cop drama. Instead, it's more of the same tight shots on seemingly stock footage from a Hawaiian travelogue, with stories that could have populated any of the other gazillion cop dramas littering your nana's TiVo.


From Detroit Metro Times


Hawaii Five-O: The most surprisingly good new show of the season, and the exception to the rule that classic-TV remakes suck. While we now know Alex O'Loughlin's version of Steve McGarrett is far from cuddly, his prickly personality is more than offset by Scott Caan's wisecracking Danno. Reimagining burly Chin Ho Kelly and Kono as Daniel Dae Kim and Grace Park, respectively, was inspired.

Added: Wednesday 29 December 2010 14:45:10 PST

Submitted by: Big City Gal
From NYC

Glenn...Sweet, glad the number went to an actual human. If I dig up any other info, I'll post it.

Really sucks CBS rushed to make a buck and didn't properly remaster S10. I'm sure fans would have been happy to wait for better quality. I know I would have.

Added: Wednesday 29 December 2010 13:37:56 PST

Submitted by: Glenn
From Orlando, FL (USA)

Big City Gal,

The CBS/Paramount phone number is a good one - I tried calling them, but was told to call back on Monday because of the holiday - then, they will connect me with someone in the DVD department.

Just wanted to mention this...:)

Added: Wednesday 29 December 2010 10:19:40 PST

Submitted by: Glenn
From Orlando, FL (USA)

Here is a link to FSM where a discussion of the 10th season set is going on:


Added: Wednesday 29 December 2010 10:09:21 PST

Submitted by: Big City Gal
From NYC

Don't know if this address/phone number has been tried, but I figured I'd post it if y'all want to lob a few complaints their way.

Paramount Pictures Home Entertainment
5555 Melrose Ave.
Hollywood, CA 90038
(323) 956-5000

I don't know anyone specific at Paramount, but I'll bug a few people I know in LA and see if they have any other suggestions.

Added: Tuesday 28 December 2010 18:57:38 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

No, I don't have any contacts with CBS/Paramount. These people are impossible to get in touch with. If you want to complain about the quality of the season 10 DVDs, I would suggest doing so in the Home Theater Forum. However, you would probably have to start a new thread, because there are several threads where you could post, but your comments would be buried at the end of some discussion about season 6, 8 or whatever. Too bad the site http://www.tvshowsondvd.com doesn't have a discussion board or blog of some kind. I notice that they reviewed the first volume of the Blu-Ray Twilight Zone very favorably, but if you go to amazon.com, there are several comments about the fact that one of the discs in the set was defective -- at least 12% of the total number of 154 reviews are one-star reviews.

Added: Tuesday 28 December 2010 17:20:40 PST

Submitted by: Steve D
From Fairfax VA

Agree with all of you on S10 DVD...I bought it to replace many of the VHS tapes I have, and the A/V quality on the DVDs is near the same level of the old tapes. Mr. Mike, do you have any contacts so we can hopefully change this for S11 and 12?

Added: Tuesday 28 December 2010 09:14:27 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Maxine, Number One was NOT one of the Columbia House tapes. The "latest" one in that series was Nine Dragons. Here is a list of all the tapes:


Added: Monday 27 December 2010 22:11:49 PST

Submitted by: KD MCGarrett
From 2011

Watching the original. Just realized how cheap the new one looks. As you were gentleman and ladies. AOL is not MCG lol...our MCG rocks..wow he could instil fear with that steely gaze...sorry new one not for me.

Added: Monday 27 December 2010 21:18:29 PST

Submitted by: Maxine
From Brooklyn

Wasn't "Number One with a Bullet" one of the episodes that Columbia House put out on VHS tape back in the early 2000s? And didn't that version include the original disco music from the episode?

Added: Monday 27 December 2010 19:41:56 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

In the TV broadcast of The Big Aloha that I have, the first tune when the Cal Bellini character arrives at the ranch is the same (the Hukilau Song). The second song in the original broadcast is some low-key Hawaiian-sounding music. You can hardly hear the music after the scene with the Governor. In the DVD version, the second tune is much louder, and sounds like a Hawaiian arrangement of "Happy Birthday to You," with the melody alternating between a steel guitar and a solo flute.

The song at the beginning of Joey Kalima is different. As well, when Kalima sings a brief excerpt from some song (the one they are listening to?), this is cut out and when he goes to his police car, he is singing more of this song, and you can see him moving his mouth, but there is no sound.

Added: Monday 27 December 2010 16:17:05 PST

Submitted by: Jeff
From Denver

My other observations about this S10 DVD set include the use of old transfers from syndication instead of new transfers, which the previous 9 seasons had made for DVD.

There are about 8 episodes from S10 that were remastered when The Family Channel ran them back in 1997. I feel pretty confident that those are being used here. For example, "Up the Rebels" had VERY low volume on the Family Channel when it aired, and it does here as well.

As for the other 16 episodes, those transfers look exactly the same as my off-air recordings I made from WOFL in Orlando when I lived there. They ran the show from 1987 to about 2002, and in comparing them, I have noticed they have the exact same blemishes, scratches, fading, etc. Therefore, my guess is those shows on the DVD are from the previous syndication package (on digi-beta videotapes) that was available to stations with all 278 episodes from 1987 to the late 90s.

Whether this (and the music replacement) was done because of the rush to meet the moved-up release date of the DVDs (they were originally scheduled for March 2011), or whether CBS-P is cutting costs to maintain profit margins on projected lower sales on the last few lousy seasons is unknown. Hopefully season 11 will look and sound better--even though most of the stories will still suck. :)

Added: Monday 27 December 2010 14:10:25 PST

Submitted by: Glenn
From Orlando, FL (USA)

Keep the comments regarding SEASON TEN coming. From what I'm reading, it sounds like CBS "dropped the ball" on this set - I wonder what they are going to do with the 11th season episode, "Number One With A Bullet", as far as the disco music is concerned...:-(

Added: Monday 27 December 2010 13:54:12 PST

Submitted by: Barbara
From Pittsburgh

Thanks, Jeff!

That was driving me crazy. One of those things where you swear you remember something, but then you begin to wonder! Come to think of it, there is a chopped up quality, as in abrupt switching, from the tunnel digging to the record shop above. I have the "Joey Kalima" ep on tape, but I'd have to replace my old broken VCR to play it again. This was taped not from the Family Channel, but a local, independent from a few years back. I'll have to check out "Aloha," also.

Added: Monday 27 December 2010 13:04:09 PST

Submitted by: Jeff
From Denver

Hi Barbara,

That missing dialogue you mentioned in the "Joey Kalima" episode occurs most likely due to the fact that CBS-P replaced the song in that scene with a different song, to save money over licensing issues. Therefore, the line you are referring to is in reference to a song that has been removed.

There is also music alteration in 2 scenes of "The Big Aloha".

Added: Monday 27 December 2010 11:44:23 PST

Submitted by: Barbara
From Pittsburgh

Santa left Season 10 under the tree! So far I've only watched "Friends of Joey Kalima." I found the video and audio quality to be fine, but one thing did disturb me. One of my favorite lines was missing. Officer Kalima is listening to a record and asks how you cannot love the line about a Texas country road. The store clerk replies that this is Hawaii, so what does he know about Texas roads? Or something like that, to the best of my memory. Why on earth would they cut that out?

Added: Monday 27 December 2010 10:42:04 PST

Submitted by: Steven
From Miami

Mr. Mike:

I haven't purchased S10 yet and after the recent Bonanza release which was quite crappy compared to S1, I've held off on another CBS/Paramount release, Mannix S4, due out Jan 4. If they're going to forego remastering, then they also forego my hard-earned money. Fug 'em! At least we have the first nine seasons of Five-O in good quality--and Mission: Impossible looks great, too.

Added: Monday 27 December 2010 09:45:04 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

12 inches of snow here in Philly with lots of blowing and drifting!! I love it and wouldn't have it any other way!! Hawaii is great in the summer time but Philly is where I wish to be in the winter. Hopefully I'll get some skiing done this week. Woo-hooo!!!

Added: Monday 27 December 2010 09:00:48 PST

Submitted by: Elaine
From Watertown, MA

Mr. Mike, I bought the 10th season from Amazon and I have not noticed anything peculiar about the video/audio quality compared to the other seasons...but please note that I do not have HD TV...I have a 20 year+ TV set with a converter box and indoor loop aerial...so quality of audio/video has never been an issue...it is what it is around my house.

I did have some trouble understanding some of the dialogue from The Friends of Joey Kalima...but that was during the "tunneling" sequences where there seemed to be background noise...but I assumed it was done intentionally...for the exhaust fan on the roof....otherwise people on the ground wouldn't have any reason to look up and notice it (e.g. the snitch, McGarrett and Joey) all saw the fan on the roof, which led them to investigate). P.S. I would hate to be McGarrett's dry cleaner! Crawling through that tunnel in his light colored suit was pretty silly. I would have thought he would have at least taken off his suit jacket! What a mess!

Happy New Year to all. It is still snowing here. We got about 16 inches of the white stuff yesterday. Ugh. Time to break out the shovels and snowblowers. Wish I were in the islands! Aloha Oe!

Added: Monday 27 December 2010 08:31:53 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Did anyone around here buy the 10th season? How about some comments? There are now 9 reviews at amazon.com, and the rating is 1-1/2 stars out of 5, which is the worst I've ever seen. The big issue is the video quality, which is bad compared to previous seasons. I seriously doubt CBS/Paramount will do a real "remastering" of these shows or, as someone suggested, remaster and replace those sets which people have already bought! On one of the shows I watched (I think it was the first one, Up the Rebels), there is some very obvious bass hum throughout the entire show (I thought my equipment was malfunctioning). This all does not bode well for the final two seasons, especially the 11th, where there has already been speculation as to whether the disco tunes in Number One with a Bullet (one of the few decent shows from the last two years) will be replaced by some generic music.

Added: Monday 27 December 2010 07:05:36 PST

Submitted by: John Neutkens
From Netherlands

From the 17th. of january on tv. in Holland.
Presented as "A new kind of cops".

Added: Sunday 26 December 2010 21:57:14 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Today in Vancouver there are the post-Christmas sales on "Boxing Day." Included in one store's 2 for $25 bins was the first season of Five-O. Not a bad deal, considering there are 7 DVDs in this set.

Added: Sunday 26 December 2010 13:35:25 PST

Submitted by: Barbara

Hope it's not too late to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, especially you Mr. Mike. Peace!

Added: Saturday 25 December 2010 20:35:57 PST

Submitted by: KD MCGarrett
From meli kalikimaka.....

Meli Kalikimaka to all. Roll of honor to Mike, Kimo, Nadja, ringfire, otto, boris, Heather, JulieS et. al......

I read something recently about how Producers are changing the direction of the show to focus on MCG's professional life and not his private life hmmm...sounds familiar. I do agree with Julie's view about AOL as MCG..he lacks a certain something and is still overshadowed by Caan. Anyway, let us see how the new twists and turns pan out. By the way, the idea of MCG stealing money to help Chin was ridiculous. It was so obvious that Hesse would burn the money..sorry AOL's MCG is a little dumb and really that was so crap for this poor version of MCG. I don't see this show lasting more than one more season unless there are better scripts for this knock-off.

Added: Saturday 25 December 2010 05:13:01 PST

Submitted by: Santa
From here and there


Added: Friday 24 December 2010 16:25:05 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Tread the King's Shadow is pretty bad, though I didn't dislike it as much as you did, David. The story itself is not as bad as the music, which probably rates as one of the worst scores in all of Five-O (even worse than the drivel in the current series!). McGarrett actually gave the Governor a lot of mouth in this show about having to take time to solve this insignificant case for one of the Governor's rich pals. (You have to wonder if Five-O had solved all of the regular "bad crimes" in Hawaii by this point in the series.)

Here's what I said about it (anal-ysis accessible via Season 10 link at top of page):

McGarrett tells the Governor in no uncertain terms (especially for a later-season episode) he doesn't like being used in this manner, saying that if David went to the snobby Punahou School or belonged to some local country club, Cameron wouldn't be so concerned. The Governor replies, "Nobody's accusing Mr. Cameron of bigotry." Cameron comments to McGarrett that he has "done more for these natives than you or the Governor." (Cameron incorrectly calls the Governor "Phil" during this exchange, by the way. [This shows how badly the writing had slipped by this point.]) After Cameron leaves, McGarrett refers to Cameron as "moneybags" and "arrogant." The Governor says McGarrett is "out of line" when McGarrett objects to being his flunky ... and suggests that the case is "political dynamite," harking back to "the Martin case" forty years before which involved a girl from a prominent family and an island boy. (The reference here is more likely to the notorious Massie Case, where a young Navy wife was gang-raped by several young Hawaiian men.)

Added: Friday 24 December 2010 08:02:32 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

With regard to Kam Fong's "departure" at the end of season 10, this was discussed at the 1996 Five-O convention in Burbank. No one ever brought up the issue of who made the decision -- whether the producers wanted him knocked off, or whether Kam wanted to leave -- as far as I recall. This is from my report:

When asked about his demise at the end of the tenth season in #238, A Death in the Family, Kam said that he originally wanted Chin Ho to "retire gracefully," and fought the idea of having his character murdered. There was even talk of the production company suing Kam for breaking his contract! Then someone told him that it was an honour if you were a regular in a TV show and you were knocked off ... this meant that no one else could play your character. Later Kam said it was a Hollywood superstition that "if one of the regulars leaves, the show falls down." Someone in the audience said, "Oh, this must mean that everything after the fourth season [when Zoulou left] was no good!"

Added: Friday 24 December 2010 07:56:49 PST

Submitted by: dave rogers
From salem, mass

Tread has my vote for the worst Hawaii Five-O episode up to season 10 disc 3.

It's not even hawaii five-o. Where's the crime? Why would steve drop everything to find the daughter of his cleaning lady, why would the governor put up with an industrialist bossing him and mcgarrett around? Totally emasculating him in the process. Why would they use such crappy music.

To hell with babe ruth and the 100,000 nickel are pretty damn poor but at least I recognize them as hawaii five-o episodes.

Boy, I can see why kam fong wanted out after season 10. It is really a dog of a season.

Right now I am watching The One With The Gun and I am feeling better. Danno's scene with josie over or the mickie in larry pouwana's drink. Ahhhh. Much better.

Added: Friday 24 December 2010 05:59:03 PST

Submitted by: boris
From spfld ma

yes, ringfire, that "NEVER..." line in assasins is one of my favorite moments. Steve as the psychopath. The dude was committed, you can't deny it. (I wish I had negotiated my last divorce that way!)

Added: Thursday 23 December 2010 11:56:01 PST

Submitted by: Elaine
From Watertown, MA

Mele Kalikimaka, everyone! And a Healthful and Propserous New Year to All!

Just watched "The Cop on the Cover" from Season 10, and liked it, alot. But then, I'm female and I always enjoyed McG sparring with the ladies....but there was something quite different in McGarrett's voice during this episode...did anyone pick up on that? His voice was "softer"...even when he was questioning Joe Moana in his office, he spoke to him with what I thought was unusual restraint in his voice....almost like he was trying to portray a different McGarrett...maybe for Jean Simmons' benefit? He was still pacing and still playing the tough cop, but his voice didn't match his physical bearing....

In this episode, we learned that McG is a gourmet cook, plays guitar (which we already knew) and a Sunday painter....was this the first time that his hobby of painting was mentioned? And although he clearly stated that his private "affairs" were off limits, it was very clear that the writer, Ann Collins, had no such restriction in mind when she wrote this episode - we also learned that he was the third most desirable bachelor in Honolulu!

Mo Keale played a great role as Joe Moana....the plot was a bit thin, but having worked in the nuclear industry during the 70's and 80's, corporate espionage was a hot topic. We all had to sign confidentiality agreements to work on nuclear projects...so the extortion of the blueprints for a fast-breeder reactor was not totally far-fetched....but those blueprints would NOT have fit on a single sheet of microfiche! And they would have been locked up in a vault. I laughed when McG held the microfiche up to the light and declared, "Yup, this is it!" Like he could recognize a fast-breeder reactor blueprint!

The only thing I did not like was the ending. It was totally appropriate for O'Brien to "eat crow"....but McGarrett again steps out of character and accepts a glass of bubbly (he had claimed many times that he never USES alcohol) as a "peace offering" or perhaps the promise of a more intimate relationship with the lady. Okay, so he's human after-all! We saw in Season 9 his relationship with Cathy Ryan (p.s. ever notice how many of the characters are named Ryan? John Joseph Patrick must have had final script approval!) but I thought it was just a little forced....but hey, for Jean Simmons (she was always one of my dad's favorite actresses), McG could make an excpetion!

That's all for now, Vladymire!

Nollaig Shona Dhuibh! (NOHL-ek HOH-nuh GOO-eev) Gaelic for Happy Christmas!

Added: Thursday 23 December 2010 09:34:15 PST

Submitted by: Big City Gal
From NYC

RW and the rest of you crazy cats....

A merry, festive, happy whatever to you all...enjoy the season!

Added: Thursday 23 December 2010 09:20:12 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

Hey Otto, I'm having a hard time deciphering your TOP 5. :D

Added: Thursday 23 December 2010 08:03:15 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

"And Chicken loved that moralizing mini-lecture Steve-O lay on that dude at the wrap of Computer Killa." -- Stev-O's best speechifying of the season came in "The Young Assassins". I almost fell off my chair when Steve-O went "John, I think you know me better than that. NEVER!!!! Never! Never! Never!"

Added: Thursday 23 December 2010 08:01:41 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From NYC

Rainbow: Thanks man, have a great holiday. And when you rip that Season One open, fasten your seat belt!!! Talk to you in 2011.

And shouts to a few other loyalists: Ringfire, Nadja, Boris, and Mr. Mike!

Added: Thursday 23 December 2010 07:58:51 PST

Submitted by: Rainbow Warrior
From New York, NY

To Otto, Big Chicken, H50 Forever, Steven in Miami, Big City Gal, and Julie in Australia:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!

May the season and God bestow the blessings of the season on you all.

I will be gone for the holidays, but will reappear sometime in January to discuss the season 1 new dvd's with Otto and Big Chicken that I just got.

Happy 2011 to all my old Five-O loyalists! Aloha brothers and sisters!

Added: Thursday 23 December 2010 07:36:04 PST

Submitted by: boris
From spfld ma

really didnt like branch office. too ridiculous. too stupid at every juncture. a waste of frank gorshin. the music was interesting.

Added: Thursday 23 December 2010 03:19:05 PST

Submitted by: JulieS
From Australia

Favourite episodes from season in no particular order...

The Young Assassins
Welcome to Our Branch Office
Diary of a Gun
We Hang Our Own
A Gun for McGarrett

Added: Thursday 23 December 2010 00:11:53 PST

Submitted by: boris
From spfld ma

now on the plus side, season 7 seems to be the season of the wet dream. They seem to be relying on good ol' hawaiin and haole t and a, and I aint complaining. Damn they some pretty girls in these eps. Elithe is tearing the screen up in "kill em again" (Can you imagine a hooker that looks like that?! - it's called heaven). But it's not just her - every episode is dotted and lined with gorgeous women. How bout the nurse in gun for mcgarret? white bikini gorshin gf in "branch office"? or blonde bikini in forefront phone call shot of "steal now"?

Added: Wednesday 22 December 2010 22:37:57 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From Antiquity

Picks from Season Seven:

-It Takes a Genius
-How to Blow Your Head Off
-When Crime Pays
-The One Good Haole
-Thin Veneer of Paradise

Added: Wednesday 22 December 2010 19:08:14 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From Les Than Zero

My top Season Seven picks excluded “Welcome To Our Branch Office,” the episode on which the rebooted Five-Zero is based. Word is that CBS Prez Les Moonves was so impressed by the scam depicted in ‘Branch Office’ that he decided to create his own Phony Five-O and air that thang every week.

Added: Wednesday 22 December 2010 16:54:20 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From Seven or eleven, Snake eyes watchin you

Top 5 from 7

1) Kill Em Again
2) Hang Our Own
3) Steal a Masterpiece
4) Computer Killa
5) Boneza Contention

Chick’s memories of S7 be foggy so he was most impressed with how many top-notch eps they was. S7 still featured them riveting endings, like the brutally abrupt finale of Kill Em' and the heavy conclude of Right Grave. And Chicken loved that moralizing mini-lecture Steve-O lay on that dude at the wrap of Computer Killa.

Seven still top shelf, thought the drop-off come with Eight. But then they amped it up again with that great Season Nine!

Added: Wednesday 22 December 2010 16:51:53 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

There are only a few comments about the 10th season box set on amazon.com, and they are not particularly nice. I have a couple of those episodes from the Family Channel, and I recall the quality was better in some of them than on these new DVDs. It is disappointing that the audio and video quality wasn't better, especially since the quality in other areas, such as the writing and music, was definitely in decline.

Added: Wednesday 22 December 2010 16:18:02 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From Typical New Yawkuh

Boris: You're definitely overdoing it. You gotta save some episodes for later. Don't buy anymore seasons for a while. Maybe try getting out a little, meet some girls. Maybe go back to drinking. You could probably withstand a one-month bender! Or pick up a copy of Mark Twain's LIFE ON THE MISSISSIPPI. Anything, but Five-O!

Added: Wednesday 22 December 2010 15:44:52 PST

Submitted by: AJ
From NY

By the way - love how McGarrett storms into the cryogenics lab yelling "FREEZE"!


Added: Wednesday 22 December 2010 15:15:59 PST

Submitted by: AJ
From NY

Sure, ringfire211, I've heard the nickname "Sonny" many times, thanks. I've also heard the nickname "Sunny" many times, too... referring to both male and female. My comment is just that given Gov. Jameson's explanation...

Oh, the hell with it -


Added: Wednesday 22 December 2010 15:14:17 PST

Submitted by: JulieS
From Australia

Steven - I just received Bonanza Season 2 Volume 1 and I agree that some of the episodes don't look. Considering that most of the episodes in this one are the public domain ones (which have been put out multiple times already) maybe they thought that since they didn't own them it wasn't worth fixing them up too much. However, the extras and commentaries make more than make up for the picture quality.

Added: Wednesday 22 December 2010 15:08:46 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

It sounds like "Sunny" but it's spelled "Sonny". As in "little son" or "sonny-boy".

Added: Wednesday 22 December 2010 14:38:57 PST

Submitted by: AJ
From NY

Mike: Minor thing, but I just watched "Frozen Assets", and given Governor Jameson's [sheepish] explanation to McGarrett about the nickname he was called by that "old biddy" that he was a "good-natured kid", etc., I think that the nickname used was "Sunny", not "Sonny", as you have it in your analysis.

Oh, but who gives a :!swear:

Merry Christmas!

Added: Wednesday 22 December 2010 14:32:00 PST

Submitted by: boris
From spfld ma

I'm going through s7 right now, and is it just me or is the writing getting weaker? In A Gun For McGarrett, Jenny happily brings that suspect plaque straight to the Man of the Year with glee. Really? Two reallys. Man of the Year? He's a cop. Also, no one to scan packages. They could have remedied this easily with a little work - made it a present from someone Steve knew, for example.

Now in Branch Office, aside from the absurdity of the whole thing (admittedly worth it for that shot of the faux-team in the faux-HQ), McG gets a call about the break in from Carter, "a new guy" from the paper's desk. And without any checking Steve just starts blabbing details of the case. When did he get so trusting and have so much time?

Maybe I've been overdoing it. It's been pretty much everyday now for a while. Maybe I need a little break.

Earlier episodes in this season were top notch, I thought - especially We Hang Our Own - but all of discs 1 and 2.

Added: Wednesday 22 December 2010 14:15:01 PST

Submitted by: Henry P Tercyak
From North Haven CT USA

I was walking through a Big Lots store yesterday and spotted H50 Seasons 3-7 on the shelf...........for $9.99 each!...ouch!

Added: Wednesday 22 December 2010 14:13:21 PST

Submitted by: Glenn
From Orlando, FL (USA)

I've been reading some negative reviews regarding the quality of the sound and video on the SEASON TEN set.

My question is, is it really THAT bad? I did have to send back my copy back to Amazon because the case that the discs are in was broken.

Anyway, any other comments on this set?

Added: Wednesday 22 December 2010 13:13:50 PST

Submitted by: Steven
From Miami

On a CBS/Paramount-related note, I wonder if they're taking a dump on all subsequent DVD releases. Five-O S10 looks like crud from all accounts--haven't even ordered my copy yet--and Bonanza season two--which I do have--is inconsistent at best, with some downright blurry picture quality. I've also been purchasing the Mannix sets and hope that the upcoming S4 of that show doesn't look like crap.

Added: Wednesday 22 December 2010 10:06:10 PST

Submitted by: Steven
From Miami

Seventh season top five:

5) The Hostage
4) A Woman's Work is with a Gun
3) We Hang Our Own
2) Computer Killer
1) Ring of Life

The worst season IMO, but these are still fun in a "This isn't Shakespeare" kind of way. :!cool:

Added: Wednesday 22 December 2010 10:03:47 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

Alright all you hip cats.... what are your TOP 5 picks for season 7?

My 5 for 7 would be:

1) "I'll Kill 'Em Again" - dir. Charles Dubin
2) "The Young Assassins" - dir. Bruce Bilson
3) "A Gun for McGarrett" - dir. Bruce Bilson
4) "Computer Killer" - dir. Alf Kjellin
5) "Bomb, Bomb, Who's Got the Bomb?" - dir. Allen Reisner

Added: Wednesday 22 December 2010 09:14:14 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From Joe Matsukino - Kinga Da Rackets.

“Next to Jerry and Chick, no one was more hip than those two cats - Joe 'n Harry!”

Right on, RingFire. Don’t think another cop show featured such hepsta cat gangstas as Joe Matsukino & Harry Cardonas. Theyse cool maan! :!cool:

They shoulda brought ole Joe Matsu back ala Big Chick or at least had another guest role for James Shigeta.

“I promised you - Oahu State Prison for life. Let’s Go”

Added: Tuesday 21 December 2010 23:36:53 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From Manhattan

Maxine: Good post. That may be a record for the most Five-O alumni in one movie!

(I was in Brooklyn tonight, and had a great time, but getting back on the N,R trains was grueling! An hour and ten minutes from Prospect to East Village!)

Added: Tuesday 21 December 2010 22:00:41 PST

Submitted by: Maxine
From Brooklyn

I was just watching the David Cronenberg movie THE DEAD ZONE from 1983 and it occurred to me that the three stars of that movie (minus the female lead) all starred in H50 episodes from its 2nd season - in fact, three different episodes that aired within a month of one another. Those stars are:

Christopher Walken ("Run, Johnny, Run")
Martin Sheen ("Cry, Lie")
Tom Skerritt ("Most Likely to Murder")

All of the above episodes were broadcast in Jan.-Feb. 1970.

To boot, THE DEAD ZONE also features Herbert Lom ("Highest Castle, Deepest Grave") and Anthony Zerbe ("Mother's Little Helper") in additional roles. How curious.

Added: Tuesday 21 December 2010 21:54:02 PST

Submitted by: Big City Gal
From NYC

A little H5O/Star Trek mash-up y'all might find fun....


Added: Tuesday 21 December 2010 19:24:49 PST

Submitted by: GK
From Millersville PA

Mr. Mike thanks for the additional insight on goofs from up the rebels. I actually laughed out loud when I saw the lead army guy come up over the hill and se hat he had foliage all over his helmet. It was like he got lost on his way to the deepest jungles of Viet Nam vs. standing out on the rocky volcanic beachhead of Hawaii !!! Points of absurdity... I did notice the gaff on the angles with the boat as well.

I have watched up through Descent of the Torches so far and am unbelievably unimpressed with the film transfers of Season 10. The colors are dull, there are lots of imperfections that I suppose were on the original maters that they (CBS) look as though they didn't want to bother cleaning up with digital technology. Shame as the bulk of the reissues up to this point were pretty amazing looking.

Added: Tuesday 21 December 2010 15:05:30 PST

Submitted by: Rick
From Newport Beach

Since James Conrad came up I can't help but go way off topic. Huge fan of The Wild, Wild, West... Dr. Miguelito Loveless and his assistant Antoinette... bit.ly/gS3ksg ...classic. What the hell has happened to TV?.

Added: Tuesday 21 December 2010 14:00:09 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

It may have been early 70s cheese but to me Rugolo's score sounded like something I would hear on CHARLIE'S ANGELS or HART TO HART which were late 70s shows. Hey, not everything in the late 70s was disco. Honestly I would have preferred disco to the schmaltzy Rugolo piece. :D

Added: Tuesday 21 December 2010 12:15:50 PST

Submitted by: Nadja
From Berlin

It's a guy's episode with all the racing stuff ;)

Added: Tuesday 21 December 2010 11:20:22 PST

Submitted by: Mark
From Denver

Tantalus is a good ep, has great shots of the Park Lane and Ricardo Montalban plays a good egotistical race car driver type.

Added: Tuesday 21 December 2010 10:48:31 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

I agree with Steven re Tantalus music. From my anal-ysis:

This show has an exceptional score by Pete Rugolo, especially in comparison to some other episodes this season which rely a lot on stock musical cues.

Added: Tuesday 21 December 2010 09:49:56 PST

Submitted by: Steven
From Miami

ringfire: I like Rugolo's score because it's *early* '70s cheese! You better get yer '70s straight! My "cut-off" point for most popular culture is 1975, which was when the scourge of Disco hit pop culture. The '70s of Richard Nixon, Watergate, Jon Pertwee's Doctor Who, The Persuaders!, the SLA, funk/jazz, and gritty "urban blight" thrillers like "The Seven Ups" is worlds away from all that post-JAWS, Farrah Fawcett hair, Star Wars, Saturday Night Fever, and Aaron Spelling/Fred Silverman produced shows as one could get.

When most people "remember" the '70s, it's the stuff that contaminated the second half of the decade--I oughta know; I was there! The second half of the 1970s was largely a bunch of escapist pap, wheras the first half had so much more going for it. 1970-75 are the '70s that time forgot!

Added: Tuesday 21 December 2010 09:47:50 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

Gotta disagree with you, Steven, on Pete Rugolo's score for "Tantalus Mountain". I was never a huge fan of that episode to begin with but the score in particular is pure late 70s cheese! Something you would hear on THE LOVE BOAT or HART TO HART. A very schmaltzy piece of music. Very bland and lethargic. To my ears anyway. Compare it to Mort's score from the previous episode "Death is a Company Policy" - a groovy and jazzy Lalo Schifrin-esque piece like something out of BULLITT or DIRTY HARRY. Very appropriate for Five-0.

Added: Tuesday 21 December 2010 09:12:40 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

"That’s the originale Five-O Christmas episode, 1968. So spend yo holidays swingin’ with Joe Matsukino n’ Harry Cardonas." -- I can dig that, Chick! Groooooooovy, maan! Next to Jerry and Chick, no one was more hip than those two cats - Joe 'n Harry! They flip me, maan!

Added: Tuesday 21 December 2010 09:06:59 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Interesting article about Hawaiian Eye, precursor to Hawaii Five-O:


I remember this show when it first came out around 1960, because that was when one of the local TV stations in Vancouver started up, and I recall it was in their programming lineup. I used to watch this show every week. I even made a parody of Hawaiian Eye called Alaskan Eye. Instead of the Robert Conrad character being called Tom Lopaka, he was called Tom Loparka.

It would be cool if this show was released on DVD, and Warner Archive, a subsidiary of Warner Brothers, has shown some signs that they may do this for older shows by releasing the second season of the Clint Walker western series Cheyenne as part of their made-to-order DVD service. However, the fact that Hawaiian Eye had up to 39 episodes in a season may cause some problems, because this means the DVDs would have to be released in two sets for a season rather than one.

The author of this article missed a Hawaiian connection with this article. Doug Mossman, sometimes Detective Frank Kamana (almost an official Five-O member) appeared in 45 episodes of Hawaiian Eye, according to IMDB. I recall reading on some WWW page that when Mossman went to work for Hawaiian Eye, he spent some of his time acting as a consultant on things Hawaiian as well as acting.

Some of the stars of Hawaiian Eye appeared on Family Feud back in the early 1980s when they had people from various TV shows competing for charitable causes (the others that I can recall being Batman, Gilligan's Island and Lost in Space). I think a couple of these shows are on recently-released DVDs of Family Feud. I remember one of the stars of Hawaiian Eye, Poncie Ponce, replying to a typical Family Feud question about "What would people do if they could get away with it?" with something like "Raping a woman"!

Added: Tuesday 21 December 2010 08:57:23 PST

Submitted by: Steven
From Miami

Speaking of "Death Wish on Tantalus Mountain", aside from Niki's insanely over-the-top explosion at the end--a big hit in this household--this episode has everything going for it: beautiful and colorful scenery and photography, a supremely "Mod" score by Pete Rugolo, and even John Stalker with long, out-of-control hair! LOVE this episode.

Oh, and Niki Pareno one more time:

"You treat people like DIRT!!! You treated my mother...like DIRT!!!! Auughhahhahahah!!!!!!" :D

Added: Tuesday 21 December 2010 07:51:37 PST

Submitted by: Bill
From Lantana Florida

In season 10, scenes that are supposedly at the airport, are filmed in the city of Honolulu. In the episode, My Friend, the Enemy, you'll see skyscrappers very close up to a person supposedly meeting someone at the airport.

Scenes filmed at Honolulu International were quite common through season 8 at least. What prompted the change?

Added: Tuesday 21 December 2010 05:57:14 PST

Submitted by: Nadja
From Berlin

KD, THANKS!! A very Happy Christmas to you, too.

And to you all: Merry Christmas, Mele Kalikimaka and wonderful holidays.

Added: Tuesday 21 December 2010 04:15:17 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From Have a Swingin' X-Mas, Dig

Thanx, KD. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to You and Everyone in the Five-O community. S’pecially our man Mr. Mike. Hope y’all find some Five-O dvds unda the Tree. (Hey - enjoy that Season 6 there, Otto)

Last couple of X-Massez, after all the festivities, Chicken would pop DeathWatch into the ole dvd player. That’s the originale Five-O Christmas episode, 1968. So spend yo holidays swingin’ with Joe Matsukino n’ Harry Cardonas.

Cause no one’s gonna nail anybody while you and me are swingin Joe. Ya gotta have charges, dig? :!rofl:

Added: Monday 20 December 2010 22:40:49 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From Manhattan

Thanks for the shout, KD. And season's greetings to you also. Let's have a little fun, get these holidays over with and launch a new and good year!!!

Added: Monday 20 December 2010 20:08:43 PST

Submitted by: KD MCGarrett
From no bickering or bromance yay

No Five-0 tonight so nothing to report. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all especially Mike, Kimo,Nadja, Otto, Big Chicken

Added: Monday 20 December 2010 19:43:35 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From The Dark Side

Thanks, Raymond from Burbank, good tidbit. I thought there might have been such an utterance, but wasn't sure.

Added: Monday 20 December 2010 19:34:09 PST

Submitted by: Raymond
From Burbank, CA

McG says, "Book 'em, Chin" in Bones Of Contention.

Added: Monday 20 December 2010 18:55:28 PST

Submitted by: Raymond
From Burbank, CA

My mistake. McG says, "Chin, Book 'em" in The Burning Ice not "Book 'em, Chin". Does that count?

Added: Monday 20 December 2010 18:49:47 PST

Submitted by: Raymond
From Burbank, CA

McG says, "Book 'em Chin" in The Burning Ice.

Added: Monday 20 December 2010 18:42:05 PST

Submitted by: JulieS
From Australia

In "You Don't Have to Kill to Get Rich - But It Helps" at the end when they are on the beach, McGarrett tells Ben "to book 'em".

The actual "book 'em Danno" is not in every episode and in reality was only said a few times each season. I guess somewhere along the way people got the impression that it was said at the end of every episode because it is so iconic.

Added: Monday 20 December 2010 16:13:33 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From NYC

Are there any episodes where McG says, "Book 'em, Chin." or Kono? probably not...

I've been 'booked' a couple of times, and man it's tedious. the actual booking process is a drag. You're thinking, "damn, you donut-eating pig, just throw me in the cell and leave me alone!!!"

Added: Monday 20 December 2010 16:02:33 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

It doesn't have to be at the end (the first "Book 'em, Danno" actually occurs well before the end of that show, actually). As well, this list is far from complete.

Added: Monday 20 December 2010 15:52:28 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From Jail

AJ: i think the "Book 'em" indicates that McG says it at the end of the episode. (some episodes don't include the signature line.)

Added: Monday 20 December 2010 15:16:50 PST

Submitted by: AJ
From NY

Mr Mike: What does the "BOOK 'EM" graphic mean, whenever it appears next to an episode title/rating in your analysis pages? Thanks...

Added: Monday 20 December 2010 11:40:53 PST

Submitted by: Mark
From Denver

"Why Wait Till Uncle Kevin Dies" is also a good episiode, I have the script for this one and it's fun to follow along through the scenes, they go pretty fast. It is also interesting to see the many changes in the script evidensed by the different colored pages, I assume this denoted a revision level. I don't know whose script it was, there are no handwritten notes inside, or name on the cover.

Added: Monday 20 December 2010 09:27:02 PST

Submitted by: Big City Gal
From NYC

A quick programming note to pass along for the Jim MacArthur fans here....

Turner Classic Movies will be doing a Disney Movie Marathon Sunday, December 26th. They will be airing "Swiss Family Robinson" at noon and "The Age of Believing: The Disney Live Action Classics" at 6:30pm. I'm not sure how much screen time JMac gets in the Disney piece (which was taped in 2008), but it should be an interesting doc none the less.

Been YEARS since I have seen "Swiss Family Robinson." Should be fun, but a little sad too. <sigh>

Added: Monday 20 December 2010 08:46:02 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

Yep, "Hookman" is definitely better than DIRTY HARRY. And Mort's score can give Lalo Schifrin a run for his money.

Added: Monday 20 December 2010 08:11:44 PST

Submitted by: Mark
From Denver

Recently watched "One Big Happy Family" again, a good episode in general but mt favorite part is the end scene in McGarretts' office. That look on Steves face as he tries to wrap his mind around Ma telling him "It don't count with strangers" and "It ain't stealin' if they was dead" A true WTF moment in McGarretts head....Priceless!

Added: Monday 20 December 2010 08:07:55 PST

Submitted by: Rick
From Newport Beach

Bill, I'm curious that you think Five-0 "Jumped The Shark" with ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY... then you rate it number 1 of your top five. Isn't "JTS" the low point where a show loses it's way?

Added: Sunday 19 December 2010 21:33:02 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From NYC

Ringfire: No worries, i was just stickin' up for JulieS, searching for a possible reason why she woulda left it out. I would personally say that HOOKMAN is better than Dirty Harry, and i love Dirty Harry! But c'mon, nothing can beat the Hookman.

And i can't comment on Season Six yet because i won't have it for another five days!!! I know, I know, why am i so late??? (but think what i have to look forward to!!)

Added: Sunday 19 December 2010 20:38:02 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

Otto, I was just joking about "Hookman". ;) I respect everyone's opinions regarding their TOP 5. And while "Hookman" does seem to have a strong "man's man" type of feel I just think it's a dynamite kick-ass episode that will be enjoyed by members of any gender. Or any lover of Five-0. And I know that our fellow Aussie Julie is a REAL Five-0 fan. About that I've no doubt. But seriously, watching "Hookman" is like watching DIRTY HARRY or something. It's almost too good for the small screen. As is Mort's score.

Added: Sunday 19 December 2010 20:05:05 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

Yeah, the ending of "Nightmare in Blue" is nothing short of fantastic. McG just basically killed a monster - a predator who could not be cured. The only cure was a bullet. And I love the freeze-frame on the rapist's sunglasses! That kind of magic would never be duplicated again on the show. That's why I thought that season 7 showed a slight dip. The classic Five-0 edge slowly started disappearing. It's the classic endings to episodes like this one or "One Big Happy Family" or "Hookman" or "Trouble in Mind" that really leaves the audience shaken. Nothing more needs to be said. It's all there on the screen. That type of classic ending is what was lacking in other cop shows of the time - I distinctly remember every episode of STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO (another show that I quite liked) ending with some lame dialogue/banter between Karl Malden and Michael Douglas about random crap - how the SF Giants are playing, how unhealthy hot dogs are, how Malden needs to get out more and meet new people, etc. :D All that "buddy-boy" nonsense used to drive me up the wall. Sure am glad that Five-0 didn't bog down with crap dialogue like that.

Added: Sunday 19 December 2010 19:57:32 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Canadian perspective. This guy REALLY likes Blue Bloods, by the way.


I thought the new Hawaii Five-O, which is doing just a shade better on Global, was going to be a scenic, sun-drenched joy ride, a buddy cop show with stoic Alex O’Loughlin and second-generation charmer Scott Caan trading barbs while watching each other’s backs, and Grace Park and Daniel Dae Kim along as ethnic eye-candy.

But O’Loughlin, with only one discernible facial expression, has left Caan to do all the heavy lifting, and the repetitive strain has started to show.

The writing has become paint-by-numbers obvious, something the endless sweeping fly-bys of Hawaiian land and cityscapes can no longer disguise.

If you want to see what it could have been, I would point you to NCIS: Los Angeles, a second-season show I am watching every week, along with just under 2 million others (in fact, only about 20,000 fewer than are watching Hawaii 5-O).

Added: Sunday 19 December 2010 16:42:40 PST

Submitted by: JulieS
From Australia

Mr. Mike: No I haven't seen that episode yet. For the most part I have seen bits and pieces of the new series which I was all in favour of until I heard the news that AOL had been cast as McGarrett. Since then I had some concerns about the new show and from what I've seen and heard it looks like a run-of-the-mill US cop show with more action than usual. When it finally makes it to air here in early February there will be some initial interest but whether or not it will be sustained is another thing. Our top rated show here last was Master Chef and the highest rated US show was an episode of NCIS. Programmers here are pretty ruthless if a show gets low ratings it's dropped immediately so the new version of the H50 will have to be pretty good.

As for the Aussie accent - I speak the generalised one that most of us speak including AOL. The type Crocodile Dundee and Steve Irwin spoke is the broad one and the other type is cultured which is close to the English accent. As for Don Knight and all the others who played Aussie on the original show - they sounded nothing like us.

Added: Sunday 19 December 2010 16:39:15 PST

Submitted by: Bill
From Lantana Florida

The best season 6 episodes IMHO

1 One Big Happy Family
2 Draw me a Killer
3 Hookman
4 Death with Father
A tie for 5- Nightmare in Blue and The Finishing Touch

I still hold to the belief that the show jumped the shark with OBHF. Seasons 7 and 8 were good but lacked highlights, 9 had great shows but some very bad ones also, Season 10 was even worse. I like Invitation to Murder, Descent of the Torches and Up the Rebels, but there's too many stinkers. Five-0 peaked at the beginning of season six.

Added: Sunday 19 December 2010 15:33:16 PST

Submitted by: Bill
From Lantana Florida

Here's a website with lots of photos going back 32 years of Jean Marie Hon, the actress who played Suzy Kelly in A Death in the Family


The website owner(Jean Marie's husband, I think ex) has a tag for Jean Marie Hon. Go and look yourself, if you're interested.

Added: Sunday 19 December 2010 15:27:14 PST

Submitted by: AJ
From NY

For the longest time I thought that the episode with Chin's death was in fact the last episode of the series for some reason... I guess my interest in the series trailed off in 1978 (after I discovered music and became immersed in it), and I didn't know that two more seasons followed.

So, even if the release dates of last 2 seasons are indefinitely delayed, I pretty much have the whole thing already as I remember it!

(Not that I won't get S11 & S12 when & if they do come.)

Well, getting ready to watch Jets - Steelers now..... :!cool:

Added: Sunday 19 December 2010 12:54:20 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From Our Man Steve-O

Hey Raymond, that’s a great observation about “Nightmare In Blue.” McGarrett’s ‘cold-hearted’ line that "there's nothing to talk about” definitely adds to the jolt that ends that ep. Gotta say that NIB still packs a wallop. It remains pretty powerful and provocative, even by today’s standards.

I agree with you that we usually get a more “touchey-feeley” approach from our television policeman. But, man, ain’t no other cop like Steve McGarrett.

Added: Sunday 19 December 2010 11:53:52 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Some bits and pieces:

Does anyone know what Costigan says at the end of the show in Gaelic? Presumably it is "Up the rebels."

Rick, thanks for the clarification re "aku." The subtitles translate this as "a nakoo head."

I don't know how many episodes McGarrett snapped his fingers, to reply to someone way back there. In the current DVD season (10) there are several such instances; I gave up paying attention to the snapping.

GK, another goof at the beginning of the Up the Rebels, pointed out to me by Jeff. The helicopter with the explosives flies right over the bad scuba divers who are waiting below the rocks (and probably their rubber dinghy too) ... but the helicopter doesn't see them? Also, when the black soldier with camouflage (ugh, what a hard word to spell!) gear looks at the boat ferrying the scuba divers and the explosives away from the scene, the POV has him looking at the back of the boat, but in the next scene, he is looking at the SIDE of the boat with binoculars.

With regard to when the next season will appear, I am getting some vibes that it may not be as soon as we thought. Hope it isn't the rights for Number One With A Bullet that are causing problems! (This last comment is a totally unfounded rumour, you realize.) ;)

Check out the C/H/Q Paper Products blog (http://www.mjq.net/fiveo/chqblog.htm), the writing team is currently "out of town"...

Added: Sunday 19 December 2010 11:43:30 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Julie, have you seen the current episode where Danno's wife appears? Just curious what do you think of her accent, since she is an Aussie. I asked Chrissie, our resident "English" expert, and she had lots to say about this:

The Manchester reference was jarring for me. She sounded like a cultured English type. People from Manchester have broad, regional accents. One example: Daphne from Frazier. IRL she's a Londonder but she did a very good Manchester accent. If you see Coronation St, the soap, most of the people in it talk like she does. Another example -- Don Knight in one of the mid-run Five-O eps. The one where he's calling everyone 'love' every other word, if you know which one I mean as I can't place if offhand. Don was born in Manchester. It was his real accent. In other eps he's doing other accents like Aussie or Cockney. But this one is the real him. And a point of interest on that. In the UK, 'love' is a common regional address but GENERALLY -- say around here, the Midlands, or down in London, a bloke will only call a woman 'love', whereas women use it indiscriminately. BUT, you do get guys from Manchester -- some, not all -- who address other men as love. So that was a very accurate regional touch in the show... my guess is that Don himself improvised or suggested it. (I think he used it, although more sparingly, in another ep too, so he probably did it IRL.)

Anyhow... I didn't know she was Aussie, so I watched the show and I registered her as English. More: I didn't think, 'This is someone [possibly American] doing a UK accent' -- I more or less assumed she WAS English to the extent I gave it any thought at all. That was my impression without close scrutiny. Cultured upper-middle-class English woman.

Although, as I guess you know, Aus accent is about 75% English anyway. And it comes in flavours. There's the Crocodile Dundee broad drawl (kinda like someone from the Deep South of the US, I suppose), to middling accents right to accents that sound about 95% like cultured English with just the TINIEST twang of Aussie around the edges. (Harold Bishop in the Aus soap Neighbours is a good example of latter.) If she has a middling to light accent, it'd be pretty easy to hide it completely.

Added: Sunday 19 December 2010 11:38:19 PST

Submitted by: Sylvia
From Classic TV Land

Top Season 6, in no particular order:

1. Hookman
2. Draw Me a Killer
3. One Big Happy Family
4. Why Wait Until Uncle Kevin Dies? (I got the feeling the attorney character was another attempt at some sort of spinoff.....)
5. Death With Father

Also: Secret Witness and Nightmare in Blue

Added: Sunday 19 December 2010 10:38:26 PST

Submitted by: Steven
From Miami

Nadja wrote: "...the only episode I would call a real guy's guy episode is "Death wish on Tantalus Mountain" from season 5."

One of my favorites!

"You treat people like DIRT!!! You treated my mother...like DIRT!!!! Auughhahhahahah!!!!!!" :D

Added: Sunday 19 December 2010 08:13:01 PST

Submitted by: Rick
From Newport Beach

Mike, from your analysis of UP THE REBELS... "Foley uses a peculiar expression to Ryan: I wouldn't give >an aku< head for your life." ...aku is the local name for skipjack, a low grade tuna.

BTW... It's also the fish (not bonito) purchased at Oahu Market at the begining of Twenty-Four Karat Kill.

Added: Sunday 19 December 2010 07:57:07 PST

Submitted by: Nadja
From Berlin

Actually, I'm not a friend of that list thing. There are episodes that I like more than others but I couldn't bring it in a specific order.
But I think "Hookman" is an excellent episode, it has a really good plot, it's very tense and the music is great.
I don't think it's a real guy's guy episode.
Actually the only episode I would call a real guy's guy episode is "Death wish on Tantalus Mountain" from season 5 ;)

Added: Sunday 19 December 2010 03:42:41 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From Adelaide

JulieS: Fair Dinkum!!!

Added: Sunday 19 December 2010 00:29:14 PST

Submitted by: JulieS
From Australia

Otto - if I followed my female tendancies then all the top 5 episodes for each season would be those that feature Danny Williams prominently. ;)

Added: Sunday 19 December 2010 00:21:41 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From point of no return

Ringfire: I agree with you about HOOKMAN (i always love your take on 5-O). In fact, it might be in my top five of all of Five-O, partly out of sentiment, because i watched it with my brother on its original air date, but mostly because it kicks ass.

However, you DID ask people their opinions, and the only person so far who didn't include it was JulieS. Now ya gotta admit that it's a real guy's guy episode. My wife LOVES Five-O but she tends to like it more when it features strong, interesting or funny female characters. Not to mention that you know that JulieS is our Aussie ally in the ways of the REAL Five!!! Cut her some slack, bro! --O.M.

Added: Saturday 18 December 2010 23:35:59 PST

Submitted by: AJ
From NY

Mike: Based on the previous frquency of releases, when do you think the last two seasons will be released?

Added: Saturday 18 December 2010 22:20:23 PST

Submitted by: Raymond
From Burbank, CA

I agree with BC about Nightmare In Blue. The line I remember most about that episode is the one spoken by McG during the ending scene. Someone tells McG that one of the previous rape victims was willing to speak to him after earlier refusing to. And McG replied, "there's nothing to talk about". For some reason I found that line to be very cold hearted. Most cop shows would of wrote something nice like, "Oh...how is she doing? Tell her she doesn't need to worry anymore....how's she feeling" and touchy stuff like that. In a sense he was telling her, "we caught him, no thanks to you.".

Added: Saturday 18 December 2010 20:35:48 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

I seriously have to question one's sanity for not including the great "Hookman" in their TOP 5 for season 6. ;) I mean it's worth being in the top 5 just for Mort's Emmy-winning score alone.

Added: Saturday 18 December 2010 13:19:04 PST

Submitted by: Rick
From Newport Beach

Ha! ...interesting censorship/blocking software.

Added: Saturday 18 December 2010 09:04:16 PST

Submitted by: Rick
From Newport Beach

Yes, some details of REBELS plot are far fetched. Can be said of most eps, no?. I'm half Irish, went to Catholic elementary school. The schoolyard scene with McG and Costigan is a favorite of mine. Great cat and mouse game. You can sense McG's suspicion ...did he throw out the Latin just to see if the "priest" would know the phrase?

McGarrett: "Dominus vobiscum" (The Lord be with you)
Fr Costgan: "Et * * * spiritu tuo" (And with thy spirit)

Added: Saturday 18 December 2010 08:57:27 PST

Submitted by: Elaine
From Watertown, MA

Just received Season 10 from Amazon and watched "Up The Rebels" last night. Overall, it was an okay episode although I have to agree that there are some plot flaws big enough to drive a semi through in the beginning. I'm not Catholic and it's been years since I read anything in Latin, so I would like to know what McGarrett said to Father Costigan in Latin, and then what Costigan replied, also in Latin. Can someone please translate for me?

It was good to see Stephen Boyd. He was a very good actor, but he looked frail in that episode...not the robust Masalla from Ben-Hur that I remembered so well. I know he died very young...he looked gaunt and very very thin in that episode....I suspect he wasn't all that well. I found the ending a bit lame...I mean...I agree that the boat didn't look seaworthy enough to go around Cape Horn but I was more surprised that Costigan made NO attempt to get away! He was portrayed as a ruthless Irish Rebel who wouldn't think twice about blowing up a school bus full of innocent children, and yet, he gave up without a fight, without a fuss...not a shot fired. Would someone with his reputation for violence give up that easily? But maybe the producers were katowing to the "too much violence" on TV critics. Oh, well, I look forward to watching another episode tonight!

I hate the cover of the DVD...they've done some strange things to the photo of Jack Lord. I know there was some discussion about this earlier, how CBS was doctoring the photo. Looks like they changed JL's eyebrows, his mouth and his eyes! I cannot imagine why they would want to do this, unless they were hoping to punish the faithful for being so critical of their new lame duck, HF-zero. Just a cynical thought on my part since they must certainly know by now that Jack was the Man and AOL is unimpressive as The New Man on the Rock!

Added: Saturday 18 December 2010 08:25:13 PST

Submitted by: Edward
From Vancouver

Have enjoyed the show until tonite.
Just watched the Christmas episode which had one of the lamest plots of the series so far. Twice, individuals went into dangerous situations with no backup and both times it cost them dearly. Robbing the Police station of the $10 Million contrary to standing policy of no negotiating with terrorists. Give me a break.I have a great imagination and am ready to believe a lot but this was just plain stupid. These writers shouldn't be quitting their day jobs.

Added: Friday 17 December 2010 22:25:51 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From The Roost

Chick’s Top 5 from 6:

1) Hookman, man
2) Draw Killer
3) Death With Father
4) Nightmare Blue
5) Taxin Affair

Nightmare in Blue was actually the first ep the young Chick ever seen. I still remember how mind blowin it was - so much better than all the other cop shows I’d been watchin up to that point in my young life. From that day on I was hooked on The Five, A Lifer. It was real special seein it again on the DVD.

Added: Friday 17 December 2010 21:39:21 PST

Submitted by: JulieS
From Australia

I'm currently watching season 5 in production order and soon will be up to season 6.

Top 5 favourites from season 6 (in no particular order)

Draw Me a Killer
The $100,000 Nickel
The Flip Side Is Death
Death with Father
30,000 Rooms and I Have the Key

Added: Friday 17 December 2010 21:33:04 PST

Submitted by: boris
From spfld ma

I recently watched this season and there were 7 standouts and a few more I really liked. But here's the top five:

1. Death with Father
2. Mother's Deadly Helper
3. Hookman
4. One Big Happy Family
5. The Finishing Touch

I understand how great Draw Me a Killer and Nightmare in Blue are - but these are my personal top five favorites and therefore somewhat subjectivo.

Added: Friday 17 December 2010 17:59:09 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From NYC

damn, Season Six won't be in my hands until one week from tonight. but i have Hookman and Draw Me on an old worn-out VHS and they are up there with the best episodes!

Added: Friday 17 December 2010 14:44:48 PST

Submitted by: Steve
From UK

Just received Season 10 and am pretty disappointed with the so called remastering - aside from a handful of episodes, the majority have pretty dull colours and are lacking the sharp crisp images of earlier DVD releases. I'd not seen any episodes from this season prior to receiving this set; just the odd few minutes of episodes in re-runs. Have to say that 'Up The Rebels' is an excellent episode - I was genuinely surprised that such a decent episode could come from a Season I'd previously dismissed. As for Season 6; top 5 as follows: 1. Hookman; 2. One Big Happy Family; 3. The Sunday Torch; 4. Death With Father; 5. Draw Me A Killer

Added: Friday 17 December 2010 12:15:54 PST

Submitted by: Dave Rogers
From salem, massachusetts

S6 top 5 - the last truly amazing season of the series

1. one big happy family
2. draw me a killer
3. hookman
4. nightmare in blue
5. mother's deadly helper

bottom of the barrel:
$100,000 nickel
30,000 rooms and i have the key

100k nickel is one of my least favs of all time. horrible!!!!!

Added: Friday 17 December 2010 12:00:18 PST

Submitted by: Steve's Girl
From Germany

My S6 Top Five:

Draw Me a Killer
Mother's Deadly Helper
One Big Happy Family
Why Wait Till Uncle Kevin Dies?/ Nightmare in Blue

Added: Friday 17 December 2010 10:36:50 PST

Submitted by: Rick
From Newport Beach


HOOKMAN ...Curt Stoner is not much of a talker. He found a different way to express himself.
ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY ...one of the most violent eps, but with an undertone of some very dark humor.
TRICKS ARE NOT TREATS ...I think this one's a classic. Duke to McG: "The ho's are back on the stroll!"
WHY WAIT UNTIL UNCLE KEVIN DIES? ...the smarmy head of Reversions, Inc. thinks that he is so much smarter than Steve McGarrett. He's not.
ONE BORN EVERY MINUTE ...powerful scene when Harry Maguire (Michael Strong) figures out he's been conned. I think Strong delivers one of the all time best guest performances.

Added: Friday 17 December 2010 10:17:27 PST

Submitted by: Steven
From Miami

Sixth Season Top Five:

5) Murder is a Taxing Affair
4) Draw Me a Killer
3) Secret Witness
2) Hookman
1) Death with Father

"Death with Father" is not only my favorite episode of the sixth season, it's also in my all-time Five-O top ten.

Added: Friday 17 December 2010 09:34:51 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

Ok, let's have a change of pace from this race nonsense. So we're up to our TOP 5 episodes from the great season 6!

Here are my 5 for 6:

1) "Hookman" - dir. Allen Reisner
2) "Draw Me a Killer" - dir. Charles Dubin
3) "Nightmare in Blue" - dir. Michael O'Herlihy
4) "Secret Witness" - dir. Michael O'Herlihy
5) "Mother's Deadly Helper" - dir. Douglas Green

And of course it pains me to leave out my other favorites of the season: One Big Happy Family, Murder is a Taxing Affair, A Bullet for El Diablo, 30,000 Rooms and I Have the Key.

Added: Friday 17 December 2010 08:46:09 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From Outside The Box

“The worst thing to come out of this absolutely wretched show is the fact that fans of Hawaii Five-O have to add the word "original" or "classic" to the title.”

You hit it, Steven. That’s how I felt with this downgrade doppelganger out there masqueradin as the Five-O, especially so on the “bastardizations of beloved characters.” Well said, man. Thanks.

Added: Friday 17 December 2010 07:03:04 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From '68-'80


Good comment, but no qualifications for Five-O necessary. Just ignore the fake and it will go away soon enough!

Added: Friday 17 December 2010 05:38:35 PST

Submitted by: Steven
From Miami

I hereby declare the day after a Five Zero episode airs as "Damage Control Tuesday", when supporters of the program serve as coconut shell jockstraps; awkwardly covering up their beloved show's deficiencies with half-hearted praise and mindlessly defending the numerous torture montages, piss-filter photography, and sad bastardizations of beloved characters who once had these very same names, only with much betetr scripts, music, scenery, and above all--perfomers.

The worst thing to come out of this absolutely wretched show is the fact that fans of Hawaii Five-O have to add the word "original" or "classic" to the title.

Added: Friday 17 December 2010 05:09:18 PST

Submitted by: KD MCGarrett
From book em Nadja...

I concur with the view that they should have had a Hawai'ian lead instead of rebooting. I do think that there is an issue about having or rather taking a risk on a non haole.

Seriously Dwayne Johnson would have made an amazing lead. The man has screen presence and could have carried the show playing a new lead but they lost the chance and chose to just reboot;AOL lacks the flair and his MCG is forced..he tries his best but its just not that appealing, although Monday's show allowed him to showcase and channel emotion. I am sure the Producers follow this page because they made a very overt reference to seatbelts in the last show lol

This is not Hawaii Five 0..there was a magic, and no matter which way you slice it there is no way they can recapture that magic not with these scripts and cast.

Added: Thursday 16 December 2010 19:51:04 PST

Submitted by: KD MCGarrett is back to book miscreants...
From wow so much posting about racism lalalal

Breaking the status quo. Kam Fong's son was in Monday's episode playing Duke Lukela although I don't recall if his name was even mentioned, but he played Herman Wedemeyer's role.

They should give Dennis Chan a recurring role just like the original. And man he resembles his father Kam Fong so it was a good touchpoint. Although, Monday's show was explosive and actually quite good let's be honest consistency has been a big problem so far.

Scott may have won an award but I think at some stage the bickering needs to stop and MCG needs to put Danno on a plane back to the mainland lol...

Added: Thursday 16 December 2010 19:41:14 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From Seattle, Washington

“A cop show is absolutely about enforcing the power structure. You can argue that race and class have nothing to do with it, but that would be foolish.”

Heather, I don’t want to close my eyes to realities of race and class but if you gonna watch a police show from a certain social-political viewpoint, I don’t think you gonna enjoy it. I think you bring your own political view point to your analysis and I would contend it is not the intent of Five-O’s creators to illustrate that McGarrett and Williams are superior police cause their white dudes or that Hawaiian cops are second rate and can’t assume command. You’ll recall that while he only a team member on Five-O, Duke was in a command position and was often in charge on the HPD side of things while working with Steve.

I never got the impression you and Hans did that Chin and Kono weren’t up to snuff with Steve and Danno. I would agree with Jennifer and ringfire that, race and ethnicity aside, Kam and Zulu were character actors and Chin and Kono as written were conceived as supporting roles. Zulu is a portly fellow and Kam be middle-aged, Jack & J-Mac were obviously the more Hollywood leadin men types.

As far as examples of progressivism, I think Jennifer’s extensive post illustrates a great many examples. Thanks Jennifer for a most illuminating post! I would also reference our man Hans points about McGarrett and the issue of gun control.

Watching the mid-seasons, I always thought Ben woulda made a great Five-O head. Al’s portrayal seemed to convey both toughness and compassion. He was tall, athletic, and I could envision him in the lead role.

But it’s 2010, where’s the Hawaiian head of the “reimagined” Five-O? Guess imaginations be limited, huh? Why no political critique of the “new show,” Heather? The Haoles still runnin things at the palace, Kono and Chin still the B team. They’ve added a female team member but in a very 70’s respect she’s mostly relegated to providing the requisite eye candy. Seems the new Kono is not faring much better than our own beloved Officer Welles. Oh, Sandi………(sigh)

Added: Thursday 16 December 2010 18:31:50 PST

Submitted by: JulieS
From Australia

RobertScorpio: There may be a number of reasons why they are selling it now e.g. they may have a lot of people ask about it. If it was because of the new version of the show (as you are obviously hinting at) then why aren't they selling the other seasons as well? You would think that they would cash in on the supposed success of the new series as much as they possibly could.

I suspect the rush to get the rest of the original series out on DVD is a marketing ploy to make sure that the first season of the new version when it is put out on DVD has no competition.

Added: Thursday 16 December 2010 17:32:36 PST

Submitted by: RobertScorpio
From san diego

For the first time since season-one of the original season came out, the Target where I live (San Diego) just started selling Season 9 and season 10 (40$ american). Gee I wonder why they decided to do that?? Hmmmmmmmmm.....


Added: Thursday 16 December 2010 16:10:30 PST

Submitted by: JulieS
From Australia

Just got notification from Amazon that they have shipped my copy of season 10 but I will still probably have wait until the New Year to receive due to the public holidays we will be having.

Added: Thursday 16 December 2010 15:46:26 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From NYC

Hans, you didn't read my comment closely enough, or even your own, for that matter. But i do agree that this is enough, my man.

Added: Thursday 16 December 2010 15:28:10 PST

Submitted by: Hans
From Boston

“Now, where Five-O probably rubs people the wrong way is they made no attempt to be politically correct (the black pimps, racy language). And we can debate whether that is a good or bad thing but it is a fact.”

There is a difference between being “politically correct” and being accurate. Being PC is a negative; it’s going overboard, being overly sensitive and going way too far the other way and it's as easy to play the PC card as it is to play the race card.

I just picked up on some subtle racism that was all too common at the time. The same way there was a time the only way most blacks could get acting jobs was to play maids, pimps, drug dealers, criminals or hookers. That is a fact. And while some were in real life, it was way too far stereotyped on TV and movies. The majority of Americans at that time felt uncomfortable with minorities in positions of power and success and TV reflected that all too often. And as of fairly recently, if you wanted to kill a successful TV show, all you had to do was introduce an interracial couple. That's why they didn't, because they wanted their show to stay on the air, fair enough, but that was a reality.

I know this has become a snooze and I apologize, it’s a downer to discuss. Enough... And I’m sorry to Otto who is sickened at the thought that racism is a reality for some people. I’m obviously in the minority here (no pun intended).

Added: Thursday 16 December 2010 14:33:10 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From New York

Blu-ray Five-O is in indicator of the show's continued popularity. The regular DVDs look pretty damn good though.

Hans, your comment: "Racism is reality Otto, at least when you’re not white." is whiny and sickening. Truly beneath my limited intelligence.

Added: Thursday 16 December 2010 13:21:01 PST

Submitted by: Jeff
From Denver

Classic HAWAII FIVE-O can now be purchased for home viewing in High Definition (aka blu-ray quality).

Apparently, iTunes recently started selling the first 3 seasons of the classic series for download, with the option of either SD or HD. An SD season goes for $29.99 and an HD season goes for $45.99 (not surprising, since blu-ray DVDs generally go for a premium price as well). You can also get individual episodes, but they are $2.99 a pop in HD.

If you have Apple TV (and there may be other devices as well), you can view your HD downloads on your HDTV (no discs!), much like can be done with Netflix.

Anyhow, I thought this was pretty cool news for those of us who enjoyed seeing the show in HD a few months back when Spike TV ran them. At least the ITunes downloads are uncut!

Added: Thursday 16 December 2010 10:19:14 PST

Submitted by: Jennifer
From USA

Post 2 of 2

3. Minorities were cast in the bad guy roles. Ok, I know this is a point that some people have trouble with (all minorities were gang members) but I remember a comment made on this guestbook that all the bad guys in the new show are white, Eastern European and wondered if they were afraid to portray minorities in bad guy roles. Five-O showed that there are good and bad people of all races and Five-O judged people by their actions not their race. Wo Fat was Chinese (even if the actor wasn’t) but Steve respected his intelligence and cunning and treated him like an equal; an equal that to be stopped but an equal. Enemies weren’t dehumanized but were respected for their skills and taken seriously as threats.
4. They were many multi-racial couples/marriages on the show and it was treated as normal expect with that clearly racist family in “One Big Happy Family.”
5. Individual episodes were sympathetic to different cultures and to the Hawaiian people. Hawaiian concerns about the overdevelopment of their native land were shown. Racist comments were made to Kono and Chin, or in their hearing, that showed some of the stuff they had to put up with. Remember the one guy not wanting Chin to touch him, or when a Japanese woman was raped they showed some of the cultural shame she had to deal with, or the black soldier who had a racist commanding officer?
6. “No one is above the law!” Steve’s motto and a belief he lived out. If you guilty he would prove it. If you were innocent he go to bat for you (the Hawaiian accused of shooting a shore officer, anyone?). Didn’t matter what race the suspect was.

Now, where Five-O probably rubs people the wrong way is they made no attempt to be politically correct (the black pimps, racy language). And we can debate whether that is a good or bad thing but it is a fact.

Also, it’s been mentioned but you can’t overlook the fact that Five-O was created with the star system in mind. Yes, it probably never crossed the producers mind to cast anyone but a white man in the role of Steve McGarrett. But they made Jack Lord the star and the show was written to give him the best lines, scenes, etc. So blame the system for not giving Chin, Kono, Ben, Duke, and Truck more to do.

Was Five-O perfect? By no means, but I think it combated racism in its own unique way.

Added: Thursday 16 December 2010 09:51:05 PST

Submitted by: Jennifer
From USA

Post 1 of 2:

I usually just lurk but I hope you don’t mind if I add something to this discussion.

There is a different between being overt and covert about something and I think Five-O was much better at covertly supporting equality, aka they never came out and championed it but the show had aspects to it that showed that people who were different where people too. Think of the difference between Lord of the Rings and the Chronicles of Narnia; both encouraged Christian morals and ideas, but one could read Lord of the Rings and not pick up on that fact while with Narnia the connections were impossible to miss.

A few things that I think support this:
1. There were native Hawaiians, people of Chinese descent on the team. Really I don’t think we can discount this considering the show was started in 1968! I read Leonard Freeman insisted and fought for having Hawaiians on the show and he won. Yes, Chin, Kono, et al had supporting roles but they were still portrayed as valuable members of the team. When they were joking around in the office they treated the same as any other character. When Chin and Duke were accused of taking bribes Steve went to bat for them. When Kono and Danny were kidnapped, Steve responded in the same way for both the Hawaiian and the white character. The Five-O team portrayed a team of different races who were very loyal to one another. By portraying people of different races working together for the greater good it has a normalizing affect on the viewer which is an effective way to combat racism.
2. Five-O portrayed minorities in professional roles: Che Fong, lawyers, doctors…Roles that required some smarts for the individual to hold them. I would argue that Che Fong was portrayed as one of the smartest character on the show.

Added: Thursday 16 December 2010 09:48:36 PST

Submitted by: GK
From Millersville PA

Mike Said: Up the Rebels -- this is a very good show, but there are some questions:

Just got season 10 last night and watched this episode, and a couple of ridiculous moments that jumped out at me were:

1. How were these wet suit clad rebels able to sneak up on a secret loading site for such a highly volatile classified explosive ?

2. On a windswept rocky beach front these clowns are able to throw a hand held sleeping gas grenade that just "happens" to knock all the army lackeys out but when they approach the truck to steal the contraband they don't appear to have gas masks on, and they aren't knocked out by the gas which is still noticeably wafting around through the air.

3. The girl while driving with Father Costigan asks him why he had to kill Ryan and the guy that tried to blackmail and then freaks out and asks what he'll do to her if she being a tactical risk (something like that), and then minutes later on the dock of the boat while they are loading up she suddenly wants to go with him and has no future and wants him.

Overall a good episode, but as always fatally flawed when it comes to reasonable logic and common sense in the story lines quite often...

The good news is, I've been watching the entire back catalog of another of my favorite 70's cop shows, Starsky and Hutch, and many of those episodes got absolutely BRUTAL after Season 2. Often many were just ridiculously laughable in terms of plot devices, story lines, and campy trite dialog most of the time that they are are hard to watch without literally laughing out loud at their absurdity. At least Five O remained fairly "watchable" up to and through Season 10. For a long running series like that, that's a pretty solid accomplishment.

Added: Thursday 16 December 2010 09:44:55 PST

Submitted by: Hans
From Boston

Whoever said Jack Lord shouldn’t have been the star Ringfire? I’ve always thought he was the show and it would have worked regardless who was the supporting cast. The Pilot was top shelf without James and they hardly missed a beat without Zulu as much as those guys did contribute to the show. There is just this underlying theme that the minorities were not as capable as the white guys on the original show, perhaps art imitating life. Like the same way the NFL was afraid of black quaterbacks and coaches for so long. Either it was assumed they are not as smart or could be out of fear that they actually are just as capable. It was the mindset I grew up in that puzzled me since I can remember.

BC, from what I’ve seen of the new show they are asking way more of the other 3 in terms of acting performances than the original 3. I guess it’s tough to compare because they knew the limitations of the local actors and didn’t ask as much of them. James was a very good actor but I think Scott Caan is on another level, his character might be annoying but he’s got major skills, to the point he out shines the rest of the cast in the episodes I saw.

Added: Thursday 16 December 2010 09:28:18 PST

Submitted by: boris
From spfld ma

to kimo when he gets back from the restroom:

i love, love the fact the show is in your state. All I'm saying is that I bet Jack, Lenny, and Morty could still make a show I'd love in Phoenix or Milwaukee.

Added: Thursday 16 December 2010 09:06:26 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From Steve McGarrett Country

My apologies Hans for mis-categorizing your arguments as one dimensional, man. As you say, Chicken been a bit one dimensional hisself at times. I freely concede my fanatic, dogmatic support for the Real Five-O. Guilty as charged, friends.

Heather, you got good points about ‘the Box,” I’ll concede that. But I still never seen another TV cop other than Stevie Mac go to the mat for prison reforms. But thanks for extending to me those special “Big Chicken” privileges. :)

I agree with you both on Duke, who I always thought shoulda been elevated to Danno status for Season 12, if not just cause he Duke but for the sake of continuity for the Five-O fan base.

But Hans, better actin in the Five-Zero? Really? Let’s skip the fact of you sellin Kam Fong & Zulu way, way short. Where’s the love for J-Mac, my brother? Even an ardent Jack Lord worshipper like myself gotta admit that one of the factors that made Jack’s portrayal so good was he had James to play off of. MacArthur is often overlooked because his solid performance is at a lower octave that Jack’s high-octane McGarrett. But make no mistake, James The Man. Just compare - how was Leisure Suit wearin McGarrett with Rod “Kimo” Carew as his side man?

Lastly, guess you caught me there Mr. Mike. Point taken, gonna hafta choose my words more carefully in the future. On Hawaii Five-O, crime doesn’t pay. And on the Five-O site, it don’t pay to rattle sabers with Mr. Mike. He always got the last word.

-Humbled Chicken

Added: Thursday 16 December 2010 08:42:00 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

Let's use our brains a little here, folks. The same reason that Jack Lord was the star and not Jimmy or Kam or Zulu or some other "kanaka" is the same reason that Telly Savalas was the star on KOJAK and not Kevin Dobson or Telly's brother George or anyone else. It all boils down to star power, not racism. Who looks best in front of the camera. Who commands great screen presence. Obviously it ain't Zulu or Kam - the fact that they had nothing significant on their resume works even more against them. Jimmy of course had a fairly successful Disney movie career but again he was no leading man material. He was too short, too baby-faced, too apple-pie. Naturally that only leaves THE LORD. And love him or hate him there's no denying that the man commandeered every scene he was in. Like someone said, TV is business - they're not gonna put an island native, an unknown in the lead role just to be open-minded and progressive. There's no money to be made in that. Deal with it. Or don't watch the show.

Added: Thursday 16 December 2010 08:25:03 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Up the Rebels -- this is a very good show, but there are some questions:

Why do the bad guys come all the way to Hawaii to get explosives? Maybe because it is "out of the way"? You would think there is some place closer to home where they could get this stuff. (Yes, I know that, according to the military bigshot, this is a special new explosive, a small piece of which can take out "half a city block" or something like that. But is Hawaii a special place to test such stuff, as opposed to the Nevada or Utah desert?)

Why smuggle the goods on the ship at the end? How much of these "goods" were there, anyway? Just the small package at the beginning of the show? This ship (which looks like an oversized tug) is supposed to go all the way around Australia, Cape Horn, etc. I'm sure there would have been a more creative way to smuggle the goods by plane. They are going to be taken to West Africa and then flown by plane from there to Ireland anyway.

This show ends with a "moralistic comment," which we will be seeing more of during this season and all the way to the end, probably as a result of various people putting heat on the producers because of violence on TV, with the idea that the show should be more socially relevant and morally responsible, etc., etc. McGarrett ends by saying "God help the children [of Ireland]."

Added: Thursday 16 December 2010 06:59:33 PST

Submitted by: Hans
From Boston

“Can you believe somebody actually posted that? I mean, i love Duke, he's Five-O all the way. But c'mon. Television is a business. The show went for twelve seasons because the producers knew what they were doing.

Enough with this racist crap and let's get back to reality.”

Racism is reality Otto, at least when you’re not white. I agree the producers knew what they were doing, it was a winning formula but what does one have to do with the other? In season 12, why wasn’t Duke (or Truck) 2nd in the opening credits? Was Duke even in the credits? I thought someone posted recently that he wasn’t.

It’s been a while since I’ve seen it but I recall they had those 2 disasters 2nd and 3rd in the credits while Truck was last…. No surprise, it followed that certain “formula”.

Added: Thursday 16 December 2010 06:40:51 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Big Chicken: "Hawaii Five-O is a police show. I tune in cause I sincerely dig it - not to validate my world view. I‘m thankful to have an entertaining relief from all that."

Gosh darn it, BC, isn't that exactly what all of those deluded people watching the current Five-O are doing every Monday night, the ones that certain people around here pounce on because watching this new show is considered to be the equivalent of drinking your own diarrhea?


Added: Thursday 16 December 2010 06:39:33 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Forget about racism and sexism, what about "ageism"? I think the head of Five-O should have been that old Chinaman (oops, shouldn't say that) from one episode who couldn't even speak English. You will recall McGarrett made some sarcastic comment about how this guy couldn't help Five-O out much, saying something like "Let him think about it for a while, maybe he'll develop a public conscience."

If this guy was the Five-O boss, they could employ lots of other people as his translator, chauffeur, hired gun (because he would be too old and near-blind, so he couldn't shoot straight), etc. More people (all with various "ethnic" qualifications) to put on the public payroll!

Added: Thursday 16 December 2010 06:36:23 PST

Submitted by: Hans
From Boston

“These arguments you make are as absolute and one-dimensional as the ones advanced by them peaceniks that Steve had to school in 'Not That Much Different.'”

BC, I was just giving you my honest experiences watching the show and TV in general as a very young child. I’m a bit disappointed you called me “one dimensional” when I agreed with you the show had progressive moments. On top of the Box (prisoners rights) there was a few shows about gun control where Steve took a stance for more of it.

And I agree Steve wasn’t an ideologue, I thought he was a pragmatist. He struck me as an independent, balanced somewhere in the middle, not a member of either side of the lunatic fringe.

I prefer the old show to the new by a mile but I can seperate my emotions enough to realize the acting of "the other 3" is better this time around, how is that one dimensional?

I think you and some others here are one dimensional. It’s get on your knees and worship the old show and take a dump on the new show, other than that you get lambasted. How is that not one dimensional?

Added: Thursday 16 December 2010 06:27:20 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Big Chicken: "Chicken doubt that a network TV show featurin plots bout cops and hoodlums is concerned with perpetuatin the underclass and re-enforcing the white power structure."

A cop show is absolutely about enforcing the power structure. You can argue that race and class have nothing to do with it, but that would be foolish.

So what examples of progressivism can you point to in the show? Prison reform in "The Box" is a stretch - in this case, the main reason for the reform is to enforce greater control and order in the prison, not to treat the inmates more humanely. But I'll give it to you, just for kicks, because you're Big Chicken :D What else?

Added: Thursday 16 December 2010 05:30:55 PST

Submitted by: Nadja
From Berlin

Amazon.com shipped my season 10 dvd set today so it will be here by mid-January, hopefully :o

Added: Thursday 16 December 2010 05:14:34 PST

Submitted by: boris
From spfld ma

what about the blatant sexism? I think Jenny should have been head of Five-0.

Added: Thursday 16 December 2010 05:02:19 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From New York City

"I always thought that Duke would have made a great head of Five-0, but of course that would never happen if there were a white guy available to take the job."

Can you believe somebody actually posted that? I mean, i love Duke, he's Five-O all the way. But c'mon. Television is a business. The show went for twelve seasons because the producers knew what they were doing.

Enough with this racist crap and let's get back to reality.

Added: Thursday 16 December 2010 00:37:37 PST

Submitted by: Chairman Chicken; Code Name "Big"
From Whereabouts Uknown

Heather - are you and Hans members of the People’s Attack Group? Have you commandeered Mr. Mike’s Discussion Forum to recruit new members to your radical cause and orchestrate the overthrow of Governor Paul Jamison and settle the score with Fascist White policeman Steve McGarrett??

You write: “Kono, Chin or any of the other non-white members of Five-0…were stuck in the underclass - reliable and helpful, but certainly not destined to take over the reins of power.”

Really? Chicken doubt that a network TV show featurin plots bout cops and hoodlums is concerned with perpetuatin the underclass and re-enforcing the white power structure.

But if so, Aren’t all police shows tools of the “Establishment” as they present the illusion that justice exists in an inherently unjust society? And if so, as Otter from Delta House would say - isn’t out entire Fraternity system to blame? You should follow your principles and refrain from watching The Man’s Hawaii Five-O or its lesser counterfeit counterpart, the weak plotted and poorly acted Five-Zero.

Death to Imperialism! Hail Chairman Wo Fat!

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 22:41:22 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Mike: "One interesting thing about the last episode on Monday night -- there were flashbacks to the pilot episode."

What I found interesting was that the teaser is a flashforward to later in the show, so when we get to that scene, it's "deja vu". It worked, but it threw me a little off balance. Did anything like that ever happen in the old show? I can't think of any example offhand.

The WTF moments for me were:

1. They leave Sang Min alone in the car? Really??

2. HPD leaves millions of dollars in currency sitting out in big stacks on shelves, not even in a container of any kind? And the high-security storage vault has a big hole with a grating over it like a NYC subway vent, leading to a convenient tunnel??

But I'm basically OK with these WTF moments because there was so much good stuff in the episode and the plot had to keep buzzing along.

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 21:15:55 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Big Chicken: "But Hawaii Five-O is a police show."

Sure it is, but as in any other kind of story, the storytellers convey their sense of the world along with their story. And when you unpack that, you can discover a lot of interesting stuff.

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 20:41:09 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Hans: " I thought Steve was the man, Danny the short smart one(like a lesser Steve), Kono was the goonish muscle and Chin was a bumbling idiot. Just one little kid’s impression. The white guys always came off as more capable and superior."

My impressions were similar. I also felt that Steve had a mentor relationship with Danno, as if Danno were being groomed to take over eventually as top cop. The same was not true of Kono, Chin or any of the other non-white members of Five-0. They were stuck in the underclass - reliable and helpful, but certainly not destined to take over the reins of power.

I always thought that Duke would have made a great head of Five-0, but of course that would never happen if there were a white guy available to take the job.

Another illustrative comparison is to "Mission Impossible" in which the wonderful Greg Morris was as capable as anyone on the show, starting in 1966.

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 20:29:49 PST

Submitted by: Dave Rogers
From Salem, Mass

Watchhing the Pirates episode from season 10, i totally cringed when danno did his best lonmg john silver imitation "aye steve." what the hell is that? totally felt contrived and something leonard freeman would have been like "yeah, let's not do that"

the main baddie in that episode looks like a mini russell brand or the bass player of the kinks during the Lola album circa 1971.

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 19:11:27 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From Seattle

Dear Hans & Heather,

Sure, I’ll concede Hawaii Five-O wasn't perfect. But neither is or was our society, or our world for that matter.

Hey, I got personal political beliefs and convictions, as do we all. But Hawaii Five-O is a police show. I tune in cause I sincerely dig it - not to validate my world view. I‘m thankful to have an entertaining relief from all that.

I mean what’s with the need to apply or advance some political agenda here with respect to Five-O? Is this for somebody’s post-graduate term paper?

Last I looked, Len Freeman created Five-O, not Leni Riefenstahl or Costa-Gravas. And I flat out reject these assertions that Hawaii Five-O is some reactionary, authoritarian polemic or some modern day ‘Birth of a Nation.’ I myself never got the memo on Five-O’s counter-revolutionary “hidden agenda,” this is the first I heard of it.

Heather, Hans, I know you both true fans so it saddens me to hear you dissin Five-O like this. C’mon, makin blanket statements about the show bein racist and reactionary? Did you two collaborate on these posts after being inspired by the woman from the Red Army in “Capsule Kidnapping”?

These arguments you make are as absolute and one-dimensional as the ones advanced by them peaceniks that Steve had to school in 'Not That Much Different.'

The great thing about Steve McGarrett, the real Steve McGarrett, is that he ain't an ideologue, he's an idealist. For Steve, truth and justice are ideals, they provide the grounding for his personal moral compass.

Wish Steve was here on the forum to lend some much needed speechifyin and sanity. Think only one of Steve-O's stern verbal dressin downs gonna set you two straight, my friends.

your pal,

Big Chicken

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 18:56:20 PST

Submitted by: Sylvia
From Classic TV Land

And to follow up on what Big Chicken said, Leonard Freeman also deserves credit, halfway during Season 2, for seeing something in Harry Endo and putting him into the role of the very intelligent Che Fong. Che was Five-O's "secret weapon" because of the terrific way Endo played him.

Endo spoke in interviews about the complex dialogue he had to memorize - particularly the scientific terms. He doesn't get nearly enough credit outside of the hard-core fanbase of the original series for what he meant to that show.

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 18:41:00 PST

Submitted by: Barbara
From Pittsburgh

"Bomber and Mrs. Moroney" flashbacked to "Painted Daisies on His Coffin" from Season One. The brother of the kid Danno accidentally shot came after him in "Bomber."

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 18:27:17 PST

Submitted by: Barbara
From Pittsburgh

Was it "Time and Memories" with Diana Muldaur? I think there were flashbacks of her relationship with Steve, way before her marriage. [Oops -- I was not clear, I was referring to flashbacks to a previous show, not just flashbacks to a character's past. - MQ]

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 18:24:27 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

One interesting thing about the last episode on Monday night -- there were flashbacks to the pilot episode.

I am wondering -- which episodes of the old series had flashbacks? One is The Case Against McGarrett, where there is several minutes at the beginning where they revisit the Vashon shows.

Can you think of any others? Did The Bomber and Mrs. Moroney flash back to the earlier first season show (I forget).

It doesn't count where the flashback happens within a 2-part show or within the Vashon trilogy, where there is a flashback at the beginning of the second show referring to events in the first.

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 17:41:46 PST

Submitted by: Hans
From Boston

Amazon just told me Season 10 has not shipped yet, estimated delivery is Dec 16 to 21 and I chose 3 to 5 day shipping. That math didn’t add up so I cancelled it and bought it locally for $43.99! Yikes… as much as it’s a drop off season, I can’t wait to see it as several episodes I’ve never seen and others I barely remember seeing. At least Amazon doesn’t charge your credit card until it ships so it was easy to cancel.

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 16:49:54 PST

Submitted by: Nadja
From Berlin

I guess "for years to come" is the wrong phrase.
"for years" seems to be the better term. But, as you certainly already noticed, I'm not a native speaker.

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 16:17:44 PST

Submitted by: Nadja
From Berlin

Okay, maybe Leonard Freeman had other intentions, maybe people saw it like Hans
"When I was a kid (8 or 9) everything was reduced to a simple cartoon level for me. I thought Steve was the man, Danny the short smart one(like a lesser Steve), Kono was the goonish muscle and Chin was a bumbling idiot"
But in the end it was the longest cop show ever. And in the long run, until today, people like me, not much over forty and also people a lot younger than me, are captured of that show and therefore occupy themselves with Hawai'i and the history and they want to know what happened back then and are eager to learn about how it is today. And, in that sense it is a show that seeks its kind for years to come,imho.

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 15:57:33 PST

Submitted by: JulieS
From Australia

Just reading some of the comments made. There was at least one episode I can think where Kono was in charge for part of the episode in "The Bomber and Mrs. Moroney".

Even though Chin, Kono, Ben and others didn't take the lead that often they did make significant comments about the state of things both politically and socially in Hawaii in a number of episodes e.g. "Strangers in Our Own Land". This to me is a good example of how those characters contributed to the show and without them Hawaii Five O would have been just another run-of-the-mill American cop show.

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 15:23:32 PST

Submitted by: JulieS
From Australia

Nadja I virtually got the same email you did except mine says...

"Jack Lord, et al "Hawaii Five-O: Tenth Season
Estimated arrival date: December 31 2010 - January 03 2011"

Somewhere someone obviously didn't see this happening.

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 15:06:52 PST

Submitted by: Jerry
From New Jersey

I thought the worst thing about the last reboot ep was the silly (and tired) "Chin can't move or the bomb will explode" device, until Kono said "guess he won't be making any more house calls" when they found the dead Doctor. Ugh. Who writes this stuff? My Season 10 can't get here fast enough ;)

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 14:49:16 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From NYC

OK, so Chin and Kono were #3 and #4. Not enough, huh? Top dog or nothin'. Well, as i've said, nobody's preventing Chinese-Americans or Hawaiians from pitching, writing, producing, filming, editing, and broadcasting their own shows. And when they do, those shows will be however the hell they want them to be. As they should be.

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 14:49:03 PST

Submitted by: Hans
From Boston

I thought Heather-Rose nailed it on many points. I also agree with Big Chicken that 5-0 had many progressive moments but that doesn’t mean that it wasn’t behind the times at other moments, especially as the 70’s wore on. They played it safe. Yes, 2 non whites in the credits but always #3 and #4, if they even made the opening credits. And in 12 years I don’t recall a single episode when Chin, Kono, Duke, Ben, Frank etc was ever left in charge. It was either Steve or Danny. When I was a kid (8 or 9) everything was reduced to a simple cartoon level for me. I thought Steve was the man, Danny the short smart one(like a lesser Steve), Kono was the goonish muscle and Chin was a bumbling idiot. Just one little kid’s impression. The white guys always came off as more capable and superior. I got the same messages from adults in real life.

I grew up with All in the Family and will never forget Archie saying “everyone knows God made the whites #1, the coloreds #2 and your japs and chinks can fight it out for 3 and 4.” Half of us thought “what a loser” while the other half thought “yeah, that’s exactly how I see it”. Was that the intention? No idea but it was rather brilliant in it’s universal appeal… and for whatever twisted reason as a confused kid I referenced that comment to 5-0’s #3 and #4 as in, it doesn’t matter what type of Asian/Pacific Islander they are, they’re not as good as white people so it doesn’t really matter what order you put them in.

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 14:28:03 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From Seattle

Our friend Heather say “the show (Hawaii Five-O) reflected the social norm of its times, BUT from a remarkably non-progressive angle.”

What about in “The Box” where McGarrett not only defuses a prison riot through non-violent negotiations, but actually goes on and champions prison reforms? Does that not reflect the true idealism of the 60s and progressive values?

You say that the show promotes “harmful stereotypes - White Man LORDing it over the natives who need control and direction, etc.” (nice pun, btw)

I would contend that having two people of color as featured co-stars on a network television show in 1968 was pretty rad for its time. Pretty progressive, no? Let’s give Len Freeman his due props for that. And Chin and Kono were seasoned cops, invaluable members of McGarrett’s team. They mighta done a lot of the leg work, but so did Danno. That’s what police and investigative work is. Five-O showed us that laborious process, that’s part of what made it such a great cop show.

Let’s remember that Hawaii Five-O is a crime drama, high level entertainment. Freeman set the show in Hawaii cause it’s an incredibly scenic, and at the time a very exotic locale. Not cause he wanted to make a pro-imperialist, authoritarian polemic.

Again, Freeman created a police show, not a vehicle to advance a political agenda. I don’t think the show is a proper touchstone to argue about American imperialism and racial injustice. But you say that “it was really all about was a desire to return to an earlier, more comfortable (for some) era when white men ran the show, and women and brown/yellow/red folks knew their place.”

Sadly, I think this misguided view of the show that you presented is one of the reasons Five-O never got the proper credit and critical acclaim it deserved back in the day.

Hey, I don’t discount some of the aspects that Kimo alluded to in his earlier post, but the show is a product of its times. But in many respects, and many progressive respects, it was way, way ahead of its time. And I think you’re selling the show short, Heather.

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 12:57:30 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

I'm a New Yorker, Kimo, and I agree with you about the imperialist stuff. But I think it's more important to focus on the harmful stereotypes - White Man LORDing it over the natives who need control and direction, etc. - rather than on stupid trivia like misusing/co-opting language.

Nadja, yes, the show reflected the social norm of its times, BUT from a remarkably non-progressive angle. My theory (borne out by comments made by JMacA quoting Leonard Freeman) is that the show was designed to appeal to those in the American populace who felt threatened by the social upheavals of the 1960s. Ostensibly this was a longing for "law and order" but under the surface what it was really all about was a desire to return to an earlier, more comfortable (for some) era when white men ran the show, and women and brown/yellow/red folks knew their place.

Compare, for example, "Naked City", a show written and produced by liberals, a few of whom suffered under the McCarthy blacklist. One of the episodes featured Diahann Carroll as a kind schoolteacher helping a boy with bad eyesight. The teacher character was a friend of one of the lead characters. Throughout the entire episode, no mention was ever made of her race. This was in 1962.

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 11:15:12 PST

Submitted by: Kimo

From RW, you are required to "page" someone to do yer dirty work for ya?
You underestimate yourself and the repulsion power of the (hopefully not) typical new yawkuh.
Kimo has left the building.

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 10:28:58 PST

Submitted by: Kimo

From What question, RW. I see no query.
and what is a CAIO.
Checkout and Initial Operations?
Callow Americans Irritating Ornery?
Can't Answer I'm Out

when will... the wars end. yep.

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 09:49:10 PST

Submitted by: Kimo

From People say New Yorkers can't get along with anyone. Not true. I saw two New Yorkers, complete strangers, sharing a cab. One guy took the tires and the radio; the other guy took the engine
David Letterman

"This city here is like an open sewer. It's full of filth and scum."
Travis Bickle

"No other American city is so intensely American as New York." Anthony Trollope

k den. why would new yorkers wanna watch a Hawai'i show?!

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 09:44:07 PST

Submitted by: Rainbow Warrior
From New York, NY

Great reply, Kimo, really put me in my place. I notice you had no answer just the same gibberish, Typical. Can we get "Chris" here for Kimo. Paging "Chris"

Thank God you don't represent the many good people of the islands. Caio "brother" you just got schooled. Here ends the lesson.

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 09:41:21 PST

Submitted by: Kimo

From "Hey, didn't that fable originate in India? Stick to Hawaiian fables, "
kinda. but every country has their own version of it.
here's new york's:
blind guy walks up to the trunk:
'argue,argue,argue, Ahhhphakkya!"
blind guy walks up to a leg:
'argue,argue,argue, Ahhhphakkya!"
blind guy walks up to the tail:
'argue,argue,argue, Ahhhphakkya!"

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 09:33:11 PST

Submitted by: Steven
From Miami

Rainbow: Don't worry about me. I'm sure Kimo's a great person, and if I ever get over to that rock, I'd be more than happy to split a six-pack of cognac with the guy.

As for Hawaii's leaving the union, perhaps they can form a secessionist partnership with Quebec. That way, both countries can be happy.
Kimo wrote:

"some of these comments reminds me... of that old story wherein three blind guys go up to an elephant and claim what it is: it's a snake! No it's a rope! no, it's a treetrunk!"

Hey, didn't that fable originate in India? Stick to Hawaiian fables, willya??? :D

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 09:28:23 PST

Submitted by: Kimo

From ah new yawkuz.
can always depend on them to...
Steve [may be Rainbow - MQ]? what was that wars end and love begins query? ask hatefilled eastcoasters

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 09:26:44 PST

Submitted by: Rainbow Warrior
From New York, NY


I don't know about you but if the good people of Hawaii are that upset about their association with the United States, then as a democracy we are more than willing to let them leave our very evil country, strike out on their own, and defend themselves from countries like say China who has an insatiable need for energy and resources and would love to get their hands on the Hawaiian Islands. They think the US is so bad, wait until they get a whiff of China's power. Be careful what you wish for "brother"

This carping reminds me of what happened yesterday in Japan. The past year they didn't want to pay the US the 2 million it required to station US troops in Japan, and they wanted us "off", but when North Korea started lobbying artillery shells at South Korea, and was threatening Japan that 2 million got paid real quick and they wanted our troops around all of a sudden. Again, be
careful what you wish for "brother."

Don't let kimo intimidate you Steven, just get a poster named "Chris" to start posting to kimo, he'll simmer down real quick, and stop tossing bombs at us very evil Americans. ( insert disgusted face here)

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 09:20:51 PST

Submitted by: Kimo

From some of these comments reminds me... of that old story wherein three blind guys go up to an elephant and claim what it is:
it's a snake! No it's a rope! no, it's a treetrunk!

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 09:13:17 PST

Submitted by: Kimo

From "When do all wars end, Kimo?"
don't come to Hawai'i. You won't like the answer.
(insert child's animated cartoonface here)

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 09:01:37 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

I just hope Kimo isn't going by the name of "Kaili" these days. Or shooting crop dusters out of the sky. Or dumping garbage in front of the State Capitol Building. :D

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 08:46:51 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

People in England can anticipate there will be a cut when and if the new Five-O is released on DVD, because the show on Monday had a scene of cockfighting. This is very naughty in the eyes of the UK film censors (whatever they are called), and such scenes are routinely cut out. I actually tweeted executive producer Peter Lenkov about this, joking that he might get some calls from the SPCA. He got back to me almost immediately saying this was "stock footage." (This is actually a bad pun if you think about it.) I don't think outfits like PETA would care if it was stock footage or not if animals were depicted in this fashion these days, but I guess they cleared it with someone.

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 08:31:37 PST

Submitted by: Rainbow Warrior
From New York, NY

Steven: "Gotta Love these revolutionaries turned reactionaries."

Great line Steven. :D Thankfully their time is passing or has already passed. Love how people pass on propaganda whether it is true or not.

This board gave me a headache today. Execept for the well thought out reasoning of you, Otto, Big Chicken, and Big City Gal.

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 07:25:26 PST

Submitted by: Steven
From Miami

Kimo's comments remind me of the gas station owner in "Is This Any Way to Run a Paradise?":

"What the Japs did to this place ain't nothin' to what the Haoles and Chinks are doin' to it since."

I guess you're about that character's age now, too... :D

Gotta love those revolutionaries-turned-reactionaries.

When do all wars end, Kimo? When people stop hating and start loving. :D

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 05:23:27 PST

Submitted by: Steve
From UK

I seriously suggest that anyone in Europe that pre-order the DVD sets do so from the following site http://www.axelmusic.com/ - previoulsy anything I'd ordered from them arrived at least 10 days before the official release date in the states. This season (ten) has taken longer - although its been despatched (shipped on the 3rd), its still not with me as yet - fingers crossed this will change when I get home! Axel are based in Denmark, they're more expensive than Amazon.com but it seems they're more prompt at shipping and at at least with them there are no extra customs charges to worry about as its already factorted into the main price! And no, I'm not on commision..! :D

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 04:31:07 PST

Submitted by: Nadja
From Berlin

LOL, great Kimo :D

My regards to Melveen :)

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 03:10:23 PST

Submitted by: Kimo

From I am pre-tending I did not get this:
"We're writing in a pre-tensious manner by using 'pre' alot about the order you pre-placed on October 15 2010. Unfortunately, we are unable to pre-ship the item(s) (we are pre-tee sure we dunno what(s) you pre-ordered) as soon as we pre-expected and need to pre-vide you with a new estimate of when the item(s) may be pre-delivered:
Jack Lord, et al "Hawaii Five-O: Tenth Pre-Season"
( But we are pre-tee sure 'et al' is not a cast member)
And it won't pre-tend to include episodes:
Pre-senting...in the center ring...murder
Termination with extreme pre-judice
Estimated pre-arrival date: December 29 2010 - December 30 2010
We pre-apologize for the inconvenience caused by this pre-delay."

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 03:03:27 PST

Submitted by: Kimo

From pre order.
jeez. i hate that absurd term. ya either order. or ya don't.
Nadja. pre-fart in their general direction.

Oh. and Melveen sez Howzit!

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 02:48:05 PST

Submitted by: Nadja
From Berlin

This is what I got today:
"We're writing about the order you placed on October 15 2010. Unfortunately, we are unable to ship the item(s) as soon as we expected and need to provide you with a new estimate of when the item(s) may be delivered:
Jack Lord, et al "Hawaii Five-O: Tenth Season"
Estimated arrival date: December 29 2010 - December 30 2010
We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this delay."

I guess, it rather means the shipping date because the arrival date before was between the 10th and 28th of January, so it wouldn't be a delay actually but astonishingly fast.

But, in case they will only ship it by the end of December, I wonder, I wonder.. what's the use of a pre-order... :!mad:

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 02:42:07 PST

Submitted by: Kimo

From "i am into h50 just because it's a great tv show. I'd probably like it just as much if it took place in Kansas City or Oakland. " It would be wholly different and then no longer a great tv show.
"Hawaii has a lot to offer in terms of locale. "
haaah!? wot dat?
"I'm convinced it's not one of the top three reasons I like the show."
well. only you and yourself can convince each other, either way, Sybil.

One of the things that makes it "a great tv show".. is of course, the locale. Hawai'i.
Man,oh,man! It would not be a great show if it were any place else. Of course.
It would be a completely different animal.

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 02:37:42 PST

Submitted by: Nadja
From Berlin

That's right :D

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 00:43:32 PST

Submitted by: Kimo

From "...where's Nadja and Kimo?"
when it rains, it pours, ah?!

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 00:25:32 PST

Submitted by: Kimo

From two things I would like to see;
Local Hawaiians on the set in recurring speaking roles. More of em. also. bringing back some of the "old names" from the original series...
I was thinking of 'campaigning" to get my friend Don Stroud in an ep or two. Borges, Kai. Kahoano. all da gang. Sometimes all it takes is a nudge or four and the right time and place. This being such a small place, outlook is pretty good.
Was just thinking. Melveen Leed plays weekly here and there. She could be doing a gig in the b.g., break and come up to Steveo and Danno. and share some local gossip, thereby accidentally helping them with a case. I mean it could be serendipitous. Whatchoo you guys workin on hah!?
Oh nuthin we can really go into, Sally...
Eh, braddah, I betchoo its dat kine wit dat ol sampan, ovah in Kewalo basin, ya know I wen read had choke bales of coffe on dat buggah, I thot sumpin was fishy, you pardon da pun ah, but i betchoo da buggah had some kinda drugs or wot ah!?
Sally, you are too much! Nuthin gets past ya. yep we steh workin on dakine. But azz hush hush yea?
ah no worry, beef curry. Ainokea if cholly Tuna get all buss up in Halawa. he needs ta have heez okole rearranged ah?!

Uh waidaminnit, Sally. Charley tuna is mixed up in this?
Yea, of coss!
well, where he steh?! wheah does he hang lately?
at da... uhh. Smith's Union bar!
oh yea. da oldest bar in town. Ruff place dat.
Eh braddahs! chanceum!
sally. You are a gem!

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 00:13:32 PST

Submitted by: Nadja
From Berlin

"one of the things that always rankled me about that show was the way the Big White Man ran everything, while the Hawaiian people were generally relegated to the roles of loyal "yes boss" assistants and "local color"
But it was reality back then and it is reality partially until today but it also brought real attention to the Islands for the first time and not only to the nice surroundings but also to the history and the problems there. The show has a large share that we are very aware of these problems today and are discussing it that way.

Added: Wednesday 15 December 2010 00:02:49 PST

Submitted by: Kimo

From "And they ain’t even gots an Hawaiian on the team."
all things come to those who wait... I read years ago.
how does this relate to the quote above? hmmmm... let's just say, H50 redux is evolving.

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 23:59:03 PST

Submitted by: Kimo

From HRR. I know it is a trend to be an all or nothing person in modern society. However, I reserve the right to break the mold. I am not swayed away from a favorite pastime in my life if or when ten percent of it goes against my grain. (I know, I know. I just p!$$ed off 326 adoring Jack Lord fans) Conversely, just because... I am a fan of H50v1, does not at all mean I support that bizarre and unlikely scenario of some FOB haole from New yawk running a top level local Hawaii law enforcement branch. In fact there were (and still are) many elements of the old H50 that we collectively cringe at. But yes. I gotta acknowledge your astuteness, as the Jack OverLord syndrome and the corollary step-n-fetchit "yes, massah" performed by all and sundry ancillary... still is grating and enemy numbah one on our list of evil H50 elements.
I assumed you would know. As that is not the case, allow me to elucidate: I grew up in THAT chinatown. In THAT north shore. I spent years in THAT Honolulu that is recorded for posterity. It is an adjunct to our home movies and my growing collection of Old Hawaii footage. I watched them film different episodes. I would cut school and watch them set up a scene, have JL, zoom around the corner, they would 'strike the set' and then I would follow to the next locale. All o' us would sit around da old blonde wood console Zenith TeeTvee and enjoy our usual weekly seesawing mix of emotions; glued to our seat in suspense and wild anticipation of what will happen next... and then hilarity... as we see "local" detectives go trundling thru Sherwood forest in full suit and tie! and climbing trees! and the wacky way they would "go undercover" and infiltrate surfers, hippies, druggies, draft dodgers etc.. domains. Guffaws aplenty and side splitting times, those! There was the added plus of being the first to yell out the frequently recognized street, building, alley, bar, restaurant, neighborhood, surf break, neighbor's house, etc. etc., ad infinitum...
I know many of the actors and actresses of the old 5-0. They as well as all locals who have any interest in H50... feel the same; Never the rose without the thorn. We love H50 "warts and all". besides, we knew full well, It was a Hollywood product. If they depicted a realistic H50 staff, it would put everybody to sleep. No strife. No drama. No realism from the mainlanders' point of view.
OK! Now ask me; How da heck can ya like the old Hawaii five oh?!

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 23:55:02 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From Strangers On Our Own Show

‘one of the things that always rankled me about that show( Hawaii Five-0) was the way the Big White Man ran everything, while the Hawaiian people were generally relegated to the roles of loyal "yes boss" assistants and "local color".’

And in the Modernazied Five-Zero, Da “Big White Man” be replaced by them “pretty white boys” Alec Oh n' Jimmi Caan Junior. 40 Years On, Kono & Chin not only still playin second fiddle to these haoles - but now Kono ain’t even Hawaiian! And they ain’t even gots an Hawaiian on the team. Thought this s’posed to be HAWAII Five-O??

Sadly, seems like Lenkov & Orci’s “bold” 21st Century reimagined, remade, reboot hasn’t improved on much, Heather. :!giggle:

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 23:37:07 PST

Submitted by: AJ
From NY

I'm disappointed that CBS is skimping on the recent releases (seasons 9 & 10) with lesser packaging, and less features on the DVDs themselves.

But, I've found a smiley with with McGarrett hair: :!emo:

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 21:53:02 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Kimo, I'm surprised you're a fan of the old "Hawaii Five-0", because one of the things that always rankled me about that show was the way the Big White Man ran everything, while the Hawaiian people were generally relegated to the roles of loyal "yes boss" assistants and "local color". This bothered me even back before the days of political correctness. And I'm not even Hawaiian!

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 21:46:14 PST

Submitted by: boris
From spfld ma

i really am into h50 just because it's a great tv show. I'd probably like it just as much if it took place in Kansas City or Oakland. They'd have to find other excuses for bikinis, etc...

Hawaii has a lot to offer in terms of locale. But I'm convinced it's not one of the top three reasons I like the show.

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 19:17:40 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From the states


I disagree that technological advancement is separate from culture, but touché on that point, because my reference to the Hubble Telescope was indeed a cheap shot. I can't claim to see it from your perspective, and i am sure that plenty of mainlanders give us all a bad name, going out to the islands and making fools of themselves. But i was lashing out at some pretty harsh insults, just as you would do on your end.

I didn't say the 'locals must take whatever is given'. On the contrary, i would rather see what's really going on. I've never been to Hawaii, and am aware that Five-O is just a Hollywood TV show, full of untruth. If i ever make it there, i promise not to be the ugly american. We'll raise our glasses. I've been to many countries, Sri Lanka being the farthest, and made nothing but friends, some for life.


Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 18:57:58 PST

Submitted by: Kimo

From " Other countries routinely use American names as well. It's not localized to the US. "
no horse involved, high or low, NYC gal. This is something we hear allll toooo often. "ah imperialism takes place all over the world. Cultures are assimilated into others everywhere all the time." I am here today to inform you; Islanders do not care. Kanaka ma'oli simply. do. not. care. Polynesian islanders only care for that which is too quickly being taken away from them hourly, daily, monthly, perennially. Many's the local family that remembers the Hawai'i annexation in 1898. many are alive that remember the day Hawai'i became a possession fully, replete with american laws, ways. etc. in 1959. You may argue against the bitter taste of it all that many have, but that doesn't bode well for a mind apparently intent on appreciating the islands and its history. (and when we speak of Hawai'i, we speak of its history) At least I am assuming some who number among fans of H50, are interested in more than just a cop show that happens to be filmed in some generic tropical locale.

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 18:51:11 PST

Submitted by: JulieS
From Australia

Just checked Amazon now for the status of my pre-ordered season 10 and it now says "In stock but may require an extra 1-2 days to process." There are currently 20 new and 2 used listed.

Whenever they ship my copy I won't be seeing it until the new year as over the Christmas/New Year period we have 6 public holidays - one for Christmas Day, Boxing Day and then because those two days are on the weekend we have to have Monday 27 and Tuesday 28 as the actual public holidays. Then we have a public holiday for New Year's Day and because this is on a Saturday we have to have a public holiday on 3 January.

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 18:22:04 PST

Submitted by: Kimo
From 50th acquisition (under duress) of the good ol' USA

"Well said, Otto!!"
well said I dunno. But Otto said it. Not I. The rejoiner that all pacific islander locals must take whatever is given by the great and all powerful OZ.. oops. I mean Unco Sam and the You Essuv Ayyy and by the way, "you better enjoy all the cars and computers and crap ya use...." is an old argument that doesn't do well for your position. Just reinforces the hardheaded and insensitive, argumentative persona americans are proud of. Or at least are perceived to be proud of by many. And the mocking just makes you take three steps back for every step forward in developing appreciation of another's culture. "We can continue to do the Hua Hula cuz it aint a revered dance anymore. never was to us here in socal! Yer hula was stolen from India where they ride the sacred cows and Jack Lord stole it from the Whirling Dervishes when they had a convention at the Ilikai!" (woops. probably stepped on some fanfiction toes there!)
This ain't a dis. Simply an observation from five decades of immersion in Polynesian culture. One may certainly argue against the perceptions. That is an american's prerogative, being the supposed land of the free... speech and all that. Also, technological advancement cannot be a substitute for "culture", by the way.
You may take this as making you feel like an outsider, but that is not my motivation. Obviously there are exceptions to the rule. Much of america has a soul and has culture. Most americans are friendly and great to talk with. i have the best time hangin with tourists at the local watering holes and hearing stories about their adventures. (wait... these are rish and Scottish. And Brits. And Aussies. and yea. some Amrericans. But the few spoil it for the many. Why would the small percentage promote the ugly american syndrome? they are making it harder for everyone involved. On all sides.

"in your wrath you even included my parents!"
well I certainly want to go on record I apologize for that, cuz, I draw the line there always. Dunno how I let THAT slip. I sincerely retract that wholeheartedly.

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 18:19:22 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From NYC

Ringfire: thanks, but i'm not trying to create a divide, only trying to check someone on a clear insult to the U.S.

I was among those who were truly offended that no native Hawaiians were among the cast of the new show. Passing a Korean off as a Hawaiian is a big insult to those great islands and their people, as far as i am concerned; as though all 'those other people' look the same. Zulu, Al Harrington, Galen Kam, Hilo Hattie, etc etc etc, were integral to the original show. And they should have featured more Hawaiians.

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 17:34:03 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

"So the so-called Haole is made to feel like an outsider, unless he brings a big cash influx? Good one." -- Well said, Otto!! And last I checked timeless characters like Jerry Parks, Big Chicken, Honore Vashon, Eddie Josephs, Johnny Oporta, and Hookman himself were all haoles played by haole actors. Don't recall any "native" villains standing out in my mind. Only Nephi Hannemann who wages a war against developers in "Any Way to Run a Paradise?" springs to mind. And you'd have to be out of your coconut mind (as our man Steve would say) to mention Hannemann in the same sentence as MacLeod or Gould or Melville. So let's not pretend that haoles don't matter. Because we all-powerful white folk most certainly do! :!cool:

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 17:19:06 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From NYC


You go too far. It is ridiculous to imply that a particular company, wherever from, has to 'justify' using a foreign word or the name of an island for their title. And i ask, do you really believe that the United States of America is 'a land that has no culture'?

Well, if so, that's myopia in the extreme. I once posted an asinine crack about Satan's wrath upon the new show, and you didn't see the intended humor of it, and in your wrath you even included my parents! But the crux of your tirade was how the new show helps Hawaii's economy. Well, last i checked, nobody is preventing native Hawaiians from making their own movies or TV shows, or at least pitching their ideas to the networks. (In fact, i would be very enthused to see such a thing. I would watch it, unlike the new Five-O.)

So the so-called Haole is made to feel like an outsider, unless he brings a big cash influx? Good one. Well, i'll stop now, in my cultural vacuum, and go check on how the repairs went on the HUBBLE TELESCOPE. If you care to respond, i'm sorry that you'll have to use an operating system invented in a 'land that has no culture'.

with respect,

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 16:47:50 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Rick: and let us not forget that the famed spin on the Ilikai balcony was adapted from an ancient Tantric dance movement.

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 15:40:53 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Nice moment in last night's show: the scene between Kono in utility-worker disguise and the sharp-eyed old lady who won't be snowed. I like stuff like that.

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 15:01:28 PST

Submitted by: Dj
From Kalamazoo, Mi

I think Monday night's episode was a much improved upon show, I actually seen a bit of the old teamwork developing.
Still I was a little disappointed with the skinny wimp looking wofat who has basically nofat, hopefully he eats hearty over the holidays, but other than that I think it is becoming a bit more tolerable, I actually heard Dano and a thank you in the same line. They even had a car scene with no cell calls and a b!tchy ex wife, it played out pretty well.

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 14:46:38 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Kimo: borrowing, and yes, even stealing, from other cultures is part of human adaptation and evolution.

KDMcG: "AO'L had a few Jack Lord moments" - careful, comments like that are bound to give some folks here Aneurysm Face! :) but yeah, I thought so too. ;)

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 14:42:27 PST

Submitted by: Rick
From Newport Beach

Americans stole the snapping of fingers from ancient culture and desecrated it along with a bunch of other customs, including sacred languages and names for companies that got thought-up along time ago...

From the Internet:

"In Ancient Greece snapping of fingers was used by musicians and dancers as a way to keep the rhythm..."


"In Sumatran culture, finger snapping, along with chest slapping, is a common form of music..."

Time was when America thought up their own ways to make noise using body parts.

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 14:40:27 PST

Submitted by: Kristin
From Massachusetts

Mr. Mike I have a question for you. Do you know all the episodes where you see Jack Lord snapping his fingers? I need to know because I am trying to help some one find out what episodes they are. Thank you for helping me.

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 14:11:25 PST

Submitted by: Big City Gal
From NYC

"Because it is now commonplace, HRR, does not justify the appropriation. Just because a land has no culture, does not mean they can take another's culture for their own use. Time was when america used their own words to name their companies....."

Oh, please, get off your high horse, Kimo. Other countries routinely use American names as well. It's not localized to the US.

""Avatar" was a heretofore sacred word, a revered name, a part of Hindu philosophy. It was appropriated by amerikkkaner culture and now it lost its soul and everyone now has an avatar!"

Since when was Avatar a 'sacred' word in Hindu? It refers to the earthly form of a deity, as in the ten avatars of Vishnu, but it does not directly refer to a deity itself. Avatars each have their own names. If I'm mistaken in my interpretation please point me to info which backs up avatar as a sacred word.

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 14:00:30 PST

Submitted by: Mark
From Denver

I've heard the season 10 ep "Tall on the Wave" has the last appearance of the '68 Park Lane when the front end gets smashed during a chase scene that ends with a beach sand nose dive. Is that the last episode the car was used in before being moth balled?

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 13:36:58 PST

Submitted by: KD MCGarrett
From hmmm....

A much better show. AOL had a few Jack Lord moments. The banter wasn't as annoying...seatbelts were worn. Man, James Marsters could have played MCG...never saw that before. A script reminiscent of the original in some ways.

Hesse's accent is Scottish not European. Interesting, seems to be a shift from the pilot script where he is described as Eurotrash.

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 13:28:07 PST

Submitted by: Mark
From Denver

I just picked up season 10 today (12-14) at Best Buy on my lunch break from work for $39.99. As a matter of fact that is where I also bought seasons 1-9, always on release day so I don't miss out.

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 13:27:56 PST

Submitted by: Kimo

From Because it is now commonplace, HRR, does not justify the appropriation. Just because a land has no culture, does not mean they can take another's culture for their own use.
Time was when america used their own words to name their companies. Now it's
what da heck does the online selling company have o do with another land?
then there is
"Welcome to KONA
KONA is Your Semantic Technology partner in New York"
yea. ironic. a semantic company using a Hawai'i island locale for their name. Nice semantics there, guys.

"Avatar" was a heretofore sacred word, a revered name, a part of Hindu philosophy. It was appropriated by amerikkkaner culture and now it lost its soul and everyone now has an avatar!
Because a particular culture views NOthing as sacred, does not mean they can consider another culture's intellectual property as unsacred (for want of a better word at the moment).

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 13:18:23 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Foreign-language words and terms are routinely used as American company names. Don't take it personally, Kimo. Ain't no big thing! ;)

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 12:44:37 PST

Submitted by: Kimo

From here is article from Star-Advertiser about translating episode titles into Hawaiian:

the "community" they refer to must be the one near the tarmac, at HNL. the JOJ crowd.

Cuz, I tellya. some of those titles and translations are wacky.
reminds me of some mainland computer tech company when they appropriated a Hawaiian word and retranslated it for their own use.:
Akamai techologies company in Massachusetts.
pronounced Ah Kuh Muy. The name Akamai means "clever" in Hawaiian, or "cool." The team found it by trying out words in an online English-Hawaiian dictionary. "
great. thanks for that, Bostonians.

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 12:04:09 PST

Submitted by: Barbara
From Pittsburgh

More thoughts on Season 10: it is listed as the top seller in crime in movies and tv category on Amazon. How did that happen? Interest transfer from the reboot? I would hate to think that this would be someone's introduction to the original! Though there are episodes I like -- "Up the Rebels," for one -- but still not a stellar season.

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 11:47:35 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Kimo, here is article from Star-Advertiser about translating episode titles into Hawaiian:


Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 11:34:00 PST

Submitted by: Kimo

From "According to some comment I read, which may be linked in a past posting in the Guestbook, academic types at the University of Hawaii or some such joint are coming up with these Hawaiian titles for the episodes."
something is very wrong here if that is even close to being the case. I will get to the bottom of it in a little while. The H50 office is all kapakahi now, but will check when things settle.

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 11:17:44 PST

Submitted by: Big City Gal
From NYC

Mr. mike queries....
"Are there other major retailers in the USA where you could get this set?"

Here in NYC J&R has it in store. Target may as well and definitely has it online. Costco and Walmart have it in stock too.

I think Amazon may have under stocked to drive up price/demand.

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 10:59:54 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Yikes, that is weird that amazon.com is sold out already. This suggests CBS/Paramount only made a limited number with the intention of pressing more if they sold a lot. Are there other major retailers in the USA where you could get this set? In Canada, you can try http://www.thecnl.com in Vancouver.

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 10:46:46 PST

Submitted by: boris
From spfld ma

thanks for the feed back about where h50 starts to fall off.. as i kicked into s7 i felt that it wasnt up to s6. But s6 ends with some of the best 50 eps ever made in my opinion (mother's deadly helper, nightmare in blue and death with father). s7 is really good too! i already saw all of s8 and really liked it. now there are reports s9 is even better. so it looks like i got the rest of s7 and then s9... and i'm still gonna watch s10-s12 but i'll wait till the price comes down

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 10:08:46 PST

Submitted by: Barbara
From Pittsburgh

I was going to order Season 10 today from Amazon. Sold out already! Product page said it will not be available until after Christmas. At least it's good to know that it's selling so fast. But Season 10?

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 09:45:59 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

Yes, it was season 11 when the leisure suit showed up. So in that respect I still see season 10 as having that "classic Five-0" vibe. And we still have the 4-man team of McG, Danno, Chin, and Duke. But I will concede that season 10 doesn't have a single episode that can match the sheer nail-biting, vertigo-inducing brilliance of season 11's "Skyline Killer".

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 08:39:46 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From Seattle, Home to Toomey and Lew

The 2nd worst season after 12, Dag! Well, thanx for that assessment, Mr. Mike. Guess S9 is where theyse went off the reservation. Hey, no McGarrett leisure suits in Season 10. Gotta give em points for that ;)

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 08:04:43 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Big Chicken: I gather from the discussion and Mr. Mike’s info is that S10 kinda weak and S11 have some stand out eps though not great on the whole. Is that a fair assessment Mr. Mike? How you rate S10 far as the big picture, man?

Check the season and its ratings via the link at the top of the page. According to Jeff's anal-ysis of my anal-ysis which will appear sometime soon, season 10 is the second worst season after 12 in my opinion.

Heather: Last night's ep was splendid!

You are right about that, though I'm wondering if I was prejudiced in a favorable way about this show because I watching season ten of the old (UGH). This was the first of the new shows where I was on the edge of my seat, chewing my fingernails waiting to see what would happen next. My main WTF moment had to do with McGarrett breaking into the evidence locker in the most convoluted way. I didn't like the Governor's response to the situation at all, but you have to remember in The Young Assassins, that was exactly the same response from the "old" Governor, i.e., "we don't negotiate with terrorists." One thing that made me glad -- the McGarrett/Danno bickering was kept to a minimum. My theory is they have held back on this "mythology" (Wo Fat, what happened to McGarrett's family, etc.) to maintain interest while the show stretches out from January to May with repeated shows and no shows at all some weeks. Dacascos as Wo Fat is totally slimy -- I love it! But isn't he like a "known quantity"? If he shows up at Halewa for visiting, is he signing in as someone other than "Mr. Fat"? Oh yeah, the music was mostly garbage as usual. And I'm not just some old geezer (though I am) railing about this. Someone actually e-mailed me while the show was on last night: "PLEASE, PLEASE THE BACKGROUND MUSIC IS VERY!!!! ANNOYING (to me). Please, if you know whoever is in charge, please ask them to turn it down!!!"

Kimo: Chris Rego. Who, come to think of it, should do some incidental music for H50.

This is a very good suggestion.

Kimo: who da heck is thinkin up this stuff?! Ho man. good thing WE don't see these titlings here.

According to some comment I read, which may be linked in a past posting in the Guestbook, academic types at the University of Hawaii or some such joint are coming up with these Hawaiian titles for the episodes.

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 07:44:44 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken (Original recipe - Neva rebooted, Neva remade)
From Welcome Back to Our Branch Office, Every Week

“everyone of the new crew is out acting their counter-part on the old show"..."the acting by the other 3 is better on the new show"

Actually I think that first phoney Five-O crew, featured in Season 7’s "Welcome to Our Branch Office," easily out acted this new fake Five-O team. Given my choice of fake/bogus Five-O teams, I prefer those guys.

And Frank Gorshin and Cameron Mitchell did a much better job of producin than Lenkov & Orci

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 07:39:58 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

I watched Deep Cover yesterday. The rating went up a bit, but there were still issues. For one thing, the double comes out of the surf at the beginning and doesn't get the bends until prompted by Maud Adams. Is this realistic? Isn't getting the bends a gradual thing? If there are any medical types who know, I would like to hear from you. Then the guy (who is really a Commie) gets taken to the naval station because they have the only decompression chamber on the islands. The writers don't bother to drop this fact into the show until almost 20 minutes in. DUH! I kept saying, "Why is this guy, who is just a civilian, being ferried to the naval station for treatment in this helicopter ALONG WITH HIS WIFE. Don't these people need some kind of clearance?" Then there is the issue of how Maud and her two stooges sneak into the hospital, disguise themselves as orderlies and a nurse, knock out the US Navy guy and replace him with the Commie, then smuggle the US Navy guy out of the hospital to a house in the middle of nowhere where they have created an exact duplicate of his hospital room. At the end, the Commie is done away with because "his services are no longer required," but they somehow brainwash the Yank into carrying on the study of the top-secret new anti-missle system and related goodies which the Commie was doing in his place. Despite the fact that the Yank only does this for a day, they are gonna take him on the Russkie submarine at the end, and the Commie double is knocked off. I raised the rating from 1-1/2 to 2-1/2, now I am thinking this is too much!

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 07:27:02 PST

Submitted by: Hans
From Boston

“everyone of the new crew is out acting their counter-part on the old show with the exception of Alex. And this is because Jack Lord was always the best actor on that old show and really was the driving force of that show”

As much as I love the old show and don’t care for the new show, I can’t argue with this. Other than Alex, the acting by the other 3 is better on the new show, it’s not even close.

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 06:54:29 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Ringfire, I'm with you about the lousiness of Lenard in "Babe Ruth". But it's hard to tell how much of it was his fault - the script was terrible, so of course that's most of the problem, and then there's the absurd casting and his ridiculous makeup.

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 06:53:15 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Last night's ep was splendid! I really enjoyed it. It had many good dramatic moments, superb action, and fine performances from everyone. McG even got to lose his aloofness and get emotional.

There were a couple of WTF?? moments which were very disappointing in view of the excellence of the rest of the show. But I'll wait until later to mention them so as not to spoil anything for people who haven't seen the ep yet.

Dacascos is going to be amazing as Wo Fat! :D

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 06:45:32 PST

Submitted by: BigCityGal
From NYC

Scott Caan just picked up a (well deserved IMHO) Golden Globe nomination for best supporting actor in a series, mini-series or tv movie this morning.

Let the kvetching commence!

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 06:03:16 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From Mainland

>>"and... well, erryting else you guys on da mainland do. sorry. but we're old school here in Hawai'i."

i hear a little voice, "Easy, Otto, let it go, ol' boy."

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 04:53:15 PST

Submitted by: Kimo

From If I may, I would like to submit a bit of the ambiance of the uh.. aforementioned "Ko'olina Resorts".. the Bar and that night's entertainment. Our friend Chris Rego. Who, come to think of it, should do some incidental music for H50.

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 02:23:19 PST

Submitted by: Kimo
From sorry for multiple posts. cannot help erryone steh moe moe!

" Hana 'a'a Makehewa (Desperate Measures"
who da heck is thinkin up this stuff?! Ho man. good thing WE don't see these titlings here. There'd be hell ta pay.

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 01:31:36 PST

Submitted by: Kimo
From everywhere, but I jus' pass t'ru Waipahu.

""Getaway" hotel? I saw that thing, it's terrible."
actually, as I lived right next to to it for a year, Naj, ku'uipo, I grew fond of the place. Loved their bar. restaurant. Poolside bar. "Aquarium" kine pool surrounding the property. here's da thing. K den., Waiks get planny hotels. Honolulu get too many peeps. We goin try steer em away from da epicenter. How we goin Do dat ah!? build a second city. Build a second resort community. Build a second destination point fo da tourons. Judging by Dizzyland's investment, we doin SUMPIN right.
Eh. I am da first to rant and rail against overdevelopment and sprawl. But! whatcha goin do, ah!?

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 01:25:14 PST

Submitted by: Kimo
From Lanikai. Honolulu. Ko'olina, too!

"...you can't believe the little scene location notes at the bottom of the screen... "
(Oh dis goin' be good Unko Kimo thinks...) "The money drop at the ending was as far as I know nowhere near Farington Hwy in Waipahu which used to be suger plantation land not far from Pearl... and that great looking hotel scene in the middle was actually Ko'Olina Resorts, not Kapolei as noted."
No such thing as Ko'olina resorts. It is only one; resort. Not plural.
Also, Ko'olina is a small part of the new city known as Kapolei. And NO. that hotel scene was NOT filmed at the resort, for the resort encompasses so much: large expansive condo complex and yacht harbor. A wedding chapel. A golf course. The hotel is customarily alluded to separately from the resort. Which we see encompasses so much more.
Additionally, the money drop scene could very well... have been filmed off Farrington Hiway in Waipahu. In fact... that use of locale and placenames would fall into the 10% of physically correct actual realistic scenes in H50. As opposed to so many where they, say, allude to Waikiki, when actually (and to so many, obviously) it's downtown.

The current H50 (as V1 did) utilizes locations and changes the names, facts etc... as they deem necessary to move the story along. So it is amusing to see a skewed observation as above, while within the same conversation in that scene, contained other more obvious blunders or as Mike I think says, an AWWWW moment. Werein we here go, all in unison; AAWWWwww, that ain't right.... wot da heck?!"
eh. it's only a teevee show.

"Say what? Rice removes moisture from a SIM card? Now I've seen everything! Not even on MacGyver did I witness such miracles."
Most everyone here in Hawaii would know that as a solution. It ain't a miracle. Except to those spraying febrese on things to clean them. And using non flame candles. and electric outlet plugs that emit chemical scented oil you inhale that makes you think the air is freshened. and oil cloths in the dryer to fool ya into thinkin it softens the cloth. and... well, erryting else you guys on da mainland do. sorry. but we're old school here in Hawai'i. We know things la'dat

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 01:13:27 PST

Submitted by: Nadja
From Berlin

"Getaway" hotel? I saw that thing, it's terrible. And actually, there are enough hotels and resorts at Ko'olina already,IMHO. They are about to destroy that wonderful landscape there.

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 00:50:11 PST

Submitted by: Five-0
From Paradise

Tonight's show was pretty good... But you can't believe the little scene location notes at the bottom of the screen... The money drop at the ending was as far as I know nowhere near Farington Hwy in Waipahu which used to be suger plantation land not far from Pearl... and that great looking hotel scene in the middle was actually Ko'Olina Resorts, not Kapolei as noted.
By the way Disney is building a great getaway hotel in Ko'Olina. :o Mayne someday we'll even get a Disneyland Park here??? :)

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 00:35:56 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From River Avenue Blues

And the night wouldn’t be complete without Chicken extendin congrats to his main man Jerry Parks on his Fab Phillies acquiring Cliff Lee.

Cliff done flipped his wig, Babyeeeeee. He turn down all that bread to go pitch in Philly, man. Far out!

But them Steinbrenner Kids, they said they’d PAY ANYTHING. ANYYYthing, Baybeee

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 00:20:51 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From Left Coast

“One thing I really believe this new show has over the old show is the overall acting.”

You know, Chicken was just watching the “old show,” Rob, one of the scenes with Jack and Jim where they was brainstormin bout a case or discussing an investigation. And I thinks, why Steve & Danno talkin bout police work and not arguing about bullshit like the faux Steve&Danno on that “new show”?? Or why do Steve bother interrogatin a suspect, why don’t he have Danno tie the cat to the roof of his car and drive round Waikiki.

On par with the original? Better overall acting? Yup, your proclamations be like those dudes selling laundry detergent in those 70's TV commercials, man.

Fast-Actin Five-Zero is New & Improved! More Torture & Wittier Banter! Hotter Cast Members. Now shown in Fabulous Cinematic Yellow Tint!

Added: Tuesday 14 December 2010 00:09:49 PST

Submitted by: Nadja
From Berlin

Last night I watched season 9's "See how she runs" And I have to agree with OTTO, Kwan Hi Lim is GOD. It is indeed godly how he plays that "Peeping Tom" what Steve calls him."Four people on ONE room!" :!rofl:

Added: Monday 13 December 2010 23:28:07 PST

Submitted by: RobertScorpio
From San Diego

Wow..the first appearance of WO FAT was just great on an episode that I put on par with any episode from either season one OR season two of the original show...

Of course, I'm sure most of you won't agree, but oh well....This new FIVEO is getting better and better and is a shoe in for being picked up for another season.

One thing I really believe this new show has over the old show is the overall acting. I honestly believe, if just based on first seasons only, that everyone of the new crew is out acting their counter-part on the old show with the exception of Alex. And this is because Jack Lord was always the best actor on that old show and really was the driving force of that show...


Added: Monday 13 December 2010 23:21:44 PST

Submitted by: Barbara

Happy Holidays everyone! Been away from the 'puter for quite a while so I see I have a lot of catching up to do.

I won't post anything specific about tonight's show since not everyone has had a chance to view it yet. And I know that there is sometimes a major difference in opinion between the those who like the old or the new (I like both). But I must say that I thought tonight's episode was the best one of the season so far, especially the last 15 minutes.

One question.....was that the real Iolani Palace foyer where they shot or was that a set they built? I know that it is being renovated and so they haven't been allowed to shoot there. But I thought maybe the lobby area might be complete and they let them shoot that one scene from there. Anyone know??

Added: Monday 13 December 2010 22:50:59 PST

Submitted by: Raymond
From Burbank, CA

Just want to say how much I enjoy the new Hawaii 5 0. It is written by masters and acted superbly. I look forward to it weekly as it is always full of suspense, plenty of drama and the plot is executed wonderfully. I praise ALL who are involved behind the scenes and congratulate the actors!!! Steve and Dano are exceptional; and I love their characters chemistry; they most definitely compliment each other. There is a bond that is so well matched it's dynamic. Thanks sooooo much for giving us a drama that is a "MUST SEE".


Added: Monday 13 December 2010 21:15:19 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From Short Walk on the Longshore

Far as the Five-O “fall off” I’d say theyse had a hellavu run, Seasons 1 thru 7. I be surprised myself at soma the great eps they turn out in 7. Though still a good season on the whole, certain eps in Season 8 showed signs of the coming fade. Amazingly, they kicked it back up for Season 9 for another stellar year.

My memories be sketchy of the last three seasons. I always thought S10 was still good and S11 n’ 12 went off the rails. But I gather from the discussion and Mr. Mike’s info is that S10 kinda weak and S11 have some stand out eps though not great on the whole. Is that a fair assessment Mr. Mike? How you rate S10 far as the big picture, man?

Added: Monday 13 December 2010 20:30:03 PST

Submitted by: JoAnn Coggin
From Tupelo, MS

Just want to say how much I enjoy the new Hawaii 5 0. It is written by masters and acted superbly. I look forward to it weekly as it is always full of suspense, plenty of drama and the plot is executed wonderfully. I praise ALL who are involved behind the scenes and congratulate the actors!!! Steve and Dano are exceptional; and I love their characters chemistry; they most definitely compliment each other. There is a bond that is so well matched it's dynamic. Thanks sooooo much for giving us a drama that is a "MUST SEE".

Added: Monday 13 December 2010 20:24:26 PST

Submitted by: Big City Gal
From NYC

"Say what? Rice removes moisture from a SIM card? Now I've seen everything! Not even on MacGyver did I witness such miracles."

It's a common solution. From WikiHow....bit.ly/cJjdDB

See step 8

The trick works on iPods too....bit.ly/3aNBiW

There are several absorbent materials that will work, but rice is cheap and readily available.

Added: Monday 13 December 2010 20:20:57 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

Say what? Rice removes moisture from a SIM card? :D Now I've seen everything! Not even on MacGyver did I witness such miracles. Well at least I got to see a cockfight. But where's Benny Apa? And where's Choo-cho?

Added: Monday 13 December 2010 19:23:43 PST

Submitted by: JulieS
From Australia

I'm currently going through season 5 in production order and I've found an anomaly. "Chain of Events" is prod. no.1729-407 and then the next one is "You Don't Have to Kill to Get Rich - But It Helps" which is prod. no.1729-409. Usually there are big differences with the numbers from one season to another but during a season they usually go in numerical order.

The rest of season 5 proceeds in numerical order up to 1729-425. For some reason they skipped 1729-408 which to me indicates that they had an episode planned but they decided against going with it. So maybe there are still some original Five-O scripts out there that were never filmed.

Added: Monday 13 December 2010 16:43:16 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Yes, the teasers are there. I dunno how they could leave these out, they are really part of the show...

Added: Monday 13 December 2010 13:44:27 PST

Submitted by: Glenn
From Orlando, FL (USA)

Hey Mike,

You said there are no promos on the 10th season set, but do we still get the "teaser" before each show - thanks...:)

Added: Monday 13 December 2010 12:30:01 PST

Submitted by: AJ
From New York

And for poi's sake, what's with all the hoops you have to jump through to post on here?!! :!mad:

Added: Monday 13 December 2010 12:23:45 PST

Submitted by: AJ
From New York

Tonight's episode of the new show will have Chin Ho in grave peril; tomorrow is the release of the Seaso 10 DVD set, which contains the episode in which the original Chin Ho dies. Ironic! :!devil:

Added: Monday 13 December 2010 12:20:57 PST

Submitted by: Hans
From Boston

I hope #1WAB doesn't run into any copyright issues Steven. If you took out the disco hits I think it would leave the episode unusable, it's that important to the show... it's not background music but rather part of the story. I loved that 2 parter and have only seen it once.

Added: Monday 13 December 2010 11:17:08 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

I dunno. I wanted to throw tomatoes at the screen every time Lenard opened his mouth. Nothing against Lenard - he was great as Rogloff in "Will the Real Mr. Winkler Please Die?" and as Dan Bok in "Secret Witness". But his performance as Nagata was beyond wretched! Speaking of season 10, I understand Lenard makes his final appearance in "You Don't See Many Pirates These Days" - how does he fare there? It's been such a long time that I only recall Rossano Brazzi.

Added: Monday 13 December 2010 10:15:27 PST

Submitted by: Steven
From Miami

Speaking of season eleven--hard to believe it's next in line for release--I wonder if "Number One with a Bullet" will be gutted like that fish in "Twenty-Four Karat Kill" or remain unedited, what with all the (original artist?) Disco songs used as source music.

Added: Monday 13 December 2010 10:14:18 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Daniel Dae Kim and Peter Lenkov interviewed. Lots of scoop! http://bit.ly/gIakgo

Added: Monday 13 December 2010 10:07:19 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

I disagree. You could at least laugh at Lenard's performance, since it was so ridiculous. But Lynley's "acting" [sic] is non-existent to the point of being embarrassing. Lynley is an actress who is supposed to be portraying a policewoman who is herself acting, playing a woman from the mainland with a minor-league criminal past and she fails miserably on both levels.

Added: Monday 13 December 2010 09:48:43 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

"I think Carol Lynley should get the prize for the very worst performance by a guest star on Five-O." -- OH come now! No one/nothing was worse than Mark Lenard ranting as Nagata in "To Hell with Babe Ruth". Kumiko!!!!!! We will be like white swans!!! UGHH!!

Added: Monday 13 December 2010 09:36:04 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

From the New York Post:

Word broke yesterday that an unnamed network was set to start shooting a TV series version of the hit movie series "The Transporter" early next month.


"The Transporter" TV series represents an acceleration of the latest TV trend -- extreme action -- as audiences show signs that the reign of reality shows and police procedurals that have dominated TV schedules for the last decade is winding down.

New TV series with heavy action -- characterized by big explosions, spectacular chases and death-defying stunts -- including "Hawaii Five-O" and "Nikita," were the big winners this year. TV execs are scrambling to make sure they are not left out.

Insiders say that studios are combing their movie catalogues for action thrillers that would have been rejected in years past as too expensive for TV.

Added: Monday 13 December 2010 07:51:49 PST

Submitted by: Hans
From Boston

The recent discussion of Deadly Courier prompted me to look at the vid link of the final scene in Mr Mike’s review. It’s just awful. When did those giggly, cutesy, feel-good endings first appear? It was like a bad, dry sit com. That’s when the show became painful to watch for me. Compare that to the end of episodes like Jinn Who Clears the Way that left me numb, it’s like it’s not even the same TV show. They should have called it something else like the McGarrett Bunch or Leave it to McGarrett.

Season 12 did have a couple good episodes at the beginning but soon took the show to its lowest moments. Kimo and Lori eating lunch in front of a house during a kidnapping comes to mind. “Sure is a nice neighborhood!” Sharon Farrell proved she could act as a guest in earlier seasons so I’d blame much of her disastrous moments on the writing. In hind site, they should have introduced Truck in earlier seasons and brought back characters like Amanda McBroom and even Molly Taggart (a personal favorite) :!inlove:

Added: Monday 13 December 2010 06:59:58 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

On my way to viewing Deep Cover (with Maud Adams :p), I checked out Tsunami. The color of this episode, unlike some in the 10th season box set, is pretty good -- MUCH better than my dub from TV! In my last rating (I can't remember when that was), I only gave this episode 1-1/2 stars, which is a bit harsh. It deserves at least 2-1/2.

This show is about clever students who fake a tsunami warning (i.e., take advantage of some distracting "big event") so they can break into a jewellery store and steal a bunch of diamonds (hmmm ... where have we encountered that kind of plot recently?). The clever students are kind of interesting, especially one woman who is a power-hungry (and within the limits of 1970's television, a sexually-hungry) bitch.

However, there are a couple of dumb things about the episode.

First, Five-O seems to be at the forefront in warning the people of Hawaii with regard to the impending tsunami. McGarrett is shown on TV acting like he is in charge and Chin Ho and Duke are seen manning the phones along with other people who are freaking out (I was reminded of a charity telethon). Surely there would be more "professional" people connected with civil defense who would be dealing with stuff like this.

You also have to wonder why the students chose only ONE jewellery store, and why that store had $6 million worth of jewellery (which they knew about in advance).

And then the students are not only geniuses in geophysics, but also in auto body work, because they manage to paint some car so it looks exactly like an HPD cruiser (even Duke remarks on this).

Still, the episode is relatively logical, though I would question whether the response of the governmental types to the tsunami was really portrayed as it was at the time. Their warning center is kind of a rinky-dink operation. I'm sure these days, the center would be filled with tons of computer banks, phones, seismographs, and so forth.

Added: Monday 13 December 2010 06:55:10 PST

Submitted by: Hans
From Boston

After watching the 1st 9 seasons on DVD my views are spot on with what Jeff wrote other than I recall Season 11 was a little better than 10. At least it had a few memorable episodes in Medicine Man, #1 With a Bullet and Skyline Killer. I don’t recall any stand outs in Season 10 (though the DVD’s might prove otherwise). I loved Season 9, amazing they pulled that off that late in the game. I found it miles above 7 and 8.

Added: Monday 13 December 2010 06:46:30 PST

Submitted by: Steve
From UK

Oh, I don't know, for me seasons 4 and 5 were / are the best from the old stable of shows. I've given up on the revamp, I'll revisit it in a years time (assuming its still being broadcast then!).

Added: Monday 13 December 2010 06:31:29 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From NYC

The drop-off starts after the opening credits of FULL FATHOM FIVE!

No, really, it seems to begin in Season 7. It's nice to know that 9 gets a thumbs up. I haven't seen any of those. Perhaps it's official when McG fully embraces 'the dry look', with his coiffure ceasing to emulate the opening wave of the show!

Added: Monday 13 December 2010 06:05:20 PST

Submitted by: Jeff
From Denver

For me, Hawaii Five-O had a series of peaks and valleys, until it started its long drop into the sewer with season 10.

The peaks for me were seasons 3, 6 and 9, representing the overall best seasons. Seasons 1 and 2 both continued the rise in quality, while season 4 and 5 represented a bit of a decline from the heights of season 3, despite some great episodes (interspersed with some weak ones). Season 6 was a big leap back upward, then seasons 7 represented a drop-off, marginally rising again in season 8, then another big leap up in season 9. After season 9, it was literally all downhill, with each season getting drastically worse.

My ranking of the new series in comparison with seasons from the old series results in New H50 Season 1 comparing about the same as Classic H50 Season 10, 2 steps up from the bottom of the barrel (those being seasons 11 and 12).

Added: Sunday 12 December 2010 23:14:10 PST

Submitted by: Raymond
From Burbank, CA

I think the point that H50 started going down the drain was season 8. There are only 4 episodes in Season 8 that I feel are up to par..."Termination With Extreme Prejudice", "A Touch Of Guilt", "Loose Ends Get Hit" and "Legacy Of Terror". There were some other mediocre episodes that would keep me awake but that was pretty much it. This was a bout the same time Duke began wearing a suit. It was all downhill, and fast, from there. :!brokenheart:

Added: Sunday 12 December 2010 22:09:48 PST

Submitted by: boris
From spfld ma

here's a query for those that have some feeling on this. Where are the "fall-off" marks for H50? I think there is one after season 6. Though maybe you may argue that there is one after 3 or 4, I think it's pretty true that the first 6 seasons are all pretty damn near the same high quality product. Now, I've seen all of 8 and a good batch of 7 and not much after 8 yet. And I think s7 is not what s6 is but it's still good.

So I think there is one fall-off mark at s7. So going forward, what can I excpect?

Any thoughts on this will help me prepare my soul for the future.

Added: Sunday 12 December 2010 21:45:05 PST

Submitted by: KD MCGarrett
From dont post urls.....oops

Wait there's a creative process? Now this I must read!

Added: Sunday 12 December 2010 19:21:43 PST

Submitted by: Raymond
From Burbank, CA

I'm not sure I want to get Season 10. I'm afraid it will leave a bad taste in my mouth. I don't want to live the rest of my life realizing how bad a show Hawaii Five-0 became. It's kind of like seeing your High School sweetheart after 25 years and she has gained 150 lbs, become an alcoholic and her husband beats her. It just kind of ruins the memories.

Added: Sunday 12 December 2010 18:37:45 PST

Submitted by: Rick
From Newport Beach

...strong scene when the dentist (Bob Basso) exchanges some witty banter with the spook about his stainless steel fillings, raising suspicions on both sides. (always liked Bob's guest spots) Creepy shot of her (Adams) at the bar, just as she's about to use her girlie charms to seduce the good Navy dentist to his death.

Added: Sunday 12 December 2010 17:41:59 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

I think you are right, Rick, the presence of Maud Adams alone should raise the rating to at least a two. I'll check that episode out ASAP.

I just finished writing up Angel in Blue. UGH!! What a horrible, horrible show. If I watched When Does a War End? (the show immediately after this), I would probably slit my wrists.

Added: Sunday 12 December 2010 16:47:51 PST

Submitted by: Rick
From Newport Beach

While I'm at it I'll mention DEEP COVER should get a little more love than 1.5 stars. Very well produced with the Navy theme... good dialogue in particular McG and Cmdr. Nolan (Geoffrey Lewis)... and if I may say so, Maude Adams evil side is not too shabby. So I cut it some slack in the preposterousness of the plot.

Added: Sunday 12 December 2010 16:23:54 PST

Submitted by: Rick
From Newport Beach

Season 10?... DEADLY DOUBLES... Kurt Russell and the seldom worked Carole Tru Foster. It's a perfect storm. Painful. Equal parts bad script, bad acting, and really bad fake Ru-ski accents. Oy Vey!

Added: Sunday 12 December 2010 16:10:43 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From NYC

I thought Patty Duke was pretty crappy in her episode. The episode had some great aspects, but her acting was putrid. But don't think Mr. Mike and I are singling out the women, because there have been many great performances by women on the FIVE, like Beverlee McKinsey in THE JOKER'S WILD, MAN, WILD, and Marj Dusay in THE SINGAPORE FILE, not to mention a number of great performances by Five-O regular Josie Over!

Added: Sunday 12 December 2010 15:57:20 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

I just watched Angel in Blue. I know, I am a glutton for punishment. This episode is very bad, I previously gave it only 1/2 star. But it is beyond bad!! I think Carol Lynley should get the prize for the very worst performance by a guest star on Five-O. Can you think of any others?

Added: Sunday 12 December 2010 15:31:33 PST

Submitted by: JulieS
From Australia

I'm not phased by how the DVDs are packaged in season 10. The way they are packaged as Mr. Mike described it is the way we've been buying TV shows DVDs here in Australia for the last few years.

So to me it will be almost the same as if I bought it here (and not from Amazon where I have already pre-order this season). The only difference is that it will be region 1 instead of region 4.

As for the quality of the DVDs themselves, this may have just been a dud set that you got. I'll be interested to hear if everyone else gets the same - I won't be getting mine until early January due to all the public holidays we have coming up over Christmas.

Added: Sunday 12 December 2010 14:54:50 PST

Submitted by: Rainbow Warrior
From New York, NY


I'm posting here because the "kiss my ass" comments you made to Ringfire are the type of stuff that you try to get away with and I'm holding you accountable, which you don't like and you're not faring too well with me.

1. I went to school in the suburbs of Boston with kids of all races and religions and we all got along swimmingly, so as usual your generalizations get in the way of facts. It was in the the 1970's and five miles outside the city, but don't let real facts get in the way of fake arguments.

2. I'm not a Boston Red Sox fan for many reasons. I'm a St.Louis Cardinals fan, you might have heard the classiest fans in baseball. 10 world chmapionships. :p

I lurked on this site for years and never posted instead I just wanted to learn from the nuggets of information provided my all here and spend ten minutes a day reading great posts from people like the Curator who had inside info and great thoughts. Then you started fighting with people like the curator here who got so mad a week or two ago that the curator posted "you were on another planet."

I'm going to stop posting here for a month or more to ease Mr. Mike's pain, but you bug me, because next to KIR you're the one who has started more trouble on this post, and I know because I lurked on this blog for years. What's the matter, couldn't make it in NYC so you had to move to NH?

Added: Sunday 12 December 2010 10:58:35 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman talk about the creative process behind Hawaii Five-0 (and other stuff) http://bit.ly/egOV2d

Added: Sunday 12 December 2010 09:08:46 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Hmmm, interesting remarks from an article about the premiere 30 years ago of Magnum, P.I. (http://bit.ly/ieQLrg):

[Linda] Ryan recalled that unlike the "Hawaii Five-0" squad, the lead "Magnum" characters "were three-dimensional, with social lives, relatives and back stories. Magnum the jokester was the diametrical opposite of McGarrett the authoritarian; however, both characters were genuinely reflective of their eras. The mood on a set starts with the star; Jack's sets were tense, Tom's were relaxed."

But is this a recent comment?

Added: Sunday 12 December 2010 07:20:36 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Having resigned myself to the fact that there is no way I am gonna get to do the "re-anal-ysis" on all the 10th season shows by Tuesday, since I just got the box set on Friday, I just jumped into the middle of the season rather than starting at the beginning where there are actually a couple of shows with a semblance of quality.

Bad idea! (See Season 10 page via the link above.)

The first was The Big Aloha, which starts out well and has some interesting ideas, but gets bogged down at the end with things going in a dozen directions at once and ends very lamely. There is actually some "Hawaiian" stuff at the beginning ... but then one of the characters addresses the Governor as "Philip." DUH!! Not good.

Followed this with A Short Walk on the Longshore. Sharon Farrell is VERY good in this episode and Jack Lord in his John Beck-like disguise is good for a few laughs, but the climax of the show is stupid, with some insignificant actor playing the big boss who is the guy behind the corruption on the Honolulu docks. The dialog in the final scenes is total crap, as if the writer couldn't figure out how to end the show.

Added: Sunday 12 December 2010 07:15:02 PST

Submitted by: JulieS
From Australia

Lyle Bettger is also in "Invitation to Murder". He appeared in 11 episodes altogether.

Other notable ones I found were...

Deep Cover - Geoffrey Lewis (was Clint Eastwood's sidekick in "Every Which Way But Loose)

Tread the King's Shadow - James Sikking (3 years before he starred in "Hill Street Blues";)

Angel in Blue - Vic Tayback (was starring as Mel Sharples in "Alice" at the same time)

A Stranger in his Grave - Andrew Prine, John Hillerman (second appearance for both)

Added: Saturday 11 December 2010 21:49:41 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

How about:

"Invitation to Murder" - Helen Funai, Anthony Caruso, Eduard Franz
"A Death in the Family" - Reni Santoni, Manu Tupou

Added: Saturday 11 December 2010 12:26:32 PST

Submitted by: Sylvia
From Classic TV land

I would also point to "NCIS" as a successor to the original Five-O (I like to refer to it as Five-O's goofier younger brother.) because of its use of "The Process" (investigators, lab person and coroner) and even the black-and-white "freeze" it uses to head into commercials, as opposed to "The Wave" on classic Five-O. I daresay "NCIS" is closer in spirit to classic "Five-O" than the new "Five-O" is.

Another terrific British police series: "Foyle's War," set during (and now in the immediate aftermath) of World War 2. The crime solving is just one bit of the storyline there.

Added: Saturday 11 December 2010 10:43:39 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From The Emerald City

Five-O DVDs unda the tree sound like a good Christmas to me, Otto. Enjoy the time with your moms over the holiday.

You right, Mister Mike, The Wire had that most poetic street dialog. Lotta great quotes from Stringer, the free marketeer drug dealer, & Omar as well. I dig Michael Chiklis as well, that whole Shield concept of anti-hero, dirty cops being protagonists of a show was pretty radical when it first hit.

But as far as rouge cops, no one compare my man Harvey Keitel, the real Bad Lieutenant.

Added: Saturday 11 December 2010 09:27:01 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Here is a list of guest actors on the 10th season shows. I can't identify anyone in there as A List, but there are several B+ List types. Jean Simmons, for example, may have been an A List actor years before, but she was well past her prime. I am hard-pressed to figure out who the guest actors (if any) are for a couple of the shows.

By the way, did anyone look at the screen shots of the disc menus that I posted? Poor Duke don't get no respect, he isn't in ANY of the menus!

Up the rebels - Stephen Boyd
You don't see many pirates these days - Rossano Brazzi
The cop on the cover - Jean Simmons
The friends of Joey Kalima - John Rubinstein
Descent of the torches - Geraldine Page
The ninth step - Gil Gerard
Shake hands with the man on the moon - James Wainwright
Deadly doubles - Kurt Russell, Tim Matheson
Deep cover - Maud Adams
Tsunami - Leigh McCloskey, Shirley Collins
East wind--ill wind - Sian Barbara Allen
Tread the king's shadow - John Marley
The big aloha - Eleanor Parker
A short walk on the long shore - Michael Conrad, Sharon Farrell
The silk trap - David Birney
Head to head - George Grizzard
Tall on the wave - Lisa Eilbacher
Angel in blue - Carol Lynley
When does a war end? - Anne Francis
Invitation to murder - ???
Frozen assets - Mildred Natwick, Peter Lawford
My friend, the enemy - Luciana Paluzzi
A stranger in his grave - Laraine Stephens
A death in the family - Kam Fong

Added: Saturday 11 December 2010 07:51:04 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

I watched all of The Shield and The Wire. The writing for both these shows was exceptional and totally logical. The Shield was a real tour de force for Michael Chiklis, but the other acting was of an equally high calibre. The Wire got a lot of critical praise, but it bombed as far as ratings are concerned (such as they are for non-network TV shows). I had a lot of trouble with some of the dialog of the black guys on The Wire ... subtitles were really needed! It should be noted that of the cast on The Wire, two of the major characters were foreign-born: Dominic West, who played Detective Jimmy McNulty was Irish, born in Sheffield, England and Idris Akuna Elba, who played Stringer Bell, the drug dealer who aspired to be a high powered businessman, was from East London.

Added: Saturday 11 December 2010 07:38:05 PST

Submitted by: boris
From springfield ma

i like The Shield. I remember the acting and the direction of the acting being really good. Not sure if the writing was the same level. The ideas in it were good though; where they took the stories - real, interesting and pushing the politically correct limits.

Added: Saturday 11 December 2010 07:17:04 PST

Submitted by: Judy
From Nebraska

How about NCIS? To me, that is my Hawaii Five 0 replacement. Prime Suspect was an outstanding, but they did not have to grind out a new show every week. I guess, for me to say in the last 10-15 yrs that there was a great cop show-I wouldn't. None have left a lasting impression on me. Some were fun to watch, but most shows fell quickly into the try and true story lines or just didn't have that something "special" which set it apart.

Added: Saturday 11 December 2010 04:10:16 PST

Submitted by: Nadja
From Berlin

Thank you, I appreciate it.

Referring to season 10 dvd set, thanks to Mr. Mike I own season 10 tv captures on dvd because my set won't be here until the mid-January, I guess.

Added: Saturday 11 December 2010 00:51:54 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From NYC

Chick: I will check out the rest of "The Wire". My mother, who lives near Baltimore, urges me to do so. She has 5-O Season Six waiting for me when i get down there for the holiday... Hell Yes!!! (Kinda pathetic: a 46 year old man getting Five-O DVDs from his mom! But hey, she asked me what i wanted for Xmas! Just tellin' the truth...)

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 23:38:30 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From Outside The Box

Hey RingFire - Chicken down with those eps: "Kill 'Em Again", "Draw Me a Killer", "Ladies Free," not to mention “The Listener” “Computer Killer” & “Muthas Deadly Helper”. Five-O was way ahead of the curve - and ahead of its time - on portrayin serial killers, dangerous loners and sociopathic malcontents. Definitely, made Five-0 stand apart. True Dat.

Far as other good copper shows - “The Wire” is an exemplary police show n’ more. They go above and beyond the genre. Easily the most literary show on TV. Otto, you gotta check out all the seasons, man.

Chicken would add the UK’s Life On Mars, with the Great Phil Glenister. A true originale which is at its core a homage to the 70’s cop shows we all dig.

Lastly, gotta thanx you Mr. Mike for the inside scoop on Season 10. Like the Real McGarrett, you always on the case :!cool:

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 20:59:11 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From McGarrett Speaketh

Rainbow Warrior say: "The original Five-O was a huge influence on me when I was young, so much of it has ingrained itself in me WITHOUT ME realizing it."

And as Big H say - that is profound, indeed. True for me too. Man, I aspire to work as hard at my vocation as Steve n’ The Boys work them cases.

And you know, after KDMcG mention your other post sounded like Steve McGarrett I read it back and damm if I couldn't here Jack Lord's voice in your words. All it needed was the finger snappin! Kudos to you, Rainbow Warrior, for channelin Our Man McGarrett!

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 20:36:49 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

From news report:

Comedian Dane Cook has been cast to play the brother of “Danno”. For now, he’s set to appear in one episode that’ll air in February.

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 20:08:10 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

"Prime Suspect" with Helen Mirren is another excellent UK cop show.

There was a series called "Bergerac" which I saw in the UK and then a few times here when it appeared on a PBS station. It was very popular in the UK, running for nine or ten years, but never caught on here. It was low-key with a charming lead actor, John Nettles, who became a big TV star with it. He played a detective with the Bureau des Etrangers, a fictional unit within the Jersey police force. It was filmed on the island of Jersey so there were interesting locations. I was always amused at its parallels to Hawaii Five-0/Magnum but it was a much different, British-style show. While it owed a lot to American cop and detective TV, there was much less violence and bluster.

Like Magnum, Bergerac had a cool car - a Triumph of some kind.

Fun show that I'd like to see again.

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 18:28:34 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From NYC

HA HA, excellent! I could just hear Kwan Hi Lim in divorce court saying (a la SKINHEAD), "Would it be accurate, Mrs. MacArthur, to say that you had other 'boys' with whom you had, shall we say, INTIMATE RELATIONS?"

I'm sure the great Kwan Hi was able to rescue some of JMac's dough from the clutches of the ex, thus acquiring sainthood!!!

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 17:55:22 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Otto: "KWAN HI LIM is GOD"

James MacArthur at the 1996 Five-O convention in Burbank: "Kwan Hi Lim is a saint, he was the lawyer for my second divorce."

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 17:47:09 PST

Submitted by: JulieS
From Australia

Mr. Mike in regards to your asking about TV cop shows in the last 10-15 years that have good writing, I would like to say most of the police dramas that come from the UK are miles ahead. Here are some...

"The Bill" - just finished a 26 year run.
"Taggart" - great Scottish cop drama. It's been on air since 1983.
"Midsomer Murders" - been going since 1997

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 17:38:15 PST

Submitted by: Barbara
From Pittsburgh

The first "Hawaii Five-0" episode I ever saw was "A Death in the Family." I wasn't attached to the series at that point, and I don't remember that episode either. But now it will be difficult to see that one. I'll probably start with either "Up the Rebels" or "Joey Kalima.'

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 17:38:10 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

My little plan to do "anal-ysis" on other cop shows will have to go by the boards, since my favorite store has the 10th season for sale today, and I picked it up. It is in the same kind of box that the 9th season was. The list of episodes is on the inside "liner" which is not visible unless you remove the disks on the right and left sides.

I'm sure the first thing that will produce wailing: there are no episodic promos. But these were highly redundant and actually caused confusion with the ninth season, aside from Jack Lord's narration.

Because there are no promos, there is not a separate menu for each show where you could choose to play the show with or without the promo. There is just a menu for the disc itself.

You can see all these menus here.

Typical episode times are around 49:40-49:48, with an average that looks to be around 49:44. But there are a few shows which are up to 30 seconds less. This suggests something was cut out. For example, "The Friends of Joey Kalima," one of the affected shows, takes place in a music store. I wonder if there was some music rights issue here? There is a disclaimer on the back cover in VERY dinky print: "Some episodes may be edited from their original network versions." A full list of all episode timings is below.

The quality control of these discs is not that great, though I am sure this doesn't affect playability. Some of them on the playing side have a "cloudy appearance," as if there was something on the DVD surface (it looks like a dirty window). Another disc had a few scratches, but I ran it through some software which would normally fail if the disk was defective (strictly for anal-ysis purposes, you understand) and it had no problems.

The sharpness of the photography and the color of these shows looks mediocre compared to some of the earlier seasons. But the word "Technicolor" is on the back of the box (and it was on the back of the 9th season box too)!

Here are the timings of the individual episodes:

215 Up the rebels 49:44
216 You don't see many pirates these days 49:43
217 The cop on the cover 49:40
218 The friends of Joey Kalima 49:22

219 Descent of the torches 49:44
220 The ninth step 49:44
221 Shake hands with the man on the moon 49:43
222 Deadly doubles 49:44

223 Deep cover 49:45
224 Tsunami 49:16
225 East wind--ill wind 49:48
226 Tread the king's shadow 49:44

227 The big aloha 49:28
228 A short walk on the long shore 49:39
229 The silk trap 49:44
230 Head to head 49:39

231 Tall on the wave 49:41
232 Angel in blue 49:45
233 When does a war end? 49:44
234 Invitation to murder 49:40

235 Frozen assets 49:43
236 My friend, the enemy 49:41
237 A stranger in his grave 49:42
238 A death in the family 49:45

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 15:34:01 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

"Kiss my ass." -- First send me some pics and then I'll decide.

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 15:25:26 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From NYC

NADJA: Ausgezeichnet! Could not have said it better myself.

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 15:18:11 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From NYC

I thought "The Wire" was really good, because it didn't have all the explosive, preposterous situations, or the over-the-top serial killing perverts who seem to proliferate on television. And its story arcs were referring to real situations in Baltimore, not just the crime, but the corrupt politics. (But i only watched one season, so i need to see more to really recommend it all the way.)

And thanks Rick for mentioning COLUMBO. It's the only cop show that gives the FIVE a run for its money, because it's so good in the opposite direction. Falk was too funny.

And Jack Lord is not my personal savior, but KWAN HI LIM is GOD!

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 15:07:57 PST

Submitted by: Nadja
From Berlin

Sorry, not my cup of tea here recently. I guess I'll wait until that whole new show thing is through. You know how it is with bad dreams, in the morning we won't remember a thing, all that's left are faint creeps and the relief that it's over ;)

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 14:49:28 PST

Submitted by: Elena
From A good cop show.

I would say "Blue Bloods" is an excellent cop show. It is about a family of NY cops. Both the writing and acting is very good. Tom Selleck and Donnie Wahlberg star.Fridays, 10 pm, CBS.

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 13:40:00 PST

Submitted by: Jeff
From Denver

A cop show currently on CBS that I DO enjoy right now is "Blue Bloods". It's got a top-notch cast including Tom Selleck and Donnie Wahlberg who are instantly credible and believable as veteran cops from a family of cops, along with gorgeous Bridget Moynihan as the assistant D.A. Set in NYC, the show has a strong mix of family drama and interesting, complex cases that actually are logic-based in terms of the way they are solved.

It's not too fast-paced, it has great character drama, and a nice sub-plot about a mysterious underground cop/vigilante group that may have been responsible for the death of one of the family members (sound familiar?) It gets bigger Nielsen numbers each week than certain other CBS cop shows (last week it pulled in almost 11.5M---on a FRIDAY!)

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 13:37:51 PST

Submitted by: KD MCGarrett
From just a clarification...

Just for the record-I don't have any grudges with Heather. May agree to disagree but I don't have personal issues with anyone. I used to love the Jack Lord site.

What happened to Kimo..Nadja..Ray et. al?

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 12:51:22 PST

Submitted by: Rick
From Newport Beach

...from the last 10 or 15 years... NYPD BLUE had excellent writing and was as good as it gets in the character development department. But that's going back a few years.

More recently... people talk-up THE WIRE... bit.ly/Xei7 ...but I've never watched it.

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 10:36:45 PST

Submitted by: Big H
From Raleigh, NC

"The original Five-O was a huge influence on me when I was young, so much of it has ingrained itself in me WITHOUT ME realizing it."

Bro...that is profound. I think it is true for most of us on this site. Not carrying a .38 cal yet, though. Maybe one day...

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 10:21:31 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

The first couple of seasons of "Homicide" were excellent. Then it fell off in quality and I lost interest.

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 10:17:39 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Ringfire: "Of course I doubt you've ever checked out those classics."

Kiss my ass.

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 10:13:55 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Rainbow, I suspect you're really only posting here to start trouble.

"but the people of Boston and New England have changed, they're gotten very angry and that wasn't the case when I was young."

I guess you somehow missed all the controversy when Judge Garrity enforced school busing in Boston in the 1970s, having determined that school boards there had been racially segregating schools for decades. There was a lot of rioting and white protestors threw rocks and bottles at school buses full of little black kids.

You could also read "Shut Out" by Howard Bryant, which details the racist practices of the Boston Red Sox and their fans:


Boston is a very racist city.

I'm from NYC.


Added: Friday 10 December 2010 10:09:09 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Columbo I know about, no argument there ... I was thinking of something from the last 10-15 years or so.

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 10:05:53 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

WALKER TEXAS RANGER of course. Just messin' with ya. ;) Of course I used to watch that show religiously as a youngster. Hasn't aged that well though. Recommended only for die-hard Chuck Norris fans! Which I used to be.

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 09:58:25 PST

Submitted by: Rick
From Newport Beach

>>>COLUMBO<<< ...one of the best of the 70's cop shows IMHO. Great guest stars like Ray Milland, Janet Leigh, Johnny Cash. As well as many who also appeared on Five-0.

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 09:55:12 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

I am getting just a little bit antsy. Normally I am able to purchase upcoming DVDs prior to their release date at this local store (this is in Canada, you realize), but the latest Five-O box set (due next Tuesday) still has not shown up! UGH! I was able to purchase the season 9 box TWO WEEKS prior to its release date. I notice that the store also doesn't feature "24" Season 8 (also due next Tuesday) in their listings either. I guess that the DVD companies must have got word of them doing this and clamped down.

Anyway, assuming Season 10 doesn't show up today or tomorrow, I have to fill in the gaps with something else.

So I am thinking: what are some REALLY good cop shows in the last 40 years which you can point to and say "This is an example of a good cop show with good writing, blah blah, compared to the latest Five-O which is total shit." I want some examples of this (preferably shows which are still on the air, and really preferably, relatively "new" shows) -- maybe 2 or 3 examples.

I don't want to hear from the usual cabal who will say "There has never been a show as well written as Five-O, blubber, blubber, and Jack Lord is my personal savior." Don't even think of saying this, or I will delete your posting and maybe even you if I am very cranky.

There is only one condition which you can add to your recommendation, which is something like "Don't watch the umpteenth season of Law and Order, because it was just as shitty as the new Five-O."

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 09:28:05 PST

Submitted by: Hans
From Boston

Rainbow, I meant being from NY as in "currently resides there" but maybe we’re both splitting hairs. I guess you’re annoying me the same way I can be annoying! ;) And my Grandmothers words ring even more true.

I agree with how KD paraphrased RW, especially the writing, music and banter. It’s toxic and especially frustrating because it’s like watching a sports team that has loads of talent on paper yet can’t put it together on the field. This show is totally underachieving given the talent and resources available to it.

If they didn’t get it by now, it’s probably not going to happen. For me to continue to watch it reminds me of what Albert Einstein once said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 09:21:35 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Looks like it's going to be a "Hawaii Five-Ho-Ho Christmas"!

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 09:07:03 PST

Submitted by: Rainbow Warrior
From New York, NY


I'll take that as a compliment, and it's so funny because you're right, I didn't realize that after I wrote it.

The original Five-O was a huge influence on me when I was young, so much of it has ingrained itself in me WITHOUT ME realizing it.

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 08:59:16 PST

Submitted by: Rainbow Warrior
From New York, NY


Great post. First, yeah, I realized I forgot All in The Family once I finished that post, but there were so many great shows that I couldn't use all of Mr. Mike's space up ;) Yes, All in the Family was a great show. Others I forgot were the Mary Tyler Moore Show and the first Bob Newhart show where he played a psychiatrist in Chicago with Suzanne Pleshette as his wife. Suzanne Pleshette was my first crush BTW. Remember that great CBS Saturday Night lineup they had anchored by "All in the Family"?

Now guess what Hans- I was born and raised in Boston, moved to New York City in the early 1990's and my family still loves in Boston, so I go back and split my time between my family in Boston and my home in New York City, so no it's not a myth and it proves my point. I love the city of Boston, it's geography, the Celtics and Cape Cod, and grew up loving JFK, but the people of Boston and New England have changed, they're gotten very angry and that wasn't the case when I was young. I do get mad when I speak to people from New England because I know the area so well that they don;t realize how different they were as recently as the 1980's.

I don't think I'm right all the time, but I was raised to have all the facts before I speak and if you don't, stay silent until you are sure of yourself( like the error you just made in assuming where I was from)Think before you speak, so many people today just throw opinions out there without the facts or by twisting them to suit their purposes it irritates me. I'll try not to sound like I know I'm right all the time, and I know I'm not, but I'm pretty sure I'm on solid ground before I speak. I'll take your point and try to sound like "I'm always right."...but most of the time "I am". ;)

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 08:52:26 PST

Submitted by: KD McGarrett
From live, learn and pass it on...

Rainbow-your last post sounded like it came from Steve McGarrett himself.

Fact. The show needs better writing, music

Fact. The bickering detracts from the tone of the show

Fact. The show is a parody

Fact. There are no Book 'em Dannos

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 08:37:38 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

"I happen not to like serial-killer stories anyway because their characters are opaque" -- Dems is fightin' woids, Heather!! Five-0's (the real one of course) appeal to me as a youngster were precisely that - creepy serial killer stories! It was episodes like "I'll Kill 'Em Again", "Draw Me a Killer", "The Skyline Killer", "Wednesday Ladies Free" that made Five-0 stand apart from the crowd! Mmmmmmister MmmmmmmcGarrett! Of course I doubt you've ever checked out those classics. I certainly recommend 'em!

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 08:35:31 PST

Submitted by: Hans
From Boston

Hey Rainbow, I agree with you that TV has been far from mediocre since the 60’s but I think you left out one of the best if not most important TV shows ever in All in the Family.

And as far as being argumentative = a New England thing, you’re proof that’s a myth. You’ve got quite a confrontational edge yourself (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing). Of course it can be tough to see that when you think you’re right all the time. As my grandmother used to say, “One can only describe oneself”.

Regarding the new show, I cancelled my recording Monday night so I could watch the football game and I plan on deleting the 3 or 4 unwatched episodes from my DVR. It just doesn’t make me happy and I can’t see the point of watching it just so I can properly bitch about it. If it pulls a 180 I’ll buy the DVD’s.

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 08:30:38 PST

Submitted by: KD McGarrett
From ta da ta da da da...where is NADJA?

As I've said before, I'm fine with people disliking the new show, as long as their objections are reasonable. Calling it "mediocre" is hardly reasonable, nor is dismissing the cast as "B actors". Criticizing the quality of the direction, the writing, and the music, on the other hand, is valid.

But not to criticize the acting? :p It is a mediocre show made so by the writing and music. Sorry, i did like this week's episode-it opened up like Five-O, but i have to agree with Mr. Mike as to its decline.

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 08:16:00 PST

Submitted by: Rainbow Warrior
From New York, NY


You said American Entertainment has been mediocre OR WORSE since 1960. I provided numerous examples of television shows since 1960 which prove that argument is wrong. Fact.

I said the show was mediocre because the scipts( i.e. the writing) were a mess and I have said that since Day One so by your criteria that criticism is valid. Fact.

What else do you have my typical argumentative New Englander? Don't twist words to suit arguments you want to make even though that is a New England tradition.

Otto and Big Chicken:

Thanks for the advice and good wishes, I will follow your advice and watch Full Fathom Five first. Have a good weekend.

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 07:17:26 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Rainbow: "you can't generalize that it has all been bad since 1960"

I didn't. I said it has been mediocre.

As I've said before, I'm fine with people disliking the new show, as long as their objections are reasonable. Calling it "mediocre" is hardly reasonable, nor is dismissing the cast as "B actors". Criticizing the quality of the direction, the writing, and the music, on the other hand, is valid.

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 06:29:20 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

The thing I didn't like about the latest H50 ep was the serial killer. It felt like too abrupt a shift from the way the show started out. Also the M.O. of the killer was absurdly farfetched, involving too many difficult feats and complicated planning on his part. I happen not to like serial-killer stories anyway because their characters are opaque - it's impossible to feel any empathy for them, or any understanding of their motivations, so they remain flat cartoon villains. Just my taste.

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 06:24:56 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Mike: "However, you still have to wonder why McGarrett is freaking over Danno barfing in the truck, when he is driving down the road at a very fast speed, often in the wrong lane where he is narrowly missing other vehicles while taking his eyes off the road and arguing with Danno!"

I know, it's silly.

Re: "Cocoon" - I'm really happy they got rid of Tim O'Kelly!

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 06:16:35 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From NYC

Chick: I dig the pilot too, don't get me wrong. But it is a somewhat different animal, you must admit.

Added: Friday 10 December 2010 05:05:14 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From By the Numbers

Thanks, Julie. Chicken was a liberal arts major, his math skills was never too good :)

Added: Thursday 09 December 2010 23:45:33 PST

Submitted by: Raymond
From Burbank, CA

Just finished watching the latest Hawaii Five-0. That's two for me now.

The ending sure reminded me of "Murder Is A Taxing Affair". But, anyway a serial killer? Who would of ever guessed that? A good twist would of been the mother arguing with her son and she accidentally killed him. But, they would of had to change the scene from a guy dying from poisonous gas to seeing him at the bottom of a cliff or something. Maybe he argued with his mother and he slipped or something. Anyway, the ending was too......I wouldn't say predictable, but maybe "boring" is a better word.

Added: Thursday 09 December 2010 23:44:01 PST

Submitted by: JulieS
From Australia

"And 50 years ago tonight was the Original air date for The Payoff, shout outs to Toomey & Lew!"

Big Chicken, I think you might be sampling a bit too much of that product you sell. Maybe 40 years does seem like 50 when you take that stuff. ;)

Added: Thursday 09 December 2010 23:07:36 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From Seattle, Home to Toomey and Lew

What bout Victor Buono usin that vintage suitcase-size portable phone in his car in $100,000 Nickel…

I dig the pilot man. Interestingly, Kono is the Danno in Cocoon. Seems he’s Steve-O’s right hand man.

And 50 years ago tonight was the Original air date for The Payoff, shout outs to Toomey & Lew!

Added: Thursday 09 December 2010 21:14:13 PST

Submitted by: Rick
From Newport Beach

>>>"...you might consider saving the Pilot episode for last, because it doesn't seem like a real episode, for many reasons..."<<< ...I agree, happened to watch COCOON parts 1&2 last night and it is a different vibe. Danno, Chin, and Kono share about two minutes total screen time. It's The Jack Lord Show.

>>>"Were there ever any instances in the old show where people were shown driving using a mobile phone in their car?"<<< ...Computer Killer?

Added: Thursday 09 December 2010 20:36:40 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From Seattle

Hey Rainbow Warrior,

That's great news - whole lotta all-timers in that inaugural Season, as I'm sure you remember. Real whoppers as our man Otto say, and the colors & picture never looked so good as on them remastered discs. Take your time and take it all in. Enjoy, brudda!

Added: Thursday 09 December 2010 20:26:03 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Heather, you are correct, it isn't McGarrett who hits Matinsky during the pursuit at the end of the show, but it's Matinsky who tries to force McGarrett off the road not only the first, but also a second time.

However, you still have to wonder why McGarrett is freaking over Danno barfing in the truck, when he is driving down the road at a very fast speed, often in the wrong lane where he is narrowly missing other vehicles while taking his eyes off the road and arguing with Danno!

In revisiting this chase sequence, I noticed something else interesting as well.

As Matinsky reaches the end of the road, he comes across a barricade with a "Road Closed" sign on it, both covered with graffiti. This barricade is facing the camera that is looking through it at Matinsky's approaching car. (See shots #1 and #2 on my anal-ysis page.) Why the barricade is in this position is difficult to understand, since it is unlikely that the road would be closed from both directions. After Matinsky takes his hostage out of the car, he passes by this barricade which has been turned around, now facing the front of his car. (See shot #3.) The graffiti on the barricade are exactly the same as in the shot from its "other side."

Added: Thursday 09 December 2010 19:33:30 PST

Submitted by: Barbara
From Pittsburgh

Lena, we didn't forget James MacArthur's birthday! There was discussion plus a nice tribute banner at Virginia's Memories of Hawaii Five-0. Just follow the website link here on Mr. Mike's homepage.

Added: Thursday 09 December 2010 16:43:09 PST

Submitted by: JulieS
From Australia

Mr. Mike: "Were there ever any instances in the old show where people were shown driving using a mobile phone in their car?"

As far as I know the only "mobile phones" that were in use were car phones. These were mainly used by the bad guys who were rich and the governor - their drivers never used them.

I do vaguely remember one or two instances where a bad guy talks on the phone while driving but it wasn't something you saw in every single episode.

Added: Thursday 09 December 2010 16:39:24 PST

Submitted by: boris
From massachusetts

"American entertainment has been mediocre since the 1960's..." Unlike Albanian entertainment which has been thriving...

No. No, HeAThER. The new show just sux. It's Ob-vee-us.

And I think you are actually kir.

Added: Thursday 09 December 2010 12:50:23 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From NYC

Rainbow: Ya just got your first DVD set. Man, i envy you (although i'm OK since i have S-6 coming for xmas). You have some real whoppers ahead of you. McG and company look so young, and the cinematography and locations have that sixties feel.

I propose one suggestion. Some here would disagree, but you might consider saving the Pilot episode for last, because it doesn't seem like a real episode, for many reasons. Jump right into episode 1, FULL FATHOM FIVE. (Or, of course, do whatever you want!!!!)

Happy viewing.

Added: Thursday 09 December 2010 11:04:43 PST

Submitted by: Rainbow Warrior
From New York, NY


There's been alot of great tv shows since the 1960's,... you can't generalize that it has all been bad since 1960. Was Gunsmoke, Bonanza, Rockford Files, The Odd Couple, MASH, Rich Man, Poor Man, The Waltons, Cheers, Family Ties, The Cosby Show, Seinfeld, Hill Street Blues, NYPD Blue, LA Law at the beginning, ER( the Clooney years) Frasier, etc, etc, etc, all bad tv shows since the 1960's?...Seems like an awful lot of good tv to me was done, and yes, you're not wrong there was also alot of bad as well, but by saying that the new Five-O is better than what is out there now, all that does is back up the quote that I gave this board. "Where mediocrity is the norm, mediocrity becomes the ideal." You just proved my point.

I don't want the new show to fail, I'll continue to watch the new show each week like you and hope it gets better, but my opinion is right now is that it is a mess script wise, and the actors constant complaining about the conditions they have to work in may be adversely affecting the performance. It's entertainment, so if you enjoy it and it brightens your day, than I'm glad for you, because that is what it is supposed to do, but I need something with more gravitas. The old show wasn't perfect, but it had that power and gravitas for many years( yes, there were exceptions) that I like. You like what they are doing and that's fine. Hopefully the show will evolve into something we both enjoy, but right now it's not working for me. Hopefully, I'll change my mind, because I want the Hawaii Five-O brand to succeed, although I felt it should have been turned into feature films with a "Fugitive" like treatment as they did in 1993 with Harrison Ford, but it was not to be.


Added: Thursday 09 December 2010 10:47:51 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

Looks like Monday night's episode had another "24" connection - Rhys Coiro. He played the FBI analyst Sean Hillinger in season 7 (alongside Janeane Garofalo). Since I pretty much stopped watching the new Five-Zero I'm assuming Rhys played the serial killer.

Added: Thursday 09 December 2010 10:30:01 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

"That quote be from "To Die In Paradise" Just an average ep by Five-O standards" -- actually one of my favorites from season 9! Of course it's been over 10 years since I last saw that ep. Will watch it once I get my season 9 DVD set. And that's a great quote from our man McG, Chick! I dig it!

Added: Thursday 09 December 2010 10:25:51 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Rainbow: American entertainment, especially television, has been mediocre or worse since the 1960s. This current show is pretty good in comparison with most else that's out there right now.

Mike, as I remember it, the bad guy smashed into McG's car first.

Rochi, I'm not sure, but there was a TV interview with O'Loughlin where he was talking about McG's backstory, and he let slip that the father had sent the kids away for some reason. He said we would find out more about that during the season. I don't know where that stands now, because the toolbox storyline hasn't gone very far yet.

Added: Thursday 09 December 2010 10:21:35 PST

Submitted by: Mark
From Denver

Now that they have established that Steve's mother was murdered, they can't possibly kill off Mary Ann. If they do that, then they can't have the 2 part episode where she's getting her new baby treated in L.A. using a computer gizmo by a quack doctor (played by Betty White). At the same time, Steve also finds out from eye retina anaysis that he performs himself on the baby with the same computer thingamajig, that the mystery father is.... WO FAT (played by Snooki from Jersey Shore).

Added: Thursday 09 December 2010 10:19:18 PST

Submitted by: Rainbow Warrior
From New York, NY

Big Chicken,

No problem, brother. I thought you might like that....I just got the first season of Hawaii Five-O 1968-1969 on DVD as an early Christmas present. I had watched all the shows when it was aired on broadcast tv, but never collected the DVD's, so someone was kind enough to start my collection. I'll be saluting you as I watch each episode, and may drop a comment or two about the first season as the months go by to you. It will take me awhile to view though as my life is a minefield of obstacles to do each day.

Added: Thursday 09 December 2010 09:53:47 PST

Submitted by: Rochi
From France

Hi, I'm sorryfor this really bad English, but it's not my mother tongue.

Something really bugging me about the time line they set for Steve's Mom death.

In 1*04, Mary said to Steve, that they haven't seen each other since their mom funeral. We do know now, that Steve's Mom died on April 1992, roughly 18 years ago, and that Steve was 16, and so Mary Ann was maybe what ? 12-14 years old ? So I have a really hard time believing this.
Did Steve leave home at 16, and where did he go ? Did their dad split them, and sent them away separately?

I'm sorry for butting in, but I'm quite disturbed by this, and I would like to know what you all are thinking about this.

Added: Thursday 09 December 2010 09:26:24 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From Seattle, Home to Toomey and Lew

"Where mediocrity is the norm, it is not long before mediocrity becomes the ideal."

Thanks for sharing that quote, Rainbow Warrior. Indeed, very apropos as far as the Five-Zero.

Added: Thursday 09 December 2010 08:57:05 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Tsk! Tsk! According to this comment, the new Five-O promotes bad cel phone habits while driving: http://bit.ly/fg9pLj

Were there ever any instances in the old show where people were shown driving using a mobile phone in their car?

Added: Thursday 09 December 2010 08:32:18 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

As I pointed out in my "turgid anal-ysis" of this episode, which is now available for all to peruse at http://www.mjq.net/fiveo/2010-log1.htm#11, the business with McGarrett telling Danno not to puke in the "loaner" police vehicle doesn't make any sense, considering a few seconds later McG tries to run the bad guy's car off the road by smashing into it, producing a shower of sparks!

Added: Thursday 09 December 2010 07:32:22 PST

Submitted by: Rainbow Warrior
From New York, NY


If you are new to the board welcome. I respect your opinion and you are entitled to enjoy the show if you like it, but I have to disagree. I watch the new show each week in the hopes it gets better because I wanted to see a new version, but after some weeks of thinking the new show was getting better, I now feel it is getting worse. The latest "don't puke in my car" while pursuing a serial killer was laughable. That's parody, not drama. For those in America that like the new show because the old show set high standards that are impossible to match, I give you this famous quote. "Where mediocrity is the norm, it is not long before mediocrity becomes the ideal." -Which explains the poor state of many things in this world.

Added: Thursday 09 December 2010 06:43:02 PST

Submitted by: Lena
From USA

Could not let the day go by without saying that today would have been Jim MacArthur's 73rd birthday! I never saw any mention given to his birthday on any blog or web page!! Does everyone forget so soon!! I haven't!! All of the friends and fans where are you! December 8 was Jim's birthday! I know he is celebrating in Heaven!



Added: Wednesday 08 December 2010 20:55:45 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Yankee4Life, those are basically my views as well. The new show has some problems, but for the most part, I like it.

Added: Wednesday 08 December 2010 19:52:03 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From From The Book O' Steve S9:209

Hey RingFire & Jerry Babyeeee - that quote be from "To Die In Paradise" Just an average ep by Five-O standards, but great McGarrett dialogue that always stuck in Chick's head. McGarrett is sizin up the abductors of songstress Bobbie Jo Bell for her manager and the full stanza go somethin like:

"These two half-wits have crashed their boat, injured their hostage, and now that their feeble minded plan has fallen apart they don't even have the good sense to call it off."

"They're irrational and unpredictable - the most dangerous kind of kidnappers."

Jack deliver them lines with such disdain for those kidnappa clowns. Just great, great stuff!

Added: Wednesday 08 December 2010 19:20:14 PST

Submitted by: Yankee4Life

From I am a big Five-O fan and it has occured to me that I may be in the minority here because I love the old show and I love the new show too. I look forward to the new show every week and I found that I enjoyed this new edition of Five-O because I went into it with an open mind. For example, I didn't find it out of place for the Steve and Danno characters to have this kind of bickering, buddy-buddy relationship we see on the new show as compared to how they were on the original Five-O. As any Five-O fan knows, James MacArthur's Danno never dreamed of talking to Jack Lord's McGarrett like that at any time.

I didn't expect the new Five-O to be like the old one and if you think about it, if they tried to do an exact duplicate of it or at least as close as they could get, it would have never got off the ground and it would have seemed forced instead of the direction that this show is going now.

The only complaint that I have read in here about the new show that I can not argue with was something that Mr. Mike said when the show first started. He did not like the loud background music that seems to be playing a lot and I am with him on this one. Sometimes I could not even hear what they were saying and I had to rewind on my DVR to catch it. The music on the original show was so much better.

I have no problems not seeing Steve, Danny and Chin-Ho not doing their jobs in suits and ties and Kono in a dress. Or that Kono is not a big, burly Hawaiian anymore and in this show is a good looking woman. It's how this new show is. I like how the storylines are. The show is entertaining and I will watch it for as long as it is on the air and I hope it is for a long time.

I am not critical of this new show. I'm not looking to find things to complain about it or nit-pick about. After all these years of hoping for a new Five-O to watch, we finally have one. I'm not asking for anything else. If this show is just half as good as the first one, it will be good enough for me because as you know the first show set some pretty high standards.

Added: Wednesday 08 December 2010 17:01:17 PST

Submitted by: Glenn
From Orlando, FL (USA)

For a great deal on a Morton Stevens score CD, venture over to BUYSOUNDTRAX and look at his ONE MAN JURY score.

It's only 9.95!...:)

Added: Wednesday 08 December 2010 13:08:07 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

"(Deadly Courier) is actually one of my favorite season 11 eps." -- I would love to hear an explanation on how this particular comment is "deranged". Can't wait! Last I checked we were all entitled to our opinions. And I stand by mine. As far as season 11 episodes go this one was one of the more suspenseful ones. But then I was always partial to brainwashing/espionage stories. Sorry if that's not someone's cup of tea. But it sure as hell beats the heck out of stories involving wealthy socialites and kidnapped dogs. :!thinking: Have you even seen season 11, Oscar? I have my doubts.

Added: Wednesday 08 December 2010 10:55:23 PST

Submitted by: Oscar van Hemel
From Seattle, WA

Some of the recent postings have really bordered on the seriously deranged.

For example:

Jack has a towering presence and frankly is more muscular (than O'Loughlin).

(Deadly Courier) is actually one of my favorite season 11 eps.

(The fact that Lord and MacArthur were A-list actors) was one of the reasons the Original stayed for so long in the air.

As far as the last comment is concerned, we can debate until the end of time what is an "A-list actor." People like Humphrey Bogart, Gary Cooper, Clark Gable come to mind. More recently, you could look at people like Marlon Brando and Robert DeNiro. But where did these two achieve most of their fame? Early in their career. Aside from a few movies like The Godfather and Last Tango, Brando's later films were mostly crap. DeNiro, who played in Taxi Driver and Raging Bull years ago, has ended up playing lame comedy roles.

There is no way that anyone on Five-O can match people like these. But those were MOVIE actors. I don't think anyone would deny that Lord and MacArthur were A-list TELEVISION actors.

Added: Wednesday 08 December 2010 10:40:01 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Insight into james Macarthur's career trajectory, from the man himself:


Added: Wednesday 08 December 2010 09:44:23 PST

Submitted by: KD McGarrett
From Book these phonies Danno...

@Patrick: a fellow Londoner; i used to live there until 5 years ago. You are right-this one does look rubbish in comparison mate.

AOL is more buff?? You know Jack has a towering presence and frankly is more muscular-check out his shoulders and back.

Added: Wednesday 08 December 2010 08:29:28 PST

Submitted by: Colonel Drew
From Augusta, GA

Not sure how much influence Ford has on the car scenes. Maybe it's just the camera angle, but it sure seems like they never wear seatbelts for the high speed chases? Cops & military alike always wear seatbelts!

Added: Wednesday 08 December 2010 08:29:02 PST

Submitted by: KD McGarrett
From Paper products..toilet roll is paper also,,,

To detox from the new show, just watching "Samurai" online-what a marked difference in quality. McG and Danny argue,BUT it is not the bitchin' that goes on and there is mutual respect.

Sorry AOL-as somebody mentioned-looking at the Five-0 team-well, just look like schoolkids running around. Now, watching Daniel last week got me thinking how he could have played the lead of the new Five-0 unit, but no re-boot this--ain't cool bruddah as my friend Chicken would say.

Added: Wednesday 08 December 2010 08:24:07 PST

Submitted by: Jim
From N. California

Regarding the last episode - 12/06/10:

There was a section where Steve and Dano were driving along in their car and a song came up that was killing Dano and he just had to say something about it. I liked this because it had an air of realism. They were arguing but it wasn't an emotional outburst which I see too much on the show.

Here is a something my buddy would do to me when we were driving somewhere. A good song would come on the radio and I'd start smiling and moving my head. He'd look over and ask, "Hey, do you like that song?" I'd say, "Yeah".
That's when he'd reach down and change the channel and I'd give him a look before we started laughing.

That is the kind of things I'd like to see on the new show.

Added: Wednesday 08 December 2010 07:54:33 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

"somehow sought their inspiration from "Frebbie and The Bean" rather than Freeman and The Man" -- :D Jerry Parks thinks you're a gas, Chick. A real gaaaas! You flip me, man! By the way, what episode is that REAL McGarrett quote from?

Added: Wednesday 08 December 2010 07:45:50 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

They need a spelling checker at a level more basic than foreign place names. If you look at the screen in the last episode where Chin Ho is displaying cel phone numbers that the kidnapped woman made, you can see the word "RECIEVER"!

Added: Wednesday 08 December 2010 06:50:12 PST

Submitted by: TJ

From If they are going to show maps of islands in the Pacific, shouldn't they at least check the spelling - especially for an island that has been in the news the last few weeks. (Kiribati, NOT Kiribiti)

Added: Wednesday 08 December 2010 05:01:02 PST

Submitted by: Patrick
From London

Watched the remake on line. No quality. Lame. Boring plot. Mediocre actors. Not for me.
Not even close to the Original.

Added: Wednesday 08 December 2010 04:05:12 PST

Submitted by: Steven
From Miami

Here's Jack Lord receiving an Oscar.


Added: Wednesday 08 December 2010 03:04:51 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From Seattle, Washington

Chicken certainly meant no disrespect to Danno’s mom, Heather. No disputin Helen Hayes had a most illustrious career, just thought it an odd juxtaposition you offered up.

Seen Helen Hayes in Farewell to Arms. But as far as classic cinema, Chicken really only go as far back as the Brando era and vintage film noir. Seen some episodes of Naked City as well :)

Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 23:54:44 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

"Big Chicken", what's the most memorable performance you ever saw by Helen Hayes?

Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 22:30:33 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From Outside The Box

“mediocrity in the pursuit of perfection is no sin.” True Dat, Heather. But for the Five-Zero, Chicken thinks the sin is the relentless pursuit of mediocrity.

BTW, hard to compare James Caan's career with that of Helen Hayes. New Hollywood vs Studio System. Caan had quite an interesting career, probably suffered a bit for his risk taking an roles taken to expand his range. Chicken always dug The Gambler, Thief & RollerBall.
And of course, Lenkov and Orci’s fave Freebie and The Bean. Now that be some witty banter, dialogue Quenton T would be envious of. But Chicken digresses....

Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 20:30:03 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

"Big Chicken", mediocrity in the pursuit of perfection is no sin.

Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 20:10:41 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From Livin The Real-Deal Hawaii Five-O

Rob, Chicken still got doubts you even seen the First Season of The Real Hawaii Five-O. So here’s hope’in you get a DVD set for X-Mas, brudda.

Happy Holidays from The Chicken!

Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 20:07:50 PST

Submitted by: RobertScorpio
From san diego

The latest episode (honeymoon serial killer) was a pretty good episode in my book. It stacks up against anything from the first season's first ten or so episodes..and had some witty dialog, notably the MAGNUM line from Danno...

Wofat and Victor Hess next week...can wait...til them..

Book'em Danno!!


Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 19:53:33 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Since we're talking about this, it's fascinating to me that the old show and the current show have a resonance in their casting. Like Jack, O'Loughlin has previously starred in a series that failed (two, in his case). And Caan has a showbiz lineage.

Of course, James Caan's career is nowhere near as illustrious as Helen Hayes', and O'Loughlin is much younger and buffer than Jack. And in this case, both actors are the same age.

But it makes things interesting.

Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 19:40:33 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken (Original Recipe, Never Rebooted)
From 3,000 Crooked Miles to Honolulu

@Heather: "Jack Lord and James Macarthur weren't A-list actors."

Well, Lord Jack and J-Mac certainly brought their A-Game, as did Mr. Freeman and the original Five-O's writers & directors.

That's more than we can say of these here rebooters. The CBS suits done farmed out the Five-O franchise to these lightweights who thought that employin some hot bodies, runnin the ole theme song and havin some new cat repeat the catch phrase "book em' Danno" would be enough to recreate TV's greatest cop show.

Lenkov, Kurtzman & Orci, them self professed "big fans" of the original, somehow sought their inspiration from "Frebbie and The Bean" rather than Freeman and The Man and have been exposed week after week as mediocre writers n' producers tryna pass off their sub-par police show as the mighty "Five-O"

To quote the Real McGarrett:

"..now that their feeble minded plan has fallen apart, they don't even have the good sense to call it off"

Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 19:35:55 PST

Submitted by: KD MCGarrett
From award is an award...

It is still an award.

Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 19:26:20 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

KD McG, the Theater World award was for JL's performance in the Horton Foote play "The Traveling Lady", which closed after 30 performances. And that award is specialized, going to a number of actors and actresses each year for their auspicious debuts on Broadway. Essentially it's a "most promising newcomer" award.

"Curator", the terms "A list" and "juvenile" have specific meanings which show-business pros such as JL and JMac would understand immediately. An "A list" actor is a bankable star, one that producers have on their "A list" to star in their projects. A "juvenile" is a younger character who isn't the star. However charming and talented that actor may be, he or she remains a supporting player. Supporting players are not stars. Stars are billed first, and everyone else comes afterwards. It's all about the billing. This is the harsh reality of professional acting. I think that's what Jack was trying to get across with his inflammatory "There's only one star on this island" comment.

Personally I prefer supporting actors to stars - they tend to be more interesting.

Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 18:55:01 PST

Submitted by: Curator

From >>OK, but you're wrong. They were both talented actors but never cracked the A list. Look at Macarthur's films - he had the more impressive film career of the two, and they're all B movies or worse, save for a couple of Disney films in which he played juveniles.<<

Calling people who disagree with you "wrong" does not make you "right," Heather.

"Battle of the Bulge" was most certainly not a B-list movie. Even 40-plus years on, it is still listed by critics as one of the all-time top 10 WWII movies.

"Spencer's Mountain" premiered at Radio City Music Hall. You really think a B-list movie would have been able to garner that kind of fanfare?

"The Bedford Incident" had an amazing all-star cast and is still cited by critics as one of the all-time classic cold war dramas.

"Hang 'em High" is an A-list movie if ever there was one.

The role of Fritz in "Swiss Family Robinson" may have been that of a young man, but it most certainly was not "juvenile." And it's another movie that consistently garners high rankings in classic movie lists, even more than 50 years after it was made.

He even got nominated for a BAFTA (the British version of an Academy Award) for his first-ever movie role, the lead role I might add, in "The Young Stranger."

James MacArthur never auditioned for a role in his life. Never. Not once. Every single role he ever acted was something he had been specifically invited to do. He never appeared uncredited in anything and he nearly always appeared as the star of the week when he guested in something on television.

All of that may not make him an A-list actor on whatever planet it is you call home, but it sure as heck does here on Earth.

Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 18:09:37 PST

Submitted by: KD MCGarrett
From award reward

Theater world Award for CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF. To say he didn't win an award is ignorant. Not an Oscar but still an award.

Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 17:37:15 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

>>"Jack Lord won awards." For what?

Yeah, I'd like to know that too. When I hear "Jack Lord" and "award" in the same sentence, my first thought is of the Coast Guard citation or whatever it was that created a firestorm that resulted in Zulu getting fired from the show. There are awards and then there are awards....

Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 17:16:38 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

>>"I watch the Hawaii Five-O remake on CBS. There, I said it. Now, don’t get me wrong—it’s awful

OK, but the same guy calls someone a "bloviating f***stain" and in a comment further down about another show uses the phrase "incredibly well-acted".

In short, he's not my idea of an intelligent critic. Just another stupid rude pottymouth like so many people one runs into on the internet.

Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 16:35:57 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

"Jack Lord won awards." For what?

Surely not this!


Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 16:19:29 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

"I watch the Hawaii Five-O remake on CBS. There, I said it. Now, don’t get me wrong—it’s awful."


Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 16:14:03 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

>>Sorry ,I don't agree.<<

OK, but you're wrong. They were both talented actors but never cracked the A list. Look at Macarthur's films - he had the more impressive film career of the two, and they're all B movies or worse, save for a couple of Disney films in which he played juveniles.

"Hawaii Five-0" was a very lucky break for both of them, especially Jack.

Not to diss either of them - I'm a huge fan of both - but you brought up the "B actor" thing.

Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 16:11:11 PST

Submitted by: KD MCGarrett
From shirtless,clueless and witless

Sorry heather you are way off base. Jack Lord won awards. Wow, what a statement :!cry:

I see they converted you lol...

Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 15:25:57 PST

Submitted by: Stella
From US

@Heather "Jack Lord and James Macarthur weren't A-list actors. Just sayin'...."

Sorry ,I don't agree. And that was one of the reasons the Original stayed for so long in the air. They didn't need shirtless scenes in each episode to lure viewers. Talented acting and interesting plots were enough.

Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 14:43:44 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Jack Lord and James Macarthur weren't A-list actors. Just sayin'....

Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 14:08:27 PST

Submitted by: Stella
From USA

This remake sucks !. There is no another way to say it. B-actors and lame stories.It is just soooooooo boring. McGarrett and Danno act like a couple of morons. No one would hired those two to protect anything.
Shame on CBS for using the Hawaii Five-O name this way.

Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 13:47:20 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Oh forgot to add - yeah, I don't know why they aren't using the theme more in the episode music. Unless they're buying stock generic stuff??

Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 13:04:18 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Mike: I found the banter worked well in this ep. In the car scene, though the tone shifted too abruptly from heartfelt "sharing" to the resumption of bickering, the basic concept was plausible (suddenly changing the topic of conversation to something they're more comfortable with). The finale on the mountaintop was an even better example of bantering used to good purpose. As a friend who's also an old-H50 fan wrote me this morning, it was great to see them spontaneously teaming up, with a dash of Monty Pythonesque absurdity - a classic moment. It was a bit of a WTF! shock when it happened, though! it should be mentioned that scene was beautifully shot and the scenery was stunning. That was the most visually impressive scene in the series so far.

Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 13:01:39 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

C/H/Q Paper Products, the team that writes those second season shows, now has their own blog. Check it out!


Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 12:31:39 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

"almost-ass-awful" eleventh season, where Jimmy Mac's Danno is a powder-blue-suited zombie" -- Steven, you must be talking about the episode "Deadly Courier" where said zombie tries to kill McGarrett. On a side note, zombie or no zombie that one is actually one of my favorite season 11 eps. In any case I'll take "Zombie Danno" over "Girlie Danno" any day of the week and twice on Sunday!

Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 10:37:24 PST

Submitted by: Ron

From I watched half of the show yesterday and turned it off. The show is not improving at all. And seems like they are not even trying.
The banter is very very annoying. Same as the music.
I am done with this show. 10 episodes, I have never given any new show so many chances to improve.
Trying the new NBC show next January, Harry's Law. Hope is better than this remake.

Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 09:39:13 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Hawaii News Now story -- Consultants work to make Hawaii Five-O authentic: http://bit.ly/g5owJL

Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 08:29:28 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Heather, like you, I actually started to have feelings of "I like this" during the show last night.

The opening was particularly good because (a) it employed some local guys, (b) had cool music, and (c) the photography was not pissy looking. There were flashbacks to "Lost" with the boar! My only question -- do arrows really make a loud "swooshing" sound?

Lots of other stuff in the show was above-average too, like the scenes on the cruise ship.

The all-powerful serial killer was a bit much, but I'm sure there have been shows on "Criminal Minds" with a similar theme where the killer was equally unbelievable within the 42 minute time frame.

Unfortunately, everything came crashing back to earth with the usual "let's carry on like a couple of queens" banter between McGarrett and Danno while on the job and driving with those awful projected backgrounds.

The music was soooo bad ... again!! Why can't they use even a teeny little snippet of the original theme (not the original underscore, just the theme?). I tweeted Lenkov about this ages ago, to no avail.

An extended anal-ysis of this show is forthcoming...

Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 07:49:09 PST

Submitted by: KD MCGarrett
From hawaii five o parody

Such a sub-par show. Get some of the CSI writers. Honestly in the midst of a crisis, we have the horrid banter. The dialog in the car was similar to the original when Danno is accused of killing a kid and McG talk about the intricacies of shooting someone. I really thought this was a touchpoint and homage to the original but it just became insulting the way the dialog ended as if to ridicule. Maybe only I caught this.

This is a parody. Bring back CSI Miami

Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 07:40:18 PST

Submitted by: Steven
From Miami

ringfire: Thanks for responding to my season 12 musings. You have absolutely lousy taste in Wo Fat episodes,;) but I do appreciate you taking the time to discuss the much-maligned season 12.

BTW, if not for the existence of S12, we'd all be spewing vitriol at the "almost-ass-awful" eleventh season, where Jimmy Mac's Danno is a powder-blue-suited zombie and McGarrett talks to no one but himself... :D

Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 04:38:00 PST

Submitted by: Five-0
From Atop soon to be snowed in Mt Haleakala

Last week we had a rerun of the new 5-0 show here... are we a week behind you guys? McGarratt only pulled out his dad's old toolbox again tonight... Maybe the mail was late again last week! HaHaHa!... It was my Rusty Winters that got killed and his son Teddy came to Hawaii to take his place and eventually find his father's killer. In my story the secrets of Rusty's investigation were hidden in a hollowed out book only his son knew about... In my story it was Teddy's girl but not his sister who also got killed... I see some parallels in my story with theirs. Hope they are not copying my stuff! :!cool: ... Yes --- I do hate all the senseless shouting in the car... someday they are going to drive right off the side of the Pali and have to be picked up with shovels! :!mad:

Added: Tuesday 07 December 2010 01:04:22 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Boris, you have such a lovely personality! :D

Tonight's episode had its rewards. I won't go into detail now because of spoilers. Suffice it to say they finally found a practical use for the irrelevant and unprofessional banter ;) I liked the first half better than the second, but the end was good. The writing was pretty sharp in this one.

For much of the episode, Chin wears a spectacular aloha shirt! Big thumbs up for that!!

One big complaint: the incidental music was especially infuriating in the first half, where it contaminates decent scenes with repetitive warbling that has nothing whatsoever to do with what's happening onscreen. it's like Cop Show Muzak.

And the camera is doing a lot of the slow swooping from side to side again. They laid off of that for a while, but are back to it for some reason. Very irritating.

But, on the whole, it wasn't bad.

Added: Monday 06 December 2010 21:40:17 PST

Submitted by: Barbara
From Pittsburgh

New "Pawn Stars" tonight. So that's my watch schedule. Will try again to watch the reboot tomorrow. I started to watch it tonight, but couldn't sustain any enthusiasm. Loved "The Box!" Of course, there's Big Chick, so how can you not? Also, contains one of my favorite line: "I didn't shoot him to make him feel better." Simple, but true!

Added: Monday 06 December 2010 19:53:35 PST

Submitted by: KD MCGarrett
From sorry kidnap Five O...that is all that happens

And a nice scene in the car spoiled by banter. Much of this is insulting to the real show....I will spare judgment for episode until I watch it tomorrow.

Added: Monday 06 December 2010 19:35:26 PST

Submitted by: KD MCGarrett
From castle five o

I am watching Castle. Flicked back to CBS and here we go the boring banter. What a waste if script time and I'm getting really tired of all of this. Ah AOL with the really poor dialog and wow this one is becoming nauseating now Castle...wow similar scene to Five O...buckshot holes...Castle has a better script less overacting.

Added: Monday 06 December 2010 19:24:25 PST

Submitted by: boris
From spfld

heather you idiot there's a difference: the old show was good and the new one sucks.

The whole episode of the box takes place in a prison and mostly in a single cell area and the travelogue shots as you refer to are to establish the locale. In any event, it's totally beside any sensible point.

Added: Monday 06 December 2010 16:39:44 PST

Submitted by: RobertScorpio
From San Diego

and # 1. "There's only one star on this island honey" - Jack Lord in the early seventies correcting a female reporter after she called James MacArthur a "co-star"...

And guess what? Jack was right...


Added: Monday 06 December 2010 10:16:37 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Wasn't someone here complaining about all the "travelogue" shots of beaches, surfers etc. in the new show? We've been revisiting Seasons 1 and 2 lately, and there are quite a few of these. The opening of "The Box", for instance, looks much like an opening of the new show.

Added: Monday 06 December 2010 09:24:12 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

Well, Mr. Mike, when I get to my TOP 5 for season 12 post you'll get a clearer picture of what I consider to be "solid" episodes. Sure it won't be fresh season 1 type solidity but it'll still be very much Five-0! And no RPGs or Windows 7 apps or bromances in sight. That alone makes season 12 a winner! And I love me some William Smith! "Book 'em Kimo!" :!cool:

Added: Monday 06 December 2010 09:09:45 PST

Submitted by: Quincy
From C/H/Q Paper Products®

Rick, that is by far the funniest Discussion Forum (previously Guestbook) posting ever! Maybe we can use your services as a researcher?

Added: Monday 06 December 2010 08:23:11 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

LOL! I love it! "Bill and Ted's Awesome Hawaiian TV-Writing Adventure"

Be excellent to each other. :D

Added: Sunday 05 December 2010 23:17:06 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From And The Emmy Goes To............

Rick - many thanks for posting this document, which gives us an invaluable look at the creative process behind the Five-Zero’s brilliant writing.

America’s television viewing public is indeed indebted to these most talented wordsmiths!

Added: Sunday 05 December 2010 21:21:19 PST

Submitted by: Rick
From Newport Beach

Found this on WikiLeaks… transcript from rebooted H50 writers “War Room”

Head Writer: Ooh, ooh, okay, okay, so like the wife of like some big time government dude gets like kidnapped!
#2 Writer: Awesome dude!
#3 Writer: Totally awesome!

Head Writer: Yeah, kidnapped by like some bad dudes from like Somalia!
#2 Writer: Awesome dude!
#3 Writer: Totally awesome!

Head Writer: Ok, ok, this is great, they grab her from like a hotel where there’s like a convention of like Navy Seals! …and they get into a big shoot-out but like, they get away!
#2 Writer: Awesome dude!
#3 Writer: Totally awesome!

Head Writer: Then the kidnappers call McGarrett on a Windows 7 LG phone!
#2 Writer: Definitely dude! What are their demands?
#3 Writer: Who cares! They got ‘effen RPG’s man!

Head Writer: Then Chin Ho’s cousin tells him he knows where the Somalis are hiding so they send Kono to knock on the door with a hidden mic in her bikini to ask for directions while Chin monitors the conversation back in the van! Then McGarrett’s girlfriend hooks him up with a chopper and he flies in and blast up the place, lands, grabs the chick and flies out! …da-end!
#2 Writer: Beautiful dude. What about Danno?
#3 Writer: Who cares! They got ‘effen RPG’s man!

Head Writer: Scott Caan quit.
#2 Writer: Oh, dude was always on the nag. Ever notice that?
#3 Writer: Dude, I gotta tweet that! Gimmie your Windows 7 LG phone!

Added: Sunday 05 December 2010 19:40:40 PST

Submitted by: Ron

From I heard not even the actors want to pay the ransom. I wonder why. :)

Another kidnapping? Yes, how many in 10 episodes so far? Seems the writers are out of ideas.Well, they better star thinking fast because viewers have other options at 10 pm. Like going to sleep.

Added: Sunday 05 December 2010 17:49:24 PST

Submitted by: Anne
From Tangerine

And nobody wants to pay the ransom. ;)

Added: Sunday 05 December 2010 17:17:05 PST

Submitted by: Dalen Quaice
From Burbank, CA, USA

I think someone kidnapped the writers (of the new show)! :!giggle:

Added: Sunday 05 December 2010 17:09:31 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver


Palekaiko is episode 1.11, and this week Steven McGarrett and his team must solve the kidnapping of a wife before it is too late! She has been taken, and the husband that was with her at the time has no recollection at all of the events that happened the night she was taken.


Huh, how many kidnappings have we had so far? And then there is the issue of "the husband didn't do it" - USS Missouri episode, hello!! And isn't the wacko coroner in this show as well? Augh!

Added: Sunday 05 December 2010 13:27:33 PST

Submitted by: Barbara
From Pittsburgh

I can't resist jumping in when the subject of "CHiPs" comes up! Each time I watch "Engaged to be Buried" I can never get that there is no resemblance between Rono and Ponch. You would never guess it is the same actor. Of course, that's a credit to Erik Estrada's acting ability. I always felt he was underrated. He played the role of villian well.

Added: Sunday 05 December 2010 12:08:26 PST

Submitted by: Rick
From Newport Beach

From the Photoplay article... when talking about being pressured to become a candidate for political office a disinterested JL says "I'm just no good dancing at the end of a string." ...interesting comment coming from an actor.

Added: Sunday 05 December 2010 10:40:07 PST

Submitted by: Steve D
From Fairfax VA

Mr. Mike, I read about Jack Lord discussing re-writing S12 scripts in a newspaper article a long time ago - apparently it is on your website under "1979 stars".

The article has several good quotes, and I will use it as a basis for my top 5 quotes all-time about Hawaii Five-O:

#5. "I worked for CBS, not Jack Lord" - James MacArthur in 1979, when told that Lord was angry that MacArthur gave late notice of his departure.

#4. "The Lord give, and the Lord take" - Zulu in 1996, explaining his departure from the show was not voluntary.

#3. "If we catch on, Jack could do less and Sharon and I can take over" - William Smith in 1979, on his hunch that the new cast would do well. I think not...

#2. "Jack will probably go the Hawaii Five-O reunion in Burbank in October" - Marie Lord, 1996 in the National Enquirer article, denying Jack's health issues. "There's about as much chance of Jack turning up at that reunion as finding that 'Hawaii Five-O' was really made on Mars" was the response of an insider.

and # 1. "There's only one star on this island honey" - Jack Lord in the early seventies correcting a female reporter after she called James MacArthur a "co-star"

Added: Sunday 05 December 2010 10:00:33 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Hawaii Five-O writer Kyle Harimoto has a "local connection": http://bit.ly/eRE9Ic

Added: Sunday 05 December 2010 08:15:53 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Ringfire, I had a good laugh when you described season 12 as a "solid season." I can think of a certain "solid" which this season resembles. When and if this season is released on DVD, I will be quite happy NOT to watch it again, since I already did anal-ysis on this season which was over and above the call of duty as far as I am concerned. I will probably buy it, though, just for the sake of completeness.

Steve #2, where did you hear that Jack Lord was bitchin' about them having to rewrite the stories becaues MacArthur was not returning?

As far as I can determine, the reason Farrell disappeared halfway through the season, was because she was fired. She was, admittedly, VERY underused. When I brought up the issue of why she disappeared halfway through the show during the 1996 Convention in Burbank, she was not pleased and basically ignored me.

See this page for a breakdown of episodes in which she appeared:


Added: Saturday 04 December 2010 20:38:46 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

CHiPs! We used to watch that show and jeer at it. Possibly the most inane cop show ever, but the tightest pants imaginable!

I liked Robert Pine in that show. He looked and acted like Harrison Ford's older brother. And of course he was Magnum PI's father! For some reason he never appeared on H50 (not that I remember, anyway) but he guested on most other series of the era. Oh, and I gather he's Chris Pine's dad but I haven't seen the son in anything.

Added: Saturday 04 December 2010 17:20:58 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

While not as strong as the earlier seasons, I thought season 12 was still a solid season. Of course it doesn't take much to please me - as long as it's still called Five-0 and Jack Lord is still in charge then I'm still watching. Some say it ran out of steam in the last season. Newsflash! It ran out of steam by the tenth season. And some might argue even earlier. But as long as The Lord is in the driver's seat then the steam engine is still chugging along. In my opinion anyway. Besides, how many fresh ideas can you come up with for a show that has run 10+ years? In any case my favorite show of the 1979-1980 season remains the great FIVE-0 so I guess that pretty much explains how I feel about the final season. The other competition that year was Rockford Files, Charlie's Angels, Hart to Hart, Dukes of Hazzard, CHiPs. No way they can go toe-to-toe with FIVE-0. Even when FIVE-0 is on its last leg. Though THREE'S COMPANY (one of my fave sitcoms) runs a close second that year. That's all folks.

Added: Saturday 04 December 2010 16:52:41 PST

Submitted by: Steve D
From Fairfax VA

Some more opinions on S12 from another Steve:

Jack Lord once complained that they had to re-write many of the S12 episodes because James MacArthur did not tell them he was leaving until very late. I guess we'll never know if this is true, but it may explain why so many of the S12 episodes are written with only three supporting team members (I think only one episode ever had Kimo, Lori, Duke, and Truck all together) and the lack of attention on Lori or other newbies. It also may explain why the shows introducing Kimo and Lori were not among the first shot that year.

Added: Saturday 04 December 2010 16:12:50 PST

Submitted by: Steven--with a V
From Miami

Much of this I've already posted on IMDB, but I'll start with these general thoughts on the twelfth season. I'll have to rewatch the episodes to provide more specifics with the episodes. However, I rank "A Lion in the Streets" among my top ten Five-O episodes of all time and have watched it numerous times over the years.

I can say with a good deal of confidence that the 12th season is not nearly as bad as its reputation and critics suggest. The cast is just as effective as the "classic" crew of earlier seasons. Yes, there are some not-so-good episodes, and many stories have plotholes that Kono and Truck could walk through side by side. But that's network TV, circa 1979. Besides, every season had its share of those plotholes.

S12 wasn't syndicated that much except for "A Lion in the Streets" and "Woe to Wo Fat", but I think that has more to do with the new cast replacing long-serving characters like Danno. If Jimmy Mac had been in this season, perhaps the opinions wouldn't be so harsh. Though after seeing many S11 episodes, MacArthur was largely a vacant-staring zombie, with little of the Danno we'd come to love. In terms of season 11, even when MacArthur was onscreen, he was "gone." He was right to leave and should've split after S10!

Something that's odd about season 12 is how Duke rarely functions as a member of Five-O. You'd think that after being with the show in some form or another that he'd get more screen time. More often than not, he's absent from the action.

It's also strange that Truck's position in Five-O is as a "per diem" or unofficial member of the team. Even though he gets shown in the opening credits, which is something poor Duke didn't earn until season nine! In addition to that, the "haole" members of Five-O, Kimo and Lori, get top billing over the longserving Duke.

Doug Mossman, another stock player, returns in "The Kahuna" as a small-island policeman, which must be some kind of accomplishment considering the fact that he was banished from the team after that second-most troubled of seasons, season seven.

Something else I've noticed and find lacking is the absence of the Five-O theme in the musical underscore. In past seasons, the maleable theme lent itself to various arrangements that showed off just how good Morton Stevens' theme was. The scores in season 12 aren't bad, in fact they're often rather good, it's just that they could've been so much better if the theme had been integrated into the musical underscore.

One of the great missed opportunities of Five-O's troubled twelfth season was NOT using Sharon Farrell more effectively. There were infinite possibilities they could've done for her Lori Wilson character, especially after her emotional debut in "Who Says Cops Don't Cry?". After a powerful debut, she was relegated to pedestrian tasks and never again got the spotlight with McGarrett and the rest of "the boys." She appears in about nine episodes and just vanishes! HUGE missed opportunity there!

Having said that, I'd be interested in knowing why Jack Lord or the other powers that be emlisted her to begin with. She had done some previous guest shots on Five-O and was impressive in some less-than-stellar episodes, but she showed a dramatic range I never knew she had. I had previously seen her in comedic roles (The Wild, Wild West; Kolchak: The Night Stalker) so I was pleasantly surprised at how effective she was in her Five-O debut. Too bad the producers and writers let her--and us--down.

Added: Saturday 04 December 2010 11:53:46 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Stephen, lay it on us (the twelfth season). Even if people aren't familiar with it, they should get ready for its release which supposedly should happen between now and next summer.

Added: Saturday 04 December 2010 11:13:14 PST

Submitted by: boris
From spfld ma

why's everyone kiss kimo's ass? because he's from hawaii? fuck kimo.

Added: Saturday 04 December 2010 09:46:11 PST

Submitted by: Steven
From Miami

"Stephen from Miami, either here or on IMDB, was saying some time ago that he was going to talk about the twelfth season which he didn't find anywhere near as bad as some people (including me)."

I got the impression that most here hadn't seen the 12th season, given its spotty syndication history, but if anyone else knows these shows, I'd be happy to discuss them here. I've even honed my William "Kimo" Smith impression to perfection! You haven't "lived" until you've heard me do his teary speech about his "lady" and child from "A Lion in the Streets"!

Added: Saturday 04 December 2010 08:42:42 PST

Submitted by: Rick
From Newport Beach

I've tried to talk up S10 in some recent posts... Up The Rebels... East Wind, Ill Wind... My Friend, The Enemy... never got any traction. Maybe it's me.

Added: Saturday 04 December 2010 07:19:57 PST

Submitted by: Rick
From Newport Beach

Haolecentric? Duh. Who do you think wrote the shows? Where do you think they were written?


Added: Saturday 04 December 2010 07:14:48 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Kimo: "Mikey, do you have some kinda "make a list" contest goin' on now on yer site here?!"

Uh, no, if you read the fine print, you would see this discussion has nothing whatsoever to do with me. People thunk up that idea all on their own, a tried-and-true thing to talk about when all else fails.

We have been in a "down time" for a few days with no new Five-0 show for the resident Greek chorus to complain about. This state of affairs will become more common as CBS stretches out the schedule to fill in the gaps around sweeps weeks in February and May.

Personally, I would prefer to see some conversation about the pending tenth season or even beyond. Stephen from Miami, either here or on IMDB, was saying some time ago that he was going to talk about the twelfth season which he didn't find anywhere near as bad as some people (including me).

I am annoyed because the local store where I got the ninth season two weeks ahead of the release date in August still has not got the tenth season for sale. I am hoping it will be very soon.

Added: Saturday 04 December 2010 06:25:39 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

The new Five-O is good for the hotel business in Honolulu: http://lat.ms/gcF0eq

According to the Ilikai's current manager, they have plans for the 1,000-square-foot, two-bedroom oceanfront suite below the top floor penthouse seen in the show's opening shots. "We're going to play that up more, call it the Jack Lord Suite," maybe decorate with stills from the old series.

Added: Saturday 04 December 2010 06:02:31 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Kimo, why are you so unpleasant this weekend?

As for "haolecentric": well, perhaps you are unaware that the episode was written by Abe Ginnes (originally Ginsberg), a Jew from Brooklyn, where the original Levy's bakery was located and achieved its eventual fame. Among his writing credits were twelve "Naked City" episodes, several of which were set in the different ethnic neighborhoods of New York City and explored the various cultural characteristics of the groups that lived there. Similarly, the Levy's rye bread campaign, which was developed by the brilliant adman Bill Bernbach, also focused on ethnic differences, to humorous effect. The Five-0 episode was made in the early 70s when that ad series was a classic in the industry. While the original phrase is commonplace, given the history cited above, it's not a stretch to believe that Ginnes was thinking of the Levy's ad when he chose the title.

I hope that clears things up for you! :D

Added: Saturday 04 December 2010 05:07:17 PST

Submitted by: Kimo
From Hawaii Kailua

It is Kimo, gosh darned web site gremlins!
Kimo. with no i

Added: Saturday 04 December 2010 02:16:27 PST

Submitted by: Kimoi
From Hawaii Kailua

"I always thought the title of that episode it was a takeoff of the famous ad line, "You don't have to be Jewish to love Levy's Jewish rye - but it helps!"
Wow. talk about haolecentric.
jeez. yea. new york jew-ish stuff was sweeping the nation, west coast and Hawai'i then.
Nah, it is a simple allusion to the generic colloquialism You don't have to be crazy but it sure helps ... so people use this to their own ends: You Don't Have To be*** To ***, But It Helps.

"Maybe only old New Yorkers remember that...."
or maybe ONLY old New Yorkers knew of that, much less remember that.

Mikey, do you have some kinda
"make a list" contest goin' on now on yer site here?!

Added: Saturday 04 December 2010 02:13:21 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From Outside The Box

Top Fiver:

1)Vashon Trilogy – One of the high water marks for the series
2)Jinn Who Clear The Way – I’m with you, Steven, one of my fave Wo Fat eps
3)Engaged to Be Buried – Chin Ho The Man in this one
4)The Listener – Chick’s fave episode back in high school
5)Pig in a Blanket – Great JMac ep and great interplay with Mac n’ Jack

Really regret leavin out ‘Odd Lot Caper’ which has one of those terrific heist scenarios that made Five-O great. You right, Boris, top-notch villains always important. Great Basehart but lets not forget his man Ron Hayes. Hayes a rip throughout the ep, like when asked about killin that security guard “You think we shoulda asked him to have a beer” :D

Hey Heather, New Yawkers do rememba. Miss them sandwiches on Levy's Jewish rye. You leave the city but you never really leave.

Viva Nueva York!

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 21:36:54 PST

Submitted by: boris
From spfld

haha.. yes, mike just gives em two stars each... i knew they'd be unpopular choices but i stand by those five with no problem. Good acting on the parts of the villains is always important (Seltzer and Basehart) and i tend to prefer the ones with non-grandiose themes - just someone being bad.

another thing, i dont think there are many stinkers at all in seasons 1-6 anyway... maybe 8 total (babe ruth is one)...

hey when chicken and otto mannix gonna post their starting five

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 20:45:55 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

>>The show should of been titled "You Don't Have To Kill To Get Rich But It Could Help"<<

I always thought the title of that episode it was a takeoff of the famous ad line, "You don't have to be Jewish to love Levy's Jewish rye - but it helps!"

Maybe only old New Yorkers remember that....

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 20:31:00 PST

Submitted by: KD MCGarrett
From second season and its gone....

@ron lol the problem is it seems they keep shifting the touchline. So they will kill off Mary and then what? Will they spend more time on solving cases a la the original. Honestly, right now I don't even care about what was in the lock box as there has been no continuity.

If Scott leaves, they should just replace him and worry less about the bromance and focus on good writing. That has limited novelty and after a while its effect wears off as I find myself screaming "Danno put a sock in it!"lol

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 20:25:49 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Rick: I felt that scene was a mistake - too gratuitous. I have no problem with McG punching a villain, but that guy was such a worm, and a wacko to boot, that it seemed like McG was lowering himself.

It was an amusing line, though. :)

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 20:25:18 PST

Submitted by: Raymond
From Burbank, CA

My favorite episodes of Season 5:

1) Chain Of Events

2) Death Is A Company Policy

3) You Don't Have to Kill To Get Rich But It Helps
I hate Shatner with that "cowboy" accent. Sounds very phoney but the story line makes up for it.
The show should of been titled "You Don't Have To Kill To Get Rich But It Could Help"

4) Will The Real Mr. Winkler Please Die

5) Percentage

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 19:24:16 PST

Submitted by: Rick
From Newport Beach

>>>Is "The Listener" the one...<<< ...it is. A psychotic letter carrier. Would political correctness allow that today?

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 19:13:57 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Is "The Listener" the one in which McGarrett slugs the bad guy during the final confrontation and later says something like "Too bad you can't reform a psychotic with a left hook"?

I think of that scene whenever the New McG starts in on the fisticuffs.

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 18:59:57 PST

Submitted by: Ron

From So all McGarrett's family has been killed.

Maybe we can get lucky and Steve gets killed next. Then Danno moves to Miami and joins the CSI Miami team.

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 18:02:36 PST

Submitted by: KD MCGarrett
From losing focus..direction and gravitas

The show is losing direction. Taryn Manning out. Let's be honest Scott will. Probably leave. Sound the death knell...poor AOL...

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 17:44:36 PST

Submitted by: JulieS
From Australia

My five favourites from season 5 (in no particular order)

Journey Out of Limbo - Good Danno story and Keenan Wynn

Engaged to be Buried - Good Chin episode

The Listener - a different type of bad guy

I'm a Family Crook -- Don't Shoot! - surprise ending

'V' for Vashon: The Father - the best of these 3 episodes

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 17:44:31 PST

Submitted by: Rick
From Newport Beach

>>>I'm glad you guys are now carping at each other instead of at the new show.<<<

Heather, it's never been a monolithic group here. Always been different opinions on the original Five-0.

Was a few of the re-booter types that got hysterical over a little criticism.

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 17:41:22 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

So.... New McGarrett's father is murdered, his mother supposedly was murdered too (I forget where I heard that bit of backstory - some interview or other), and now it appears that his sister gets killed off too.

The poor bastard! Talk about overkill!

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 17:33:47 PST

Submitted by: Dave

From I think 50 will be even more procedural from now on. That's why they killed the sister.
The crime of the week.
Probably still lame.

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 17:22:59 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

I'm glad you guys are now carping at each other instead of at the new show. Progress! :D

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 17:19:44 PST

Submitted by: Rick
From Newport Beach

S5 Top Five:

Vashon ...as good as it gets.

I'm a Family Crook-Don't Shoot ...too bad we didn't see more eps with Charlie Walters (Bob Basso)

You Don't Have To Kill To Get Rich, But It Helps ...love Shat's "Tolliver" -Mike refers to the very high babe quotient in his analysis which is noteworthy, however pic #1 indicates he might be due for an eye exam.

The Odd Lot Caper ...supporting bad guy Laughlin (Ron Hayes) performance makes this ep worthy of inclusion.

Percentage ...great performance from Yoshigo's (Kwan Hi Lim) goons. One of the few eps where the viewer doesn't know "whodunit" until the end.

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 17:19:18 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

Wow, boris. You have 2 episodes on your list which I consider absolute stinkers of the season - "Percentage" and "Odd Lot Caper". Total snooze-fests and completely uninteresting.

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 16:57:35 PST

Submitted by: Sylvia
From Classic TV land

Season 5 top 5 (in no particular order):

1. The Vashon Trilogy
2. Death Is a Company Policy
3. The Clock Struck Twelve
4. I'm a Family Crook - Don't Shoot!
5. Pig In a Blanket

Honorable mentions: Chain of Events, Engaged To Be Buried, The Child Stealers

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 16:29:05 PST

Submitted by: boris
From spfld ma

Vashon Trilogy
The Listener
The Odd Lot Caper
Engaged to be Buried

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 16:11:36 PST

Submitted by: boris
From spfld

kill all the characters

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 16:07:21 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Wow, talk about a bimbo eruption!! :D

That's a hell of a spoiler. I bet Lenkov et al. are spitting nails over this one.

Too bad if it turns out the sis is killed. I was just starting to like her. They should kill off McG's girlfriend instead - her character is deadly dull and there are zero erotic sparks in that relationship.

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 15:47:47 PST

Submitted by: Barbara
From Pittsburgh

Here's my top five from Season Five (in any order):

1. Death is a Company Policy
2. Pig in a Blanket
3. Jury of One
4. Engaged to be Buried (love Erik Estrada!)
5. The Listener

OK, I didn't fit the Vashon Trilogy in there, but it's a top favorite that cuts across all seasons!

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 14:57:15 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver


Taryn Manning: "Alex isn’t very happy with them ending our bro/sis relationship."

So I think her character is really out.


Uh, yeah ... if you read further on, you will out that her character is KILLED!

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 14:06:35 PST

Submitted by: Big H
From Raleigh, NC

Was watching "How to Steal a Masterpiece" from S7 the other day, and the character Durkin, played by George Voskovec (whose Brit voice/accent sounds a lot like George Sanders of "The Saint" classics), at the end of his first interview w/ McG, it sounds very much like he refers to McG as "Officer McDarrett". Or maybe I'm just not able to discern the Brit accent very well....

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 13:54:00 PST

Submitted by: Mark
From Denver

LOVE the Vashon episodes, end of part 1 when McGarrett says after shooting Chris Vashon "No Vashon, I shot him, you and his Grandfather, you killed him"! Classic McGarrett. Also love the end of part 2 when the old man hisses in Honores' ear after the trial conviction "My turn"! These eps also prove you just can't kill a '68 Park Lane, blow it up and another exactly the same grows in its place.

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 13:09:31 PST

Submitted by: Steven
From Miami

ringfire: Luckily, "Jinn" is my favorite and not yours, eh? :D I'm sure there's an episode that you adore that I don't care for, either.

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 10:48:03 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

"Soon Taik Oh's rage at realizing what Wo Fat has done to him is fantastic." -- Steven, actually I found Taik-Oh's "acting" in the scene when McG and Chin confront him with the truth totally laughable! :D The face that he makes as his mouth opens widely in horror/despair is truly on a whole new level of OTT. Sorry, didn't buy it at all. I did however enjoy Carl Tu's execution - Wo saying "You could be. But you'll not be" as the gunshot goes off and Wo flinches. Great scene! But on the whole a very sleep-inducing episode.

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 10:45:06 PST

Submitted by: Steve's Girl
From Germany

My top five for Season 5 (not necessarily in that order):

The "Vashon" Triology
Thanks for the Honeymmoon
The Jinn Who Clears the Way
Fools Die Twice
Pig in a Blanket

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 10:18:22 PST

Submitted by: Ron
From Culver City

@Mr. Mike

Some Taryin Manning tweets are missing from the link Sun provided. You can read all of them here.


In one she says "Thank u, I thought so too. Alex isn’t very happy with them ending our bro/sis relationship. But why shud the show have any heart anyway…:)"
So I think her character is really out.

About contract negotiations. Actors sign a contract when a show premieres for 6 or 7 years.With this the studios protect themselves from actors wanting to leave or demanding more money. It is after this time when a new deal must be reached and when some starts make a lot of demands if the show is a hit, like Charlie Sheen last summer after his contract with Two and a Half man expired after 7 years in the show.

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 10:12:42 PST

Submitted by: Steven
From Miami

ringfire: For me, "Jinn" is the "B" in "subtlety." I like the dirty and underhanded dealing and how Wo Fat manipulates poor sap Soon Taik Oh while wiping out the guys's family. The way "Mr. Fat" feigns sympathy while being the one who planned the entire caper is just a sick joy to behold! I like his constant berating of Danny Kamekona's Carl Tu character until he finally kills him off, too. This is Wo Fat at his nastiest and most manipulative. He's truly repugnant here.

I also like Joseph Sirola's Jonathan Kaye the best. He weasels his way through the story and, as McGarrett says, sells Steve out.

Soon Taik Oh's rage at realizing what Wo Fat has done to him is fantastic.

And, as you mentioned, the wonderful ending with Steve's rage is indeed classic--heroes today don't make guttural sounds like that! :D

Yep. Brilliant and perfect in every way. :!nod:

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 09:51:14 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

Hey Steven. Not to rain on your parade (and you must consider that I'm a very open-minded individual) but I just can't seem to wrap my brain around "Jinn" being ahead of the "Vashon" trilogy. And we're not even talking just one "Vashon" episode - but the whole trilogy! Actually "Jinn" wouldn't even make my TOP 10 for the season so seeing it at #1 (ahead of "Vashon";) is truly mind-boggling. Is there anything in particular in "Jinn" that makes it such a fantastic episode? Because quite honestly it's one of my least favorite Wo Fat episodes. Nothing stands out except for McG slamming Wo's passport against his desk at the very end.

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 09:28:41 PST

Submitted by: Steven
From Miami

Fifth season top five:

5) Engaged to be Buried
4) The Listener
3) Journey Out of Limbo
2) V For Vashon (3-parter)
1) The Jinn Who Clears the Way

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 09:05:20 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

Ok, we're up to season 5 now - the show's highest rated season. So what are your TOP 5 from season 5?

Mine are:

1) The "Vashon" trilogy - dir. Charles Dubin
2) "Journey out of Limbo" - dir. Michael O'Herlihy
3) "Thanks for the Honeymoon" - dir. Richard Benedict
4) "The Listener" - dir. Richard Benedict
5) "Will the Real Mr. Winkler Please Die?" - dir. Michael O'Herlihy

And of course it pains me to leave out other classics like "Child Stealers", "Little Girl Blue", "Family Crook", "Here Today...", "Death is a Company Policy".

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 08:32:38 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Alex O'Loughlin says everything in the world of Hawaii Five-O is peachy: http://bit.ly/eCSfDc

But is this really a recent interview?

It totally contradicts the comments in an article emanating from the Asian press junket a couple of weeks back where O'Loughlin and Caan were both bitchin' about the heavy work schedule and other things.

My take on those complaints is they did not come out of the blue at the end of some 18-hour work day, but are connected with behind-the-scenes politicking orchestrated in conjunction with the stars' agents aimed at contract negotiations for a second season. It does seem kind of early to start the ball rolling on this, though.

Oh, by the way, there is no evidence to suggest Taryn Manning was fired from the show "after only being used in 2 episodes" as a post below suggests. Manning was in two episodes, but according to her own Twitter history, she wrapped another show (presumably the one where she is kidnapped) a few days ago.

She then let fly with a few O'Loughlin/Caan-like tweets about working conditions on the show which were hastily "redacted." What will come of all this, who knows?

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 06:46:05 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Uh, Kimo, are you trying to be funny? If so, I would respectfully suggest you leave the humor to C/H/Q Paper Products.

In talking about writing summaries, I am referring to one- or two-line sentences such as you read (or at least used to read) in TV Guide, letting people know what the upcoming show is about.

Summaries like you can find here:


As far as your other conditions for writing about the show are concerned, I am sure I fail miserably, but there are limits as to how neat I can be... ;)

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 06:28:56 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Hawaii Five-O producer Peter Lenkov talks about upcoming Christmas episode (see the second page of article) http://bit.ly/ecYoIR

Added: Friday 03 December 2010 06:23:06 PST

Submitted by: Kimo
From Kailua

"Great summaries, Mike. I keep forgetting what happened in which episode. The stories seldom stick in my mind and neither do the Hawaiian titles (though their cultural sensitivity is laudable)."

I am here today to tell you their cultural sensitivity is most emphatically NOT laudable.

"first season, I thought I would provide my "boring anal-ysis summaries." (Sheesh, maybe I should get a job writing quick summaries for TV Guide"
I am very sorry to relay this but the position would most emphatically require a kama'aina with behind the scenes perspective, 100% local frame of reference and to be completely conversant with the old show and the new show. From a local's POV. E kala mai. But thats the way it is. It's just a fact. Not a judgement or a diss.

Added: Thursday 02 December 2010 23:03:49 PST

Submitted by: Gregory
From Wichita KS

As a federal employee of the U.S. I can tell you that we have many internal channels of communication, and one recent channel of scuttlebut involved FIVE-0... both the old and new series.

This is what I heard through the "grapevine:" President Barak Obama has been a 5-0 fan for many years -presumably becausethe state of Hawaii was his birthplace. Allegedly, as a teen he caught the old series in syndication and was immediately hooked... and, he has followed the new version in his scarce downtime through DVR viewings.

I cannot verify that this is the truth. But, I CAN tell you that offbeat "inside" tidbits such as this are usually based upon fact.

Added: Thursday 02 December 2010 21:21:10 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

An interesting behind-the-scenes article about Jason Scott Lee, who appeared as a bad cop in show #8, Mana'o. There was lobbying to get him to be a good cop in a recurring role...


Added: Thursday 02 December 2010 17:46:23 PST

Submitted by: Raymond
From Burbank, CA

I was reading some posts on here about how they don't like the rough arm, possibly illegal, tactics used by the new Hawaii Five-0 team. I just finished watching "Why Wait Until Uncle Kevin Dies" from the original series. Does anyone see any similarities with the way McG locked that guy up in that house with a bomb ticking in order to get him to confess? This is one of my favorite episodes. I love the directors editing of Porter trying to exit the house with the bomb ticking. All those obtuse angle shots and stuff. The music is great too.

There is another scene in this episode that I find especially intriguing. The part where that big ape knocks on Cutlers' door and enters the room like a Sherman tank. I think what intrigues me the most is this guy looks so Hawaiian. A great contrast to how one is supposed to feel when you're in Hawaii. You're supposed to feel so relaxed and everyone is supposed to treat you friendly and here is this Hawaiian ape who looks like he's going to rip your head off. Hawaii Five-0 was so well produced. It was the type of show that started off with some pleasant music, showing a happy honeymooning couple walking down the beach, smiling and laughing with one another and then BAM it hits you. A dead body washes up on the beach. This is suspense at its finest. To get your emotions going one way and then they take a violent swing in the other. Why is it so hard for producers to understand in todays television?

Added: Thursday 02 December 2010 16:30:24 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Ooh! Drama! BRING IT ON!! Where's the popcorn?? :D

I read somewhere that Taryn M is a bit of a party girl - so, good casting in the part of the uncontrollable sister, I guess. But she shouldn't pick up her cell phone when she's in her "moods".

If only they'd had Twitter back in the old days, we could have read what H50 cast and crew thought of "His Lordship", as they called him in that mean TV Guide article....

Added: Thursday 02 December 2010 16:17:12 PST

Submitted by: Faith Loehman
From Laurel Springs

Well, if Scott leaves, the show is done for sure. He is the one saving the show and getting all the good reviews.
I don't watch the show each week , but sometimes I dvr. And Scott is really good.
So if the producers know what they are doing , they better keep Scott. He is like his dad, very talented.
Although for me getting ride of STM's sister means the show will probably focus more in Danno and less in STM in future episodes.

Added: Thursday 02 December 2010 15:08:18 PST

Submitted by: Will
From Omaha, NE

RE: adding a new cast member

I tend to think this might relate AOL and Caan's comments about hellish working hours. One more cast member spreads the screentime around and makes life easier for everyone.

Of course, given this character's relationship too McGarrett, I wonder if this is being done because Caan wants to jump ship. I get the clear impression that he is not at all happy on the show.

Added: Thursday 02 December 2010 14:40:43 PST

Submitted by: Sun A

From Trouble in the set of 50 .Negativity directly from the set.
Seems Taryin Manning has been ditched from 50 after only being used in 2 episodes.I guess the sister is out.She was mad yesterday and said among other stuff that noone is happy on the show.Alex O. And Scott said the same thing last week in another article.
She posted some harsh tweets yesterday. Later those tweets were deleted.Probably someone talked with her and she tried to change the story posting something nice. But too late, the tweets are now everywhere.
Trouble in paradise. Never good for a show in the first season. Networks don't like drama in the set.


Added: Thursday 02 December 2010 13:55:05 PST

Submitted by: boris
From spfld ma

it's good to know you like det. 187, chicken. I'll give it a try when i'm somewhere i can see it or try to get it on dvd at some point. i am a fan of imperioli from his work as christopher.

Added: Thursday 02 December 2010 13:48:18 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Another bright spot in that execrable "Babe Ruth" episode was the appearance of Tom Fujiwara. Always nice to see him. Whatever happened to him? Is he still alive? The IMDB is silent on this. If he's still around and working, it would be fab if he could appear on the new show!

Added: Thursday 02 December 2010 12:05:25 PST

Submitted by: KD McGarrett
From it's amazing what people laugh at...

I don't think it is recent Mike.

Added: Thursday 02 December 2010 11:17:27 PST

Submitted by: Big City Gal
From NYC

Big Chicken sez....still gotta check out Detroit 187. I dig that Michael Imperioli.

Better hurry. Detroit 1-8-7 is t*ts up on ABC and will be cancelled by the end of the season if not yanked mid-season.

Too bad. I absolutely love the show, but I think it's far too edgy and dark for ABC. Be nice if FX would pick it up. Could jump in the Rescue Me time slot next season.

Added: Thursday 02 December 2010 10:46:24 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Is this "comic moment" recent? I recall some other "comedian" making remarks like this many years ago, i.e., "Kam Fong as Chin Ho ... uh ... who?" Not very funny, at all.

Added: Thursday 02 December 2010 10:27:29 PST

Submitted by: KD McGarrett
From Don't you ever call me cop....!

Some humor


Ah, Mr. AOL-you lack gravitas...

Added: Thursday 02 December 2010 09:48:19 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

Great summaries, Mike. I keep forgetting what happened in which episode. The stories seldom stick in my mind and neither do the Hawaiian titles (though their cultural sensitivity is laudable). You could also add informational tags for important stuff like occurrences of "Book 'em Danno", Kono in a Bikini, and Half-Naked O'Loughlin :D

Added: Thursday 02 December 2010 09:12:34 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From The Mainland

Thanks Rainbow Warrior. Still gotta check out Detroit 187. I dig that Michael Imperioli

Added: Thursday 02 December 2010 09:10:32 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Since we are just about half way through the first season, I thought I would provide my "boring anal-ysis summaries." (Sheesh, maybe I should get a job writing quick summaries for TV Guide -- does anyone know where these exist for the new first season? These used to be found somewhere on the TV Guide site for the old show.) You can read the complete reviews by clicking on the Season One link at the top of the Discussion Forum page.

  1. Everything-but-the-kitchen-sink introductory episode where there is tons of backstory, and we are introduced to the vertiginous photography and mundane musical score. (The original version of this show was reportedly designed for a two-hour time slot, and there are rumours it will appear as such when and if the show is released on DVD.)

  2. Not-particularly-well-defined paranoid computer whiz is captured to help sort-of-politically-inoffensive Serbian bad guys drop radar so other ethnically-ambiguous bad guys can fly into Oahu to buy some mysterious security-related goodies (maybe).

  3. Five-O deals with a gang war. Chin Ho's cousin is an undercover informer who helps them infiltrate a casino night (not very well) where a local gang is attempting to hook up with the mainland Mafia.

  4. A convict escapes from prison, takes people hostage and causes general mayhem. There are serious questions about how the convict escapes, how he gets a lot of money from a former partner, and how Five-O finally captures him.

  5. The daughter of the ambassador to the Philippines is kidnapped because a gang of guerrillas wants her father to divert a shipment of arms to them. This episode introduces the Twin Peaks-like coroner Max Bergmann (my nominee for most dislikable character so far).

  6. Kono has a blast from the past when her surfing mentor is murdered and she investigates her old surfing boyfriend who becomes one of the major suspects. (This episode was sort of good.)

  7. A Navy SEAL, unjustly suspected of murdering his wife, takes a group of tourists hostage on the USS Missouri. McGarrett is joined by a World War II veteran who helps him resolve the situation.

  8. Danno is at the forefront of Five-O's investigation when his ex-HPD partner is found roasting in a luau because he was looking into HPD corruption involving a cocaine cartel. (This episode was sort of good, though with some issues.)

  9. A man connected with the arrival of an evil Asian dictator in Hawaii is found brutally murdered. The dictator, it turns out, was going to ask the American government for amnesty and confess his sins to the world.

  10. Clever athletic crooks use a triathlon to cover up their heist at a diamond exchange. These crooks "just happen" to live next door to Danno's ex-wife.
Anyone want to come up with keywords to describe each episode?

Added: Thursday 02 December 2010 08:36:53 PST

Submitted by: Warrior
From Big Chicken's Coop

Big Chicken,

Great story, great post!...Here's to you!....Cheers!

Added: Thursday 02 December 2010 06:35:30 PST

Submitted by: Heather-Rose Ryan
From North Conway, NH

You folks who keep spewing the negativity should ask yourselves if you're really doing anyone any good with this attitude! And being such great admirers of McGarrett, what do you think HE would say? Do you think he would sit around carping endlessly about how other people couldn't get anything right? I would say no. My read of his character is that he'd offer constructive criticism if he felt it was appropriate, but if he thought something wasn't fixable, he'd drop it and move on. Think about it.

And now for my own little splurt of negativity. We saw "To Hell with Babe Ruth" the other day, while watching Season 2 on DVD. I hadn't seen it in over 30 years and had forgotten how awful it is. WOW!!! Truly a piece of crap! At times it was so headspinningly-bad it verged on "Plan 9 from Outer Space"-level lousiness. One WTF??? moment after another. It made even New McGarrett's sofa-wrestling look good. But it was redeemed slightly by the good performance by Virginia Wing as the girl, and a pretty decent finale on top of the fuel tank. Though that scene was completely implausible and ridiculous, somehow it worked, in a weird way. Or maybe I was just relieved that the whole thing was over :) It's helpful to have a reminder that making good art is hard. Even if it's for TV.

Added: Thursday 02 December 2010 06:04:53 PST

Submitted by: Big Chicken
From A Genuine Five-O Moment

Hey Rainbow Warrior, Boris:

I remember walkin the streets of Prospect Heights, Brooklyn one late night back in the early 90s with my buddy from the Bahamas. Being an interracial duo like we was, some of the cats on the street figure us for coppers and start callin out: “Five-O, Five-O.”

That was when I first became aware of the term "Five-0" being used for police. And even though I admit to being quite enebriated, despite my state of mind it was a most memorable moment. I thought it was the ultimate tribute to Jack Lord’s Steve McGarrett - the most Bad-Ass of PO-leece. And being a devout Five-O Head, I was quite honored to be on hand hear it. Hawaii Five-O wasn’t only part of the popular mythology but it had entered into the consciousness of the American Street culture.

So here’s to the Real Steve McGarrett, a legend on the tube and on The Street.

Jack, You The Man. Forever & Always

Added: Wednesday 01 December 2010 23:53:52 PST

Submitted by: KD MCGarrett
From where is Kimo and Nadja???????

@RINGFIRE AND DAVE your points are very valid my friend. Augmenting the cast, but not polishing the writing is a recipe for disaster. It is obvious that there was no intention of honoring the original. They have dropped the book 'em Danno and padded out the script with annoying banter which often crops up at the most inappropriate times. Gosh-we get it-there's a bromance now let's focus on the other story arcs and dwell less on the ambiguous relationship between the two lol

We will be lucky if this goes beyond season 2. As I said it comes off as amateurish.

Added: Wednesday 01 December 2010 20:05:03 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

I'm afraid not even the great Reiko "Michelle Dessler" Aylesworth can save this subpar show. You can have all the great actors you can get (even Dennis Haysbert and Gregory Itzin) but if the stories don't improve and don't draw us in then it's all for nothing. On a positive note, season 8 of "24" is coming out shortly on DVD - at which point my "24" collection shall be complete.

Added: Wednesday 01 December 2010 17:17:36 PST

Submitted by: Dave Stevens
From Monrovia

Me thinks they are trying to lure more viewers adding new names to the cast.
What about trying a better story , a little more realist and less boring ?
The show needs more brains and less hot shirtless guys acting like total dorks.

Added: Wednesday 01 December 2010 15:50:12 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

More casting news, again with a "24" connection:


Hawaii Five-0 is staging its first Lost reunion. The CBS procedural has tapped Reiko Aylesworth (f.k.a. Dharma member Amy) to play the potentially recurring role of Malia, the ex-fiancé of Daniel Dae Kim’s Chin Ho.

Per an Eye insider, when a case leads Chin Ho into the local hospital, he runs into his former squeeze — a beautiful and smart doctor. Cue flying sparks and, perhaps, a rekindled romance.

Aylesworth, best known for her role as 24 G-woman Michelle Dessler, popped up on last week’s episode of The Good Wife.

Added: Wednesday 01 December 2010 15:39:02 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Hollywood Reporter -- 10 p.m. time slot no longer a guaranteed good thing, though the new Five-O is doing relatively well:


Added: Wednesday 01 December 2010 14:39:19 PST

Submitted by: KD McGarrett
From ?????????????????????

Mike-the casting spec makes it sound like we are going down the CSI route with wise-cracking intelligent types;it is too early to add members in my opinion.


http://bit.ly/hJg57M [This is just a rehash of the TV Guide link that I posted below. - MQ]


Added: Wednesday 01 December 2010 12:53:32 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

Yeah Otto. Pretty sure that poll is only for the credit sequence. Not the music accompanying it. That's why I can't fathom how one can prefer the clunky and boring montage in MASH over the sleek-and-fast-paced FIVE-0 montage. Or any other montage on that list. Not even MAGNUM PI's montage is as memorable. And where is KNIGHT RIDER or AIRWOLF? Both had fantastic and sleek-looking montages - with KITT coming out of the desert and AIRWOLF rising up from behind a sand dune, respectively. And I'm not even touching the theme songs for those two.

Added: Wednesday 01 December 2010 10:16:10 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Lukas Kendall, the boss at Film Score Monthly (http://www.filmscoremonthly.com), posted a couple of days ago:

"We have a good relationship going with CBS and are thinking about future titles to release. Obviously shows like Hawaii Five-0, Wild Wild West and Gunsmoke would be great but these are MASSIVE projects."

This shouldn't discourage Lukas from releasing Five-O scores!

Puh-leeze log in to this board where the thread is here -- http://bit.ly/ejpshh -- and (not too hysterically) post your support for getting those "lost" Five-O scores released once and for all!

Added: Wednesday 01 December 2010 10:06:31 PST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From NYC

The "Mission: Impossible" credit sequence is pretty good, and i would say that its theme song is even better than that of Five-O. The show however is not nearly as good as the Five.

What other credit sequences are good? "Get Smart" was a good one. But in terms of its montage, Five-O wins, hands down.

(The Simpsons and MASH? Horrendous.)

Added: Wednesday 01 December 2010 10:02:32 PST

Submitted by: Rainbow Warrior
From New York, NY


I did not know that because 1.)I don't listen to rap or 80's rap music-not a fan, and I'm not someone who knew the streets-never cared to.

Added: Wednesday 01 December 2010 09:55:03 PST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From Philadelphia

If you go to the IMDB website and take a look at today's poll it asks what is your favorite TV opening credits sequence. To my shock and horror THE SIMPSONS was at the top of the list. :!puke: And to add insult to injury FIVE-0 wasn't even on the list. WHAAAT?!! How is MASH on the list and not FIVE-0? Regardless of what one may think of MASH does anyone actually think its credits sequence is worthy of being on that list?

Added: Wednesday 01 December 2010 09:42:31 PST

Submitted by: boris
From spfld ma

dude, the term "five-0" has been used for the police pretty much since the show h50 came out, certainly in 80s rap music .. it's funny that 2day kids dont even know where the term came from but they all know 5-0 = po po.

my status: rewatching season 3 waiting for my next amazon.com delivery.

Added: Wednesday 01 December 2010 08:49:27 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver



Can you imagine Lone Star's James Wolk or Battlestar Galactica's Katee Sackhoff under the Hawaii Five-0 sun, playing an old CIA buddy of McGarrett's? It could happen. A new casting notice says the CBS drama is looking to add a series regular to tentatively debut in the 17th episode of the season, TVGuide.com has learned.

According to the official casting call, the character will be somewhere in his or her late 20s to early 30s, a wise-cracking, multilingual Asia expert recruited into the CIA right out of Harvard. The new addition also has a deep-rooted connection to McGarrett (Alex O'Loughlin), having taken a bullet for him years ago. And it's still there, lodged next to the spine.

So who would you cast in the role? Would Lost alum Evangeline Lily or House guest star Amber Tamblyn be the best choice to help Grace Park mix up the boys' club? Or should CBS grant a new chance to recently unemployed actors like Outlaw's Jesse Bradford, Undercovers' Boris Kodjoe or Rubicon's James Badge Dale?


Sackhoff, you may recall, played Dana Walsh in the final season of "24," a CTU employee with a big secret, which was that she was spying on CTU for the Russian government, and met a very nasty end at the hands of Jack Bauer himself. As well, she played Kara "Starbuck" Thrace in the mini-series and followup TV series of Battlestar Galactica, so that would add an interesting dynamic to Five-O, considering Grace Park is also an alumnus of that show.

I can't get too excited about any of the above, because it sounds like we are still not going to get any resolution to some of the McGarrett family secrets. If this happens in the 17th show, that is probably going to appear in February of next year or even later.

Added: Wednesday 01 December 2010 08:30:58 PST

Submitted by: Rainbow Warrior
From New York, NY

I don't know if anyone saw it, but last night on ABC's "Detroit 187" there was a brief reference to "Hawaii Five-O" during the episode. The suspect brought in for questioning said to two of the cops "why does the Five-O want to talk to me?"...I liked that, and I like that show...it has really terrific writing.

Added: Wednesday 01 December 2010 07:03:22 PST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From Vancouver

Another example of Five-O in the public consciousness, an article about British politics:


Do you remember the canoeists at the end of TV’s Hawaii Five-O? Every week we saw them in the closing credits, surging towards the beach.

Every week the poor souls were no closer to land. All that effort for so little gain! Maddening.

Yet on they pressed, morale undimmed, an example to us all.

Added: Wednesday 01 December 2010 00:02:17 PST

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