Hawaii Five-O Discussion Forum -- April 2014

The Hawaii Five-O Discussion Forum -- April 2014

The following are archived comments from April 2014. After looking around, please add your own comments!

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Submitted by: John Chergi
From: Pittsburgh PA

Thanks for the comments Joel on Three Dead Cows At Makapuu. I would put Three Dead Cows in Top 20-30 HFO. It lacks the action of some of my FAVS--Didn't We Meet At A Murder? Hookman, or Why Wait Until Uncle Kevin Dies? It definitely was a Top 5 in HFO history if you count the brilliant script & the 20 years ahead of its time topic on biological warfare.

In all honesty, I did feel sympathy for Dr. Alex Kline. He had been working as a brilliant scientist all these years in labs & places. His desire to unleash the deadly Q strain happened after much deliberation & to show the US government & the world how deadly these agents are.

It's a brilliant episode on all levels. Alex realizes that almost 1 million people in Hawaii will be killed...However, he suddenly finds love in the bubbly Wanda & realizes he has something to live for. Abel was an excellent character. His friend who was blind really shined in his brief appearances.

Three Dead Cows At Makapuu was years ahead of its time. We have seen in the US what terror & destruction can be caused by lone wolf's such as The Unabomber, Tim McVeigh & the Ryder truck bombing in Oklahoma City killing 168, & the Anthrax series of letters.

Right Joel. Dr. Kline would qualify as a biological terrorist but he redeems himself at the end. He sacrifices his life saving thousands of people in Hawaii. I'd give Three Dead Cows At Makapuu 5 stars out of 6.

Added: Wednesday 30 April 2014 14:53:51 MST

Submitted by: Rainbow Warrior
From: New York, NY

The last thing I'll say on this subject and then we should let Mike get the blog back to Five-o matters is this. The invasion of Afghanistan was the absolute necessary and right thing to do after the 9/11 terror attacks that killed 3,000 people and not just American citizens. That's what this country does, if we are attacked, and I have no use for anyone who says that going to war over this was wrong. Just get lost if you say that. The government installed in Afghanistan by the United States was corrupt and led by a weasel, but at least they didn't treat women like dogs like the Taliban did, destroy ancient Buddhist monuments, and harbor Osama Bin Laden and his organization. They have just had free and fair elections, and it looks like they will have a new and popular president taking over. I have seen many interviews by people in Afghanistan's educated and cultural class say the United States should feel very good about going to war in Afghanistan because of the new life it gave to the Afghan people and saved them from "Muslim" terrorists and extremists. That is fact and those that tried to lump Afghanistan into the same bowl as Iraq are misguided. We were not attacked by Irish, Italian, French, German, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Eastern Orthodox, Agnostics, Lutherans, or any other type of religious terrorists. This is the real world,the real world is tough, messy, and nasty. In that real world the terrorists were muslim, and had no use for infidels of any other faiths. That is intolerance and not every war is Vietnam. Please, the 1960's are over and have been for decades.Every conflict is it's own entity and takes it's own shape. You can't compare every war to the World Wars or Vietnam.

Added: Wednesday 30 April 2014 07:32:20 MST

Submitted by: Joel D.
From: North Idaho

I've enjoyed reading the military/political commentary spurred by the latest 5-0 reboot episode.

What makes it interesting is that meanwhile, in the ME-TV world of original 5-0 reruns, they just showed the two-parter "Three Dead Cows" from season 2, and the dominance of the military-industrial complex in late 1960s/early 1970s society is big part of the plot.

I also found it interesting how the evil genius/terrorist from "Three Dead Cows" was portrayed with some sympathy, despite his insistence on committing a horrible act of terror to make his point.

I'm not sure terrorists in portrayed in contemporary TV series would (or should?) get any sympathy in the script.

Added: Tuesday 29 April 2014 19:49:09 MST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From: Vancouver

Recent picture: Kimo Kahoano and Jimmy Borges.


Added: Tuesday 29 April 2014 17:48:56 MST

Submitted by: John
From: Montreal, Canada

I'm not agreeing with them, just saying that Afghanistan was invaded and occupied by foreign troops and the government of their country overthrown and replaced with a puppet government. Therefore attacks against foreign troops could be seen as an act of war.

One of my best friends who was a US Marine was blown up in Afghanistan by precisely that manner in 2007 and I think the takeover of Afghanistan was a costly but necessary step. I'm just trying to distinguish (probably unsuccessfully) between war and terrorism.

I better stick to direct comments about the show!

Added: Tuesday 29 April 2014 10:29:07 MST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From: Vancouver


"[B]lowing up a military convoy of occupying foreign soldiers in your own country is not a criminal act in my book."

I think this is definitely a criminal act. It's called "murder," even if you disagree with the presence of the soldiers.

Added: Tuesday 29 April 2014 08:59:37 MST

Submitted by: John
From: Montreal, Canada

When I heard about what this latest episode of the new show was about I went and watched it despite having said I no longer would (besides it's hard to beat the scenery!).

I actually tip my hat (with a proviso) to the producers for having the guts to do an episode about Muslim terrorists. The reality is that almost all terrorist acts directed towards the west are from Muslims and the poison they actually spew against us made the comments in this episode seem like Mother Goose quotations. Those Muslim extremists who plan and/or commit acts of terrorism are like cancer cells and need to be eliminated any way possible.

However I have an issue when McG refers to the road side bombing in Afghanistan as a criminal act. There is a gray area between terrorism and war and I don't pretend to know where the dividing line is but blowing up a military convoy of occupying foreign soldiers in your own country is not a criminal act in my book.

Seeing those mutilated soldiers was powerful and beneficial to all of us. I've never felt comfortable about how the burden of this war on terror has been borne by only a relatively small group of soldiers and their families while the rest of us has gone on with our lives without any palpable sense of sacrifice. Showing the true cost in such a personal way is very commendable.

Added: Tuesday 29 April 2014 08:43:34 MST

Submitted by: Rainbow Warrior
From: New York, NY


Yes, exactly, I agree with your whole post. I'm sorry that you have to agonize over this every day, but you hit the nail right on the head. Everyone was fooled by Putin, Bush, Obama, Merkel, the Europeans, the media, they all fell for his act. The Europeans have been able to sit on their duffs and enjoy US protection since the end of World War II and basically not do anything. They like to look down their noses at America and wag their finger like that German writer, but when it is time for the moment of truth they want America to do it all. Europe is America's jealous, lazy, cowardly bum relative that envies our strength, but runs us down all the time.

One time I was in France, and this waiter that I was very nice to, gave me that haughty French attitude that they are so well known for, so I had had enough of the French superiority act so I did this. I said "excuse me, we're on our way to the American cemeteries where all of our soldiers who died fighting here to give you back your freedom are buried. Can you tell me where I can get directions to tell me how to get there?" You should have seen the look on his face. It just fell. You could see he felt like a jerk, and was extremely nice after that.

I agree with the sanctions, but Obama is wrong in that he needs to provide weapons for Ukraine to defend itself if Russia invades fully. 51 Ukrainian soldiers died in Iraq fighting alongside us. We have to stand by those who stood by us and fought with us. The Ukrainians are absolutely trustworthy with weapons, more than the "muslim" terrorists in Syria fighting Assad that want them from us. The missile shield has to go back into Poland and Czech Republic, and if Putin makes a move on any Nato country, especially Poland, we have a moral responsibility to defend them. Hopefully, your analysis with what will happen with Putin the longer it goes on will be right. The Europeans, Germany, and the US have to stand for something-it's called our values. Everybody has been seduced by the soft life for far too long in this world.

Added: Tuesday 29 April 2014 06:47:30 MST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From: Philadelphia

"Sorry, in no mood to listen to that German crap while they sit with their tail between their legs while the Russians are poised to run all over Ukraine."

My family is following the goings-on in Ukraine on a daily basis. I was born there and still have family over there. I'm from Lviv, which is the heart of Western Ukraine, where we actually speak Ukrainian (as opposed to Russian which is so prevalent in East Ukraine). Putin is an old KGB thug who wants to resurrect the old Soviet Union. Unfortunately the only one who seems to "get it" over here is John McCain. Everyone else keeps playing games with this guy. The way he rolled his tanks into Crimea and took away land that wasn't his was just insane. I didn't think something like this could happen in the 21st century. Now he's poised to do the same thing with East Ukraine. And the frightening thing is that he won't stop there. He will move into Kiev then. And then into the west. It's insane that this guy was voted TIME magazine's Person of the Year a few years back. And a member of the G8? How is this possible? This guy behaves like a third-world dictator but wants a seat at the head of the table to make important decisions in world affairs. Might as well add Mugabe and Assad to the G8. Why not? They're all cut from the same cloth.

I'm not a fan of the Obama administration but I will give him credit for at least trying to push for more drastic measures against Russia (even it it's just sanctions). It's Europe that is driving me up the wall. Heck, they're the ones who should be more concerned with Russia than the U.S. since they're closer, yet they sit on their thumbs - too worried to rock the boat because of their precious gas supplies and other investments they have tied with Russia. Putin is sticking a big middle finger at them daring them to stop him and they just smile back like a bunch of pansies. Geez! It's almost pathetic that we Ukrainians are trying so hard to get integrated into the EU - Europe is a joke these days. It's sickening to watch the Russian propaganda machine - lies are spun on the fly, Ukrainian history is rewritten every second, Western Ukraine is painted as a den of Nazi fascists. Horrible! Yet Europe just wags their little finger. And people wonder why we Western Ukrainians hate the Russians with a burning passion. :!mad: Ever since the czars Russia had always tried to destroy Ukrainian culture and annex parts of our precious land. It's in their blood. They can't stand the thought of a Ukraine that is not under their control or their sphere of influence. That's why Putin is so insane with possessing Ukraine. At any cost. He's willing to risk his own country's economy just to hang on to Ukraine. It's a psychological thing. But I think ultimately this will be his undoing. Sooner or later those closest to him (his oligarch cronies) will take him out - once the sanctions really begin to pack a punch. After all, they're the ones who have villas overseas and their kids go to the finest international schools and they do much of their business in other countries. So what good will their billions be if they can't travel abroad to spend it? There's no way they're gonna stand for this. Not for long. They're not going to risk their precious billions for some Ukraine that they don't care about. For them it's all about their money. For Putin it's about some warped sense of old Soviet nationalistic pride. It'll soon come crashing down on psycho Vlad.

Added: Monday 28 April 2014 11:24:06 MST

Submitted by: Rainbow Warrior
From: New York, NY

Thank you Vrinda, you're often the voice of reason in an increasingly idiotic world.

In more ludicrous news, Paramount and MGM are remaking Ben-Hur. So, you're remaking one of the most perfect movies ever made. Why????...You cannot improve on perfection.

Added: Monday 28 April 2014 10:36:12 MST

Submitted by: Vrinda
From: NJ

In all fairness, the rhetoric coming out of both characters (Steve and Dawn) was drawn out too long. I wish the writers would have put some more thought into it. I agreed with Steve on every turn, but he was speaking to a wall. Dawn looked like she was in a trance. Steve had a better chance of getting blood from a stone than getting her to talk.

If Dawn was so bent on Islam taking over, why was she walking around on the beach in a bikini? Islam would not condone that. Or was she dressing like an "infidel" to blend in? After all, she would be very conspicuous in a hijab or abaya.

It would have helped if the two boys who died and the Afghani men who were arrested got more screen time and some character development, instead of being there to get killed or arrested, or kill themselves.

Rainbow, bravo! I agree on all counts.

Added: Monday 28 April 2014 10:23:32 MST

Submitted by: Rainbow Warrior
From: New York, NY

Sorry, in no mood to listen to that German crap while they sit with their tail between their legs while the Russians are poised to run all over Ukraine. The only reason the Germans have the prosperity they have is because the US protected their behinds from the Soviet Union for 50 years through the Cold War after the Germans caused two World Wars and killed 6 million Jews in the most horrible genocide the world has ever seen. I love the United States, John Wayne, and this country and those that have a problem with it, tough.

Oh yeah, one more thing, what I find offensive are people who have a hard time telling it like it is. Reality is most of the terrorists today are "muslim" and I have a friend who lost ten friends in the 9/11 attacks at the World Trade Center, with eight of them firefighters, and they were killed by "muslim" terrorists and anyone who denies they were "muslim" I FIND OFFENSIVE. This politically correct garbage spewed by that German magazine is why the Democrats are about to get their behinds kicked out of the Senate in November and Obama's approval ratings are just as bad as Bush's was. This is the truth, that's reality, and not some fanciful version of how I wish the world to be. When the Germans actually do something to help the world, I'll listen to their moronic gestures. I know Ringfire agrees with me. Oh yeah, I didn't see the show, but one more thing. I LOVE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA MAY GOD SHINE HER BLESSINGS ON IT. An anyone who finds that offensive. GOOD!

Added: Monday 28 April 2014 07:28:46 MST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From: Vancouver

Interesting German take on Friday's show:



Aufgrund politischer und geschichtlicher Entwicklung der letzten zehn oder fünfzehn Jahren fließen in fiktionale Erzählungen auch bestimmte Statements und Weltsichten ein. In den meisten Fällen sind sie subtil und ambivalent ausgeführt, aber manchmal nehmen sie die Überhand (vor allem bei CBS-Serien wie „NCIS" und „Hawaii Five-0") und der Plot der jeweiligen Episode scheint nur im Dienste der Message zu stehen.

Auch in Pe'epe'e Kanaka handelt es sich zwar um eine komplizierte Verschwörung, die genug Spannung und Unterhaltungswert an sich besitzt, aber das Ganze wird von patriotischen Statements zum „War on Terror" untergraben. Das soll nicht heißen Patriotismus wäre falsch, aber es wäre unwichtig zu zeigen, wie Menschen auf beiden Seiten unter den dauerhaften Auseinandersetzungen im so genannten „War on Terror" leiden.

Es geht hier mehr um die Ausführung. Denn in dieser Episode wirken die Statements, die meistens aus Steves (Alex O'Loughlin) Mund kommen sehr aufgesetzt und wie einer Wahlkampagne entnommen. Abgesehen davon funktionieren aber in „Pe'epe'e Kanaka" sowohl der Plot als auch die kleine Seitenhieb zwischen den Hauptfiguren.


[My translation]

In the last 10 or 15 years, political and historical events have been incorporated into fictional stories like those in books and on TV shows, along with certain beliefs and "world views." Sometimes they are subtle, but sometimes they overwhelm the plot, like on shows like CBS' NCIS and Hawaii Five-0, where the plot seems only to serve the message.

In the recent Five-O episode Pe'epe'e Kanaka, which features a complex conspiracy that has enough excitement and entertainment value in itself, the whole show is undermined by patriotic statements on the "War on Terror." This does not mean patriotism in itself is a bad thing, but it would be better to show how people suffer on both sides because of conflicts in this so-called war.

In this episode, most of the statements coming out of Steve McGarrett's mouth, as well as the exchanges between the main characters, sound like phony rhetoric connected with an election campaign.

Added: Sunday 27 April 2014 09:38:53 MST

Submitted by: John Chergi
From: Pittsburgh PA

Great idea Quincy!!! I don't think I have ever seen that from a crime show. You can see the pianist sweating as he finishes the last series of notes & Joe White inside scared to death. Great drama!

My Classic HFO flashback is The Last Eden. One of HFO many quality Season 3 episodes. I enjoyed this episode because of the detective work. HFO had to piece together the tire tread with gouge, the source of the explosives, who was behind it etc.

Colfax corporation would benefit the most. I thought the final shootout scene was awkward in the parking lot. I'm happy McG got the man who tossed Jimmy's friend out the window.

Jimmy was kind of a love or hate type character. I would say I liked him. Would give The Last Eden 4 out of 6 stars. John

Added: Sunday 27 April 2014 07:44:56 MST

Submitted by: Dan Gibson
From: Greensboro, NC

Yo' Mr. John Chergi, I like your ideas for Season 5 ! HA ! It's good that we can pay homage to the Jack Lord 5-0, but still be amused and entertained by the AOL show, too... If I want to sink my teeth into something, I turn to True Detective, Fargo, Masters of Sex, and The Americans (not to mention the incredible Breaking Bad) ... but if I'm looking for a cheap thrill, and a fun ride -- you'd better believe that I'm in front of the big screen on Friday nites, 9pm on CBS. Favorite LOL moment to date? When STEVE looked down at his (brand new) partner in the Pilot, and said with a grin on his face ... "Book'em Danno" ... These last two episodes should be right up my ALLEY. ;)

Added: Sunday 27 April 2014 06:14:57 MST

Submitted by: Quincy
From: C/H/Q Paper Products

With regard to The Song Of Joe White, Wo Fat is behind the sinister kidnapping of Joe, who is actually LOCKED (get it ... John Locke, it's an in joke) inside the piano. Wo also kidnaps a famous concert pianist, who he forces to play a piece which uses only the piano's BLACK keys. The gimmick here is that if the pianist makes a mistake and plays a WHITE key by mistake (get it ... Joe WHITE), several pounds of C-4 explosive will be detonated.

Added: Saturday 26 April 2014 19:59:34 MST

Submitted by: John Chergi
From: Pittsburgh PA

Here's some new Season 5 HFO Episodes. Maybe some of the Classic HFO fans & hardliners can make some new scripts too.

1.To Hell With Everything. 91 year old Nagata from To Hell With Babe Ruth fame breaks out of the mental institution to finally fulfill his mission. McG must stop Nagata from detonating a bomb.

2. Danny Has Two Faces. A brilliant plastic surgeon saves a burn victim's face & reconstructs person's face to look like Danny's. Man is programmed to do crimes & Danny's arrested.

3.Roller Coaster Of Death. A demolition expert creates an explosive device to go off while on a roller coaster. Danny & McG must help defuse the bomb & save the riders.

4. The Song Of Joe White. Joe White is kidnapped & hidden inside a grand piano.

5. Bones of Mr. Holloway. The bones of Hawaiian ecologist & activist Mr. Sam Holloway are discovered near Sand Island . A real mystery . 25 years after he disappeared.
6. Disco Of Death. Sonny K returns to Hawaii to start up a disco & restaurant . The new reformed Kumu want a piece of the action . John

Added: Saturday 26 April 2014 15:58:57 MST

Submitted by: Anne
From: Tangerine FL

John -- Totally agree with you. What you stated is why I cannot watch Five-faux. Some people prefer the new show and that's okay. I prefer the old Five-O, and shows like Blue Bloods, NCIS, Burn Notice, or Leverage. I really wish CBS had not done this remake as I view it as an alternate reality. CBS wanted the show's name to have a built in audience. I would rather Lenkov had renamed the characters or the show entirely. Ah well, there is always MeTV or the DVD sets.

Added: Saturday 26 April 2014 11:12:13 MST

Submitted by: John Chergi
From: Pittsburgh PA

I like Dan's comments on the new HFO. You watch it for what HFO is & sit there & enjoy it. Alex brings a dynamic spin on McGarrett with the Seal angle & his impressive fighting skills. Danno can be annoying but I love his sequences with Gracie.

HFO should be around for a few more years. It has a global following with it's Pacific location. Japanese,Australian,Chinese fans follow the show. That can't be discounted. Advertisers & TV execs know Hawaii Five O is A strong brand.

On this episode, I would give it 4 stars out of 6. Reminded of Deadly Courier when the pool man met his end. Agree with Mr. Mike about the Joker's Wild house. John

Added: Saturday 26 April 2014 10:38:09 MST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From: Vancouver

Did anyone think that the house at the beginning of the show looked like it was in the same neighborhood as the one in The Joker's Wild from the original series?

I wasn't watching too closely when FBI Analyst Katie Halinan, played by soap opera star Eden Riegel, first appeared. Her voice was very similar to Michelle Borth's and I thought for a moment it might be the soon-to-depart actress, especially considering the kind of work the character was performing.

This show was pretty offensive in three ways: to animal lovers (fish getting speared), to Muslims (nasty terrorists) and to people who don't like Americans pushing their weight around in international matters -- in this case, McGarrett being particularly gung-ho in the way he dealt with the crime of the week.

Added: Saturday 26 April 2014 09:02:11 MST

Submitted by: Dan Gibson
From: Greensboro, NC

To Vrinda & John, roger your take on last nite's episode. This H50 is a shoot 'em up -- I think that's all the writers intend it to be. I chose a long time ago to just watch, enjoy (with some LOL here and there), and take it for what it is. Granted, the show is in trouble if compared to the iconic series of '68-'80 -- and yep, I was there for all of that one, too. But if viewers just take it for what it is, with AOL one of the better swashbuckling "heroes" on TV, Danno as the good father/pain-in-the-ass, Chin Ho as a good solid cop, and Kono -- well, SHE can be anything SHE WANTS TO BE (get my drift?). Alarmingly, there are likely thousands out there who still scoff at the VERY IDEA that they could bring back Kono as " A GIRL ! " ... oh, heaven FORBID ! There are elements of the current 5-0 I don't care for ... they do a remarkably lousy job with "family" episodes (code word clue: DORIS); and I absolutely despise when "jerry" walks into a crime scene, makes a candid discovery, and REQUIRES Love & a Hug for his trouble... YUCK ! But I do like the dynamic of STEVE & DANNO, the Wo Fat angle, and the virtually free ticket they have to nail the Bad Guys -- whoops, almost forgot, the Scenery is to DIE FOR. I was last there in 1974, and I GOTTA get back !! Bottom line? From here I give the series a 91%. That's enough to keep me watching ... next week's episode looks very, very serious -- I'll be in position at 8:59pm, EDT. :!cool:

Added: Saturday 26 April 2014 06:01:58 MST

Submitted by: John Stockton
From: Chicago

I am just amazed at the stark difference between two CBS cops shows back to back (Hawaii Five-O and Blue Bloods). I watched both tonight and Hawaii-Five-O is total make believe nonsense, whereas Blue Bloods deals with real-world complicated police/moral issues, with insightful, meanignful dialogue, believable relationships that all make you think and ponder and feel like you are watching something that takes place on earth.

Hawaii Five-O in the other end is just empty, empty stuff that takes place on some other superman planet in some other galaxy

Added: Friday 25 April 2014 22:12:45 MST

Submitted by: Vrinda
From: NJ

Tonight's episode was very far-fetched. That girl was brainwashed to the hilt. Did she not know what the Taliban's views on women were and where she would fit in? If she remembered the turn the security system back on, the swimming pool repairman would not have walked in on a bomb-making session and gotten killed, then they might have gotten away with their terrorist operation for a little longer.

Added: Friday 25 April 2014 21:22:58 MST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From: Philadelphia

Rainbow, I saw SEVEN DAYS IN MAY on DVD I got from Netflix. Pretty good movie. Not in the same league as THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE (also by John Frankenheimer, and with our good buddy Wo Fat) but quite good nevertheless. Burt Lancaster and Fredric March were particularly impressive as the treasonous general and the U.S. president, respectively. Their verbal sparring in the oval office was the highlight of the film.

Added: Friday 25 April 2014 15:39:51 MST

Submitted by: H50 1.0 FOREVER
From: Under the Live Oak Trees

I don't understand it, either, Mike, but that's where the bulk of visitors originated during those time periods. Perhaps, if her name had been Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe . . . , news would have traveled faster???

Added: Friday 25 April 2014 15:02:06 MST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From: Vancouver

H50 Forever, I don't understand what you are saying about Rose Freeman. She died on March 4, 2012. Why would it takes weeks for "news" (presumably of her passing ) get to France and Asia?

Added: Friday 25 April 2014 10:55:30 MST

Submitted by: Rainbow Warrior
From: New York, NY

Great posts everyone. Ringfire, where did you see SEVEN DAYS IN MAY?...I've been wanting to buy that on DVD, because they never show that on tv.

Added: Friday 25 April 2014 07:08:40 MST

Submitted by: Vrinda
From: NJ

H50 1.0, in Europe and Asia the attitude towards the past and older actors and actresses is different. In Asia, the elderly are revered and actors from previous decades are still remembered. In France and Germany, Hawaii Five-O didn't become popular until the nineties, when it was first rerun in those countries, so the fandom is fairly new and they are just starting to learn what fans here already know.

I have friends in England and Australia who love the original and ask me about the actors and episodes all the time. In England, they only got Seasons 1-8 on DVD. Their opinions on the new show are a whole other story, though.

Added: Thursday 24 April 2014 16:40:58 MST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From: Philadelphia

Indeed. The internet is an amazing place to be able to find out something with just the click of a button. Back in the day you actually had to go to a library to find out something. Yet folks are still lazy. They would rather "stalk" someone on Facebook or post stupid comments using a myriad of LOLs, OMGs, LMAOs, etc. :!thinking:

I didn't know who Cap Weinberger was. With just the click of a button I found out. Now I know. It's that easy. The much-maligned Wikipedia is actually a great resource to find out some very basic facts.

Added: Thursday 24 April 2014 13:34:24 MST

Submitted by: H50 1.0 FOREVER
From: Under the Live Oak Trees

That's not quite correct, Vrinda. When Rose Freeman died, more than 1067 people came to MofH50 in the first 24-hour period, and between 121 and 176 came each day for the next week. In May, when news reached France, between 103 and 260 people came each day for six days. In June, when news reached Asia, the numbers are less clear because of others goings on on the website that could have influenced the numbers, but they remained over 100 for six days. Also in June, when news reached France, the numbers soared to 650 and remained over 100 for six days. In comparison, MofH50 typically receives between 75 and 100 visits daily.

True, Ringfire, that Ralph Waite was known primarily as John Walton, but he appeared as Gibbs' father in 8 episodes of "NCIS," which CBS boasts is its #1 show. For that reason, even without considering that "The Waltons" was also a CBS production, I expected to see a memorial tribute to him in the credits.

Added: Thursday 24 April 2014 13:12:07 MST

Submitted by: Vrinda Rao
From: NJ

That kind of ignorance knows no limits. When Rose Freeman died, someone on the IMDb asked who she was. I explained and posted a link to her IMDb page and obituary. The kid thanked me but when I posted the same obituary on a Hawaii Five-O 2.0 message board, there was not even an "RIP, Mrs. Freeman” post in response. The post got views, but no one cared enough to even write a small message. Since this board was filled with Alex Brigaders who are only interested in talking about him, I should have known.

It’s not as though these people cannot look up the information if they don’t know who the person is. They have internet access through their smart phones, iPhones, tablets, etc. I see so many ignorant comments which could have been disproven with the press of a button. One jerk claimed that Jack Lord was not in every episode of the original series. It’s not too hard to find out that he was in every show.

I’ve seen older posters who talk like they did not live in the ‘60s and ‘70s at all. They talk about the technology of the past as though it was something to strange to them and something they never used. A person born in the ‘50s would have rode or driven in a big car like McGarrett’s Park Lane, used a rotary phone, a reel-to-reel tape machine, and remembered a time when the word DNA was an unheard-of. Yet, these people talk like they did not live in such a world and only lived from the year 2000 and afterwards.

The media is to blame not just for promoting talentless hacks like the Kardashians, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Kanye West, etc., but for not promoting the stars, films, and TV shows of the past. Older movies used to be shown on network television in the afternoon and late at night. Not anymore. More cable channels used to show these films as well. American Movie Classics has not shown a classic film in more than ten years. All I see there now are reruns of The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, Mad Men, CSI: Miami, and some modern action/adventure films. So much for their title. USA used to show old horror films on Saturday nights in their Saturday Nightmare special.

When James MacArthur died, all he got was a 5-second memorial at the end of the Entertainment Tonight, but they spent the whole half-hour dishing about Lindsay Lohan or some other talentless druggie. They think stories about today’s modern, washed up pseudo-celebrities will get ratings, not stories about talented people who made a difference in this world. Also, these modern actors have PR people with connections who can easily get the media to shine the spotlight on their clients. These stars of the past that are in the limelight anymore don’t have those connections.

That people are not even interested enough to take 2 minutes to type a person’s name into Google or look them up on YouTube is the height of laziness and there’s no excuse for that. When I think of how many actors and singers I discovered from just a few minutes of searching online, what these people miss out with their ignorance is tremendous.

Added: Thursday 24 April 2014 12:29:54 MST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From: Philadelphia

No one even remembers guys like Ralph Waite anymore, unfortunately. Or don't care to. We do of course. But the rest of our "modern" society is too busy with their bytes-per-second lifestyle (iPhone, iPad, other digital devices, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) that they have no clue about anything or anyone from the past. We live in such a "NOW" society. It's all about the present, what's happening this very second. Tomorrow they won't remember it anymore. They know all the names of the Jonas Brothers, One Direction, facts about Lady Gaga, Kate Upton or whatever/whoever is hot at the moment. I had to ask what or who is One Direction. Never heard of them.

Ralph Waite was a big name of course back in the 70s. But today folks just don't care about what happened in the past. Folks today know every tidbit about every drugged-out celebrity out there. Yet if you were to mention the name Ingrid Bergman they wouldn't have a clue. So it's not just someone like Ralph Waite. We're not just talking about character actors. But even genuine movie stars (leading men and leading ladies) of yesteryear most folks don't recall anymore. Barbara Stanwyck who? Lauren Bacall who? It's a shame really. :!cry:

That's why it's interesting that we know character actors like William Windom and Simon Oakland and Andrew Duggan and Soon Teck-Oh (not exactly movie stars) yet other folks would have a blank stare if you mentioned Deborah Kerr or Ava Gardner. Heck, I only saw Gardner for the first time recently in the film SEVEN DAYS IN MAY. But I've known the name for a long long time and seen pictures of her numerous times. Meaning you don't have to be an avid watcher of old films to possess basic film knowledge. I have never seen any films with Lana Turner but I know who she is.

People today just don't know anything about the past. Who was Dan Quayle? Who was Walter Mondale? Who was Henry Kissinger? This to me seems like basic knowledge. But the masses truly are clueless.

Added: Thursday 24 April 2014 10:48:17 MST

Submitted by: H50 1.0 FOREVER
From: Under the Live Oak Trees

Well, Rainbow, you know what they say about lawyers. :D

Added: Thursday 24 April 2014 08:08:45 MST

Submitted by: Rainbow Warrior
From: New York, NY


Agreed. There is no respect for anything anymore in today's world. Once you die, people forget all about you. It has become a world where people only care about someone if they need something from them, so once they pass on-- that stops. Not everybody, before someone protests, but many people have become thoughtless in today's narcissistic world.

Speaking of NCIS, which was a spin off of JAG, I saw Gavin McCloud "aka Big Chicken" on a rerun of JAG from 2003 last week playing a sleazy lawyer running a scam who gets busted in the end. He still had that "Big Chicken' charm.

Added: Thursday 24 April 2014 07:04:32 MST

Submitted by: H50 1.0 FOREVER
From: Under the Live Oak Trees

That doesn't sound like a very good season finale. Maybe they don't try to leave the audience in suspense, anymore? Like wondering who shot JR. That was a very long summer.

Last night, NCIS was a re-run of Ralph Waite's last appearance as Gibbs' father, and they didn't even add a memorial tribute to the credits (Mr. Waite died on February 13th). Sheesh! Can't people show respect for anyone, anymore?

Added: Wednesday 23 April 2014 12:49:11 MST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From: Vancouver

The following article about the finale is notable for a few howler mistakes, as well as -- again -- the comment section at the end being totally empty!



Wo Fat and Ian Wright are back on Hawaii Five-0, but will the series be able to handle both villains at once?

[stuff cut out]

McGarrett and Captain Lou Grover (Chi McBride) have learned to rely on each other since Ian's (Nick Jonas) first Hawaiian misadventure ... and Grover will need to dig into the Navy SEAL's back [sic] of unconventional tricks when the young terrorist kidnaps his daughter.

"[Grover] starts off the season looking at what McGarrett's doing as being unorthodox, and it's everything he hates in a cop," said executive producer Peter M. Lenkov, according to TV Guide. "Now, Grover's put into a situation where he's got to act the same way. I think he sort of learns a lot about himself and gains a new respect for McGarrett."

Meanwhile, McGarrett's dogged purist [sic] of his mother and her CIA secrets may pay off when the heavily scared [sic] Wo Fat (Mark Dacascos) makes a break from prison and heads back to the Pacific locale.

"The end is going to be a big shocker," Lenkov teased TV Guide. "And I don't think anybody is going to see it coming." [Yeah, whatever...]

Added: Wednesday 23 April 2014 10:33:29 MST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From: Vancouver



I have to think: what is more pitiful?

1. The news at this WWW page. I mean, come on... Grover's daughter is kidnapped? We already went through this trope with Danno's daughter. Why doesn't Grover's >son< (who was referred to but never seen) get kidnapped? Or how about Grover's wife (ditto)? Maybe Grover's wife already >is< kidnapped for all we know. And Wo Fat escapes from prison? Wasn't he sent to a Supermax prison? Is Wo Fat such a powerful guy that no prison can hold him? Are all prisons staffed by administrators and guards who are as corrupt as those on Oahu? STUPID!

2. The fact the producers of the new show have to continually release spoilers like this at all. Where is the suspense with watching the show if you know these details? Yes, I know that Lenkov likes to jerk people around so what you are reading is probably not exactly what you will be getting, but I think you understand what I am saying. Was there anything comparable with the old show, other than "spoilers" in the TV Guide description of upcoming episodes?

3. The fact that despite the fact that this is "news," there is NOT A SINGLE COMMENT at the bottom of the page so far.

Added: Tuesday 22 April 2014 08:36:33 MST

Submitted by: John Chergi
From: Pittsburgh PA

Glad HFO Forever brought up A Gun For McGarrett. Just a fantastic episode. Like Nine Dragons, it fits nicely in Top 15-20. Season 7 had some very good episodes.

Savage was a great villain. Reminded me of Goldfinger how he got rid of the guy who didn't like his plan. I thought the exploding plaque/trophy was a creative way to assassinate McGarrett. Didn't work but McG was injured & his office needed repainted.

Beautiful Marnie was a great Plan B to take out McGarrett. Poor woman asked too many questions & raised McG radar. Excellent acting by Savage,Marnie, etc. Frank HFO detective did some solid investigating too.

Love A Gun For McGarrett!!!! Give it 5 stars out of 6!!! John

Added: Monday 21 April 2014 13:39:14 MST

Submitted by: Will
From: Washington DC

In view of the recent discussion about S1 music, I made a startling discovery recently, namely, that some of the S1 cues attributed to Richard Shores are used earlier in that same year's S4 of Wild Wild West, for which Shores was essentially the main background composer.

Most notable is the "theramin" cue used to herald the appearance of Pele in "The Big Kahuna," which aired as the S1 finale in March 1969. This cue is also heard in "Face of Dragon" which aired in January 1969 but has a later production number than Big Kahuna (221 vs. 218).

That cue, however, is also heard in WWW S4's "Night of the Kraken" (featuring Five-O repeat guests Jason Evers and Marj Dusay), which aired in October 1968, which would lead one to conclude that it was actually composed for WWW rather than Five-O. Since both shows were CBS productions, they could use musical cues across the table. (For that matter, compare some of Don Ray's Five-O work against S3 of Gilligan's Island...)

Makes me wonder if Shores actually composed anything new for Five-O in S1...

Added: Monday 21 April 2014 11:29:50 MST

Submitted by: Barbara
From: Pittsburgh

Vrinda, the "Alex brigade" has already spoken! I read several comments until I could stand no more. They were all of the same ilk: completely distraught. LOL!

Added: Monday 21 April 2014 09:23:04 MST

Submitted by: Vrinda
From: NJ

Just wait, Barbara, there will be. It's a holiday weekend, so maybe the Alex Brigade has not found out yet.

Added: Saturday 19 April 2014 13:11:13 MST

Submitted by: Barbara
From: Pittsburgh

I read yesterday that Alex O'Loughlin married Malia Jones. Predictably, there was the flurry of "Oh no, I wanted to marry him" comments in response. One has to laugh!

Added: Saturday 19 April 2014 10:06:45 MST

Submitted by: H50 1.0 FOREVER
From: Under the Live Oak Trees

We hear "The Long Wait" again in Season 7's "A Gun for McGarrett" as he pulls into Marnie's driveway to arrest her.

Added: Saturday 19 April 2014 06:01:44 MST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From: Vancouver

Check the end credits for the pilot (of the new show). Does it say something about Ford? Then check the next episode, probably says General Motors, as do most, if not all, episodes after that. Obviously General Motors gave the show more $$ to promote their products.

Added: Friday 18 April 2014 23:01:23 MST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From: Vancouver

From "The Finishing Touch":


Speaking of Bruce Broughton, his excellent score for Young Sherlock Holmes has just been released by soundtrack dealers like Intrada and SAE. Previously, this was only available as a very limited edition release through Intrada.

Added: Friday 18 April 2014 22:58:41 MST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From: Philadelphia

Otto, that piece of music from "One for the Money" is indeed great. It starts out with this weird and creepy type of dissonant sound and then transitions into "The Long Wait" (which is on the official Morton Stevens Five-0 soundtrack). I wonder if "The Long Wait" is from the pilot episode. Or if it was first heard in "One for the Money". Any ideas? It's definitely a piece of music that was heard quite often on the show. Just wondering where its first appearance was.

Added: Friday 18 April 2014 21:32:40 MST

Submitted by: Jeff Gallagher
From: Blytheville, Arkansas U.S.A.

I just watch the pilot again on TNT. I can't believe I just noticed this, but just curious why in the first show Danny (Scott Caan) is driving a Ford Mustang and the very next show is the new camaro. Yes I'm a Ford nut. Love the show the camaro is good with me.

Added: Friday 18 April 2014 21:02:11 MST

Submitted by: Honu59
From: New York


Thank you for the music tracks that you have done for this site! I would love it if you could also post the music from "The Finishing Touch", the long sequence when Cargill is examining the documents. Just a suggestion!

Added: Friday 18 April 2014 20:29:23 MST

Submitted by: Otto
From: New York County

John Chergi & Ringfire: One for the Money is a classic episode. The audio from the scene you mentioned is available to download from the homepage. Near the bottom of the music section is an entry called VINTAGE MUSIC TRACKS. There are various mp3s taken straight from the episodes. Maybe it's time to add some more tracks, from Nine Dragons for instance.

Added: Friday 18 April 2014 17:42:09 MST

Submitted by: John Chergi
From: Pittsburgh PA

NINE DRAGONS is an excellent episode. I can see why Mr. Mike enjoys this episode as well as the Classic HFO fans. Wo Fat is back after a few yrs hiatus. Stealing the deadly gas from the University.

I would put NINE DRAGONS behind my FAVS Didn't We Meet At A Murder? Highest Castle,Deepest Grave, Hookman,FOB Honolulu, etc. It would be a great episode to remake today. Think of how the world would be in danger if a crazed dictator had his hands on deadly gas & could distribute it across countries.

NINE DRAGONS, Double Exposure, Number One With A Bullet, A Lion In The Streets etc. shows HFO was strong until the end. Nine Dragons really gave Season 9 a nice boost. John

Added: Friday 18 April 2014 14:59:12 MST

Submitted by: Vrinda
From: NJ

Otto: "-The most grievous error though is showing Prof. Dalton taking WoFat right into the experimental lab with NOT ONE cop around, after McG's detailed and emphatic lecture about security, involving 24-hour armed guards working in four-hour shifts!!! That error was just to hard to let pass, but i was able to let it go after a few minutes of head-scratching!"

The only way I can explain it is that the producers didn't want to hire extras to play the guards in that scene. I don't know how much it would have cost them, but given the emphasis Steve put on security in the beginning, it could not be that the producers and director forgot about it.

Added: Friday 18 April 2014 14:36:51 MST

Submitted by: John Chergi
From: Pittsburgh PA

Good points Otto!!! I give Nine Dragons 5 stars out of 6!!! A strong script & beautiful photography highlights Nine Dragons. FAV scenes McG jumping into the water from a junker & his rescue,the theft of the nerve gas, McG kicking at imaginary snakes from the torture, & the Classic video of McG talking about the (r eal) poison water supply.

Many questions in Nine Dragons:1. Why was the nerve gas so easy to steal despite McGarrett's warnings? 2.Why is Wo Fat so visible which is different from other operations? 3. Why didn't the professor confront Wo Fat with 5-6 colleagues giving him strength in numbers? 4. Didn't Wo Fat worry about running into McG who arrived at the University voicing the t hreat & importance of securing the gas.

Nine Dragons is still a Classic episode. It would range Top 15 to Top 20 on my list. John

Added: Friday 18 April 2014 11:29:28 MST

Submitted by: Glenn
From: Orlando, FL (USA)

Also, there is the great Morton Stevens score in NINE DRAGONS...one of my favorite scores from the series.

I just wish that CBS and some label would get it in gear and put all the great, "original" scores by Stevens, Broughton, Shores and Ray out on CD.

The time is NOW for such a release...:)

Added: Friday 18 April 2014 10:10:59 MST

Submitted by: Otto Mannix
From: NYC

I just watched NINE DRAGONS for the first time. (I finally popped the seal on season 9 which was a Xmas gift!) Man, for such a late episode it was quite a banger! Some points:

-It started with a teaser, which spoiled what would have been a nice Wofat surprise, but that's OK.

-The story begins with a disoriented and disheveled McG staggering and diving from a boat. Immediately i wonder if i've accidentally played the second episode of a two-parter. Turned out to be a two-hour episode with no break.

-Some great slow motion shots of McG running with his cheeks flapping!

-A weird scene where the professor opens the box and carefully pulls out the canisters with special tongs, only to end up using his bare hands to open them! So why the tongs?

-In a scene with WoFat and his right-hand man driving, there's a long shot where the shadow of the camera with an outboard light is clearly seen for a while. The editor was probably pulling his hair out, presumably having no alternate takes to use!

-The most grievous error though is showing Prof. Dalton taking WoFat right into the experimental lab with NOT ONE cop around, after McG's detailed and emphatic lecture about security, involving 24-hour armed guards working in four-hour shifts!!! That error was just to hard to let pass, but i was able to let it go after a few minutes of head-scratching!

I was wondering what Mr. Mike wrote about the episode, figuring he had to like it, and then saw that it is his favorite! I have a lot more to say about it, but have no time at the moment.

Added: Friday 18 April 2014 08:56:53 MST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From: Philadelphia

"One of my FAV scenes in HFO history is when the serial killer stabs himself looking at his medical book for the anatomy. McGarrett eventually figures it out through crime scene photos. No blood at the door. If he was stabbed at the door,then there should be blood."

Yep, that's the best part of the episode. With some real creepy music to boot!

Added: Thursday 17 April 2014 15:53:30 MST

Submitted by: John Chergi
From: Pittsburgh PA

Right Ringfire. One For The Money is an underrated episode in Season 1. I think the serial killer could have gone gotten away with it. He killed the woman who was part of the company where he worked ... This brought him under suspicion from McGarrett.

Several things to like about One For The Money. Aunt Martha was an outstanding character. Similar to Norman Bates mother. In each case, the young men could not extricate themselves from strong female matriarchs. I enjoyed how he numbered each killing & his use of the typewriter.

One of my FAV scenes in HFO history is when the serial killer stabs himself looking at his medical book for the anatomy. McGarrett eventually figures it out through crime scene photos. No blood at the door. If he was stabbed at the door,then there should be blood.

I saw a great HFO discussion about One For The Money. They argued that if the killer used a magic marker on his stomach ...Hospital people(per sonnel qchl ) would have seen it. I dont know the answer. It would probably have smeared away. Attacking his own brother was his final mistake. Why would a serial killer attack 2 people from the same family?

I would give One For The Money 4.5 out of 6 stars. Very innovative for its time. Might raise it later in years later ratings wise. John :o

Added: Thursday 17 April 2014 13:13:14 MST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From: Philadelphia

Hey H50 1.0 FOREVER, I'm not sure where you see punctuation errors in my posts. I do sometimes begin my sentences with a "But..." which I guess might not be grammatically correct. Maybe that's what you're referring to. But I'm not sure this is the same as placing a period in the middle of a sentence a la "My battery. Died this morning". Yes I'm familiar with the auto-correct feature when I'm typing on my iPhone. Sometimes it does add periods. Maybe that's what is happening in John's case. I always type on my laptop when I'm entering my comments here. But I do use my iPhone for other sites. I always remove periods whenever they are added where I don't want them.

But anyway, it's all good. Nobody's perfect. ;) John is one of my favorite posters because I love his classic Five-0 discussions.

Added: Thursday 17 April 2014 09:56:35 MST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From: Philadelphia

"What do you think of Journey Out Of Limbo?"

That's a GREAT episode! It's my second favorite from season 5 after the Vashon trilogy. Terribly underrated. Or maybe I'm just a sucker for amnesia stories. Love it!

Another one that no one ever talks about is "One for the Money" from season 1. It's the very first "psycho" episode - of which there would be many during the show's run. It's a creepy one - especially when Charlie begins to see his Aunt Martha seemingly come to life in the hospital.

Added: Thursday 17 April 2014 09:48:30 MST

Submitted by: H50 1.0 FOREVER
From: Under the Live Oak Trees

I like "Journey Out of Limbo." The storyline is strong all the way through. The scenery is pure Hawai'i. Having said that, I'll add another problem: There's no way Danno could outrun a Jeep on horseback. That scene caused me to wonder why Danno and the horse didn't leave the road and head into the brush, where the Jeep would be slowed, if not stopped, altogether. Like you said, there were unanswered questions about Hummel's behavior: If he was so bitter about his son's death, would he have maintained friendship with "the enemy"? Couldn't he (as you said) have simply shot him or slipped him a mickey or . . .? Why take such elaborate? One thing was interesting: Instead of Danno calling up the Cape Corwin, he went out on an HPD Harbor Patrol boat. I think that was the only time they did that.

Added: Wednesday 16 April 2014 18:15:21 MST

Submitted by: John Chergi
From: Pittsburgh PA

Agree Steven. Love to see a consensus from (sic) HFO fans on the episodes. I'll throw out an unheralded episode. Journey Out Of Limbo. It captured me from the beginning. Danny's inside some kind of sand mixture in the back of a truck. He has a concussion & has no recollection on how he arrived there.

Enjoyed how McGarrett & the HFO team pieced together Danny's movements from what he remembered in jagged fragments. I loved the flashbacks in Danny's mind especially the chase scene on horseback. The dead horse validated Danny's story.

Outstanding camera work at the finale. The explosion rocked the boat & sent McG,Danno & the men skyward.

Sure,there are some questions. Did the man intend to die with the Chinese leader? Why go through this elaborate plan when he could have shot the Chinese man?

Journey Out Of Limbo was well-done with Danny's flashbacks. It looked believable to me. A solid 4.5 stars out of 6. What do you think of Journey Out Of Limbo? John :)

Added: Wednesday 16 April 2014 17:26:02 MST

Submitted by: H50 1.0 FOREVER
From: Under the Live Oak Trees

Ringfire, I like what you say about Uncle Kevin. Good points. I'm afraid I must take issue with what you said about punctuation. Go back and look at your own. There are errors. In my experience, those kinds of errors pop up when someone is holding a laptop or other portable while typing. Commas become periods. Extra letters pop up. Just this morning, while using my husband's laptop, I typed "inspection" as "inspectionh" and "inspectioin." Were the keys sticking? I don't know, but it happened in four out of five instances.

Steven, I like your idea. Count me in.

Added: Wednesday 16 April 2014 14:22:58 MST

Submitted by: Steven
From: Miami

Another fan of Leopard on the Rock here. In fact, I've always been smitten with season two.

It'd be interesting if the board regulars would chime in and volunteer an unheralded episode that is near and dear to their heart. You can base it on whether you rate it higher than Mr. Mike's star rating or perhaps as a contrary view in general. I wonder how much in agreement we'll be? I'll do my best to make a persuasive case for my choices. I know ringfire and I disagree on the merits of The Jinn Who Clears the Way and Death Wish on Tantalus Mountain but I enjoy knowing what others like/dislike and more importantly, *why*.

Added: Wednesday 16 April 2014 13:49:31 MST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From: Philadelphia

"Big fan of Classic HFO episode. Why Wait Until Uncle Kevin Dies?"

Hi, John. I'm always slightly puzzled by your punctuations. Hope you don't take it the wrong way. I guess grammar is a pet peeve of mine. ;)

I'm just wondering if maybe you have some sticky keys on your keyboard or something. You sometimes have a period in the middle of a sentence (like the above example). It's like me typing "Some of my favorite vegetables are. Carrots and cucumbers." That's a bit funny actually. ;)

Anyway yes "Uncle Kevin" is a good one. I remember when I first saw it I didn't care for it all that much. But it gets better on rewatch. I love how urbane and proper Murray Matheson is as Zachary Talbot - the perfect Englishman. He runs Reversions like some ordinary business. Like he's dealing in stocks and bonds or something. When in reality he's committing mass murder. But he doesn't seem to be phased by any of it. Just another day in the office.

Added: Wednesday 16 April 2014 11:57:30 MST

Submitted by: John Chergi
From: Pittsburgh PA

Big fan of Classic HFO episode. Why Wait Until Uncle Kevin Dies? Somewhere lurking in my Top 10. It has a great story with the Reversions Inc who collect double on their investments. The Ed Baines character was a great creation as well as the impressive work to catch Reversion Inc.

Plenty of action in this episode including an exploding boat & an exploding helicopter. Foster proved to be a great ERASER for Reversions Inc.

The ending of Why Wait Until Kevin Dies? could be the best in the series. Foster is trapped inside the house with the propane tank ready to explode. Love the panic & tension growing in Foster as he has nowhere to escape.

One of my dirty dozen episodes.Can find little mistakes in this episodes. Why Wait Until Kevin Dies? a must see for HFO fans & the new HFO crowd. Easily 5 stars!!! John :)

Added: Wednesday 16 April 2014 10:12:15 MST

Submitted by: Rainbow Warrior
From: New York, NY

I love Leopard on the Rock!

Added: Wednesday 16 April 2014 07:06:34 MST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From: Philadelphia

Yes, "Leopard on the Rock" is a great one from season 2. I'd actually give it a slight edge over "Sweet Terror". Great score by Morton Stevens too! (though most of it sounds like stock music)

Added: Tuesday 15 April 2014 14:11:25 MST

Submitted by: John Chergi
From: Pittsburgh PA

My Fav of those Season 2 Espionage episodes might be Leopard On The Rock. There are so many classic scenes from the pilot faking plane trouble forcing the hated Jakal to land in Hawaii to the administration of the experimental gas into Jakal's hotel room.

Love so many things about Leopard On The Rock. The grand daughter sneaking the gun into the room as a hotel employee was great TV. Kono was very lucky. I love the human chain that the students formed preventing the dictator's escape. They were fooled by McGarrett as he had Jakal transported in a special truck instead.

Throw in the exciting chase with the fuel truck as a Jakal hater tried to ram the dictator's plane & the exciting ending & Leopard On The Rock is one of the most underrated in the HFO catalogue. John

Added: Tuesday 15 April 2014 11:57:30 MST

Submitted by: Vrinda
From: NJ

What I was told, by someone who said she read this somewhere, was that Jack didn't want to do more espionage stories. Since Hawaii Five-O was a cop show, it should focus on cases the police would investigate. However, take that story with several grains of salt, since I have not seen any comments like that in print.

From what I have gathered, Jack was not heavily involved in the script process. Leonard Freeman and the writers were in charge. There was a whole staff in LA - supervising producer, associate producer, assistant producer, story editor, secretaries, etc. - who handled most of this work, then the scripts went to the Jack, the other on-set producer, and Bernard Oseransky, the production manager.

I do agree that the espionage stories gave the show more of a flair. There's only so much you can do with the crime syndicate stories. Mission: Impossible did them to death in the early seventies.

When TV shows follow trends, whether based on real-life or the decisions of the networks, they are not doing themselves or their viewers any favors. Originality goes out the window, and good storylines are sacrificed in order to cater to other people's lack of interest in the world. It's as though the networks and producers want to encourage such apathy.

P.S. Rainbow, bout that post on the new show, you're welcome!

Added: Tuesday 15 April 2014 10:20:36 MST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From: Philadelphia

"I have a fondness for that select group of shows, except for Skyline Killer, an episode everyone else seems to love."

I love that episode. To me it was the last GREAT episode of the show. It actually felt more like an episode from seasons 1-6. Definitely didn't feel like a season 11 episode where Five-0 was more concerned with catching dog-nappers, doing favors for the governor's rich friends, and exposing crooked televangelists.

Added: Tuesday 15 April 2014 10:11:16 MST

Submitted by: Rainbow Warrior
From: New York, NY


Agreed. I love all the espionage stuff from season two, and wished that it had continued all through the run of the old show. I love all the spy intrigue and the foreign government intrigue that season two provided. When the Vietnam War ended, and Watergate started up the country started focusing in on internal problems and organized crime stories inspired by the success of "The Godfather" book and films became the rage. The old Five-O reflected the change in the American mindset during the mid to late 1970's by focusing more on the seedy stuff and less on the international intrigue which you and I loved so much. That was all jolted though by the Iranian hostage crisis in 1979 when we were forced to deal with the world again. It happens too much in this country, we fall asleep on the world, and only want to focus on ourselves, the rest of the world goes crazy, and we get involved and then we have a big mess to deal with. Americans need to understand, we are part of the world, we just can't ignore it.

Added: Tuesday 15 April 2014 07:08:19 MST

Submitted by: Steven
From: Miami

Sweet Terror was one of about twenty episodes a friend recorded for me since Five-0 didn't air in my neck of the woods. This was long before the dvd sets were released so I watched Sweet Terror and those other taped episodes many times over the years.

Call it nostalgia, but being limited in what I was able to watch, I have a fondness for that select group of shows, except for Skyline Killer, an episode everyone else seems to love. I looked forward to getting it uncut on DVD, thinking the killer's "deleted scenes" would improve his performance but for whatever reasons, that one never appealed to me, except for the climactic fight at the end, with McGarrett standing tall, surveying *his* city.

Oh! That was "Image of Fear" I was talking about with the Linda Marsh-Soon Taik Oh reunion, not "Voice of Terror."

Added: Tuesday 15 April 2014 06:44:16 MST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From: Philadelphia

"Sweet Terror" is an excellent episode and indeed does not get talked about enough. It doesn't quite make my top 5 for season 2 but makes the top 10. The great thing about season 2 that I loved was all the espionage episodes - "Sweet Terror", "Nightmare Road", "Leopard on the Rock", "A Bullet for McGarrett", "Forty Feet High and It Kills". The later seasons focused more on organized crime and the more seedy element. But here even though the 60s were coming to a close you still had remnants of the 60s spy craze kicked off by 007. Foreign dictators, commie spy rings, brainwash/hypnosis, etc. Always loved all that stuff!

"Sweet Terror" really grabs you from the get-go - with Stoss using cigar ash to expose the secret message and then (and I really love this!) killing the agent by stabbing him with the umbrella blade through the back of the seat. I don't even know if this is practical (meaning doesn't the seat have something solid inside like plastic which would stop the blade from going through to the other side?) but it sure as heck was a creative way of killing someone. In the best James Bond-ish tradition of course! Why shoot someone when you can use the old "umbrella blade through the back of an airplane seat" ploy? ;) Anyway, Theodore Bikel plays the character in his usual larger-than-life, charming, cultivated, high-IQ way and he's great. I agree he should have pulled a Wo Fat and came back again! Bikel was actually screen-tested for the role of Auric Goldfinger by the Bond producers. As was Titos Vandis who played the dictator Jakhal in "Leopard on the Rock". You can see those screen tests on the GOLDFINGER DVD. Anyway, the Robin Masters estate is lush and green with eye-popping colors, Richard Shores' music is first-rate, Linda Marsh is beyond gorgeous. Great episode! In fact, better than "Forty Feet High and It Kills" (though it has a sublime Shores score). However, my favorite spy story from season 2 is still "Nightmare Road".

Added: Monday 14 April 2014 13:59:19 MST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From: Vancouver

Rainbow, I can't remember the exact sequence of events with the cel phone. I will have to watch the show again, which I haven't gotten around to doing yet. I think first Catherine tried her cel phone in the regular way and it didn't respond. Then she dropped some gizmo down through the rubble which amplifies a cel phone signal and was able to connect to McG that way. The signal improved so much that Max could see everything that was going on in the maintenance room and come up with theories about Dekker's dead brother. Interestingly, there was LIGHT in the maintenance room, which suggests that there must have been access to the surface somewhere. So I don't understand why the firemen and so forth were going on about how they were "running out of oxygen."

Added: Monday 14 April 2014 08:48:42 MST

Submitted by: Rainbow Warrior
From: New York, NY


I totally agree with you. I thought Catherine(Michelle Borth) had some really nice moments and Borth showed how someone who can truly act and gives an effort can turn minimal dialogue into something memorable. Hello Grace hear that?...Grace added nothing as usual. Danial Dae Kim turns out one great performance after another week in and week out, and he would have been terrfic on the old show too.

One thing, Mike, enlighten me. Wouldn't Catherine have been best served by calling Steve's cell phone right away to see if he answers, and is alive... rather than dropping the microphone into the rubble listening for noise or sounds of movement, or did she do that and I missed it? Wouldn' that have made more sense? :!thinking:

Sweet Terror is one of my all time favorite old Five-O episodes that doesn't get talked about as often as it should. It's a great episode and I loved it. Never understood why they didn't bring Stoss back. Would have been a great every now and then villain to pop up.

Added: Monday 14 April 2014 07:27:38 MST

Submitted by: Dan Gibson
From: Greensboro, NC

Good comments on last nite's episode ... which I grade roughly 3.25 out of 4. I can accept STEVE finding the liquid & the duct tape, as they were in the maintenance room. I can also buy into the explosive in STEVE's arsenal, as I would expect H50, as well as the HPD Swat Team to have rolled into that building READY for a MAJOR KNOCKDOWN, DRAGOUT SHOOT 'EM UP. So none of those elements bother me. What does concern me (getting back to Vrinda's angle) is that we are headed for more "intrigue" featuring Wo Fat, Doris, and "the new" Wo Fat Sr. Doris gets my vote as the poorest conceived & written character in recent TV History. I am in NO hurry to see the reprisal of her "now you see me, now you don't" schtick. No MENSA, she certainly could have BOTCHED this mission royally. I can handle more Wo Fat (for Mark D. is excellent) and more Joe White (as Terry O'Quinn is a terrific presence on any TV or film production), buttt (final request, down on one knee) please NO MORE DORIS... :!mad:

Added: Saturday 12 April 2014 17:18:07 MST

Submitted by: John Chergi
From: Pittsburgh PA

Have to give credit to the Classic HFO fans who stated to wait for Season 4 to continue in order to give it an accurate grade. The last 4 or 5 new episodes ranged from average to good & won't be in Hall of Fame anytime soon.

I think I like Jerry & hope he continues to be part of new HFO. Like Mr. Mike, I enjoyed the story about the tool box & the secret word painted over. Should not be interested in that but have to admit I liked it

As far as the new episode,the HFO episode had a collapsing building & was more of McG & Danno arguing. Danny had a tough wound which McG helped tend to ....McG also shot a bad CIA agent type in the heart. This prevented any type of interrogation of the man which could have been useful.

I don't know...You think the writing could be better. 4 seasons later,HFO still searching for the winning formula. It showed glimpses with the great Halloween episode & the 2 Classic ones at Pearl Harbor & Chin's interrogation.

Reminds me of the 80's when these heavy metal & rock bands were popular. They were good but Guns N Roses & Black Crowes arrived on the scene & showed what great music sounded like. This new HFO is good but you wonder if it will ever reach the level of Classic HFO or Columbo. John

Added: Saturday 12 April 2014 16:31:42 MST

Submitted by: John Chergi
From: Pittsburgh PA

Great review on Sweet Terror Steven. Had Sweet Terror in my Top 10 for many years before it drifted outside the Top 20 after rewatching HFO episodes.

Agree with you on Stauss. He was a fantastic villain & one of my FAV. Always thought Marsh was beautiful & her Chemist role was quite believable.

What hurts Sweet Terror is how fast McG puts together all these fragmented pieces so fast. The beautiful woman Marsh on the plane...What makes McG think she's involved? How quick they put Stauss as the mastermind... And so on...

I would have loved to see more damage by the fungi. Destroying thousands of acres of cane. A plan this brilliant should have affected more than 1 cane field. It's kind of like For A Million Not where we never see the 6 million dollars. It's a letdown to the watchers. Stauss was a(escape) great villain who deserved to escape.

A better ending would have been like Double Exposure where McG gets into a helicopter & fires at a fleeing vehicle with Stauss shooting back.Then, the car disappears over the cliff or bursts into flames. It would have allowed Stauss to comeback & re-establish the character.

Saying that,I loved Sweet Terror & the criminal element involved. Nothing better than intelligent criminals trying to outsmart the brilliant McGarrett. I'd give it a solid 4.5 stars out of 6 stars. John


Added: Saturday 12 April 2014 13:47:16 MST

Submitted by: Steven
From: Miami

Sweet Terror, from S2, has always been among my championed "lesser” episodes. Direction (Richard Benedict), cinematography, and the music score from Five-0’s second-greatest composer, Richard Shores, as well as the always-great Theodore Bikel-as-Erich Stoss aka "The Beast”, a worthy villain that unfortunately didn’t return to cause McGarrett more trouble.
Some random thoughts and observations:
McGarrett is tough-as-nails here. He’s rude, impatient, and tightly wound; because Hawaii’s sugar crop—41.6% of the world’s supply—is at risk. it’s been quite some time since I saw McG in these early years. The man certainly wasn’t afraid to stomp on anyone’s toes to get what he wanted. The scene with the coroner is tense and I couldn’t help but notice the racket created by what sounded like a flock of birds outside the hospital. Richard Benedict does some creative framing in the hospital—pulling back the camera and then shooting upwards at Steve and Danny, and I even liked the "ambient” echo of the hospital hallway so prevalent in movies and TV in the early ‘70s.
Linda Marsh is effective in her scenes and acquits herself much better than she would in S12’s "Voice of Terror”, which reunited her with Soon Taik Oh, also seen here. Taik Oh’s voice always sounds menacing and he is one of Five-0’s best recurring actors.
The foot pursuit of Marsh was well-scored by Richard Shores with a memorable riff played on some kind of early synthesized keyboard(?). Pacing is brisk, the colors really "pop” in this episode, and we get McGarrett tear-assing around what would become Robin Master’s estate some years later on Magnum, P.I.
Theodore Bikel is positively cheerful yet also menacing and I can’t stress enough how much I would have enjoyed seeing him return to the series.
"Sweet Terror” is a very "Hawaiian” episode what with the sugar cane plotline. Viewers would never forget that Five-0 was filmed on location after seeing this one. There’s an absolutely gorgeous scene on the Anderson Estate where the coastline, beach, and Pacific are shown to wonderful effect. This is the kind of episode that puts me in a "Tropical Island” mood.
I’d give "Sweet Terror” a solid three stars.

Added: Saturday 12 April 2014 09:10:32 MST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From: Vancouver

Yeah, but the room was totally obliterated by the explosion. How *convenient* that the duct tape and stuff containing peroxide managed to survive, considering they are important to Danno's survival, and McG managed to find them. Sounds a bit too much like MacGyver, if you ask me.

The chances of McG hitting the CIA guy in the heart are probably greater than hitting him in the arm or hand that is holding the gun.

I forgot to mention, Catherine actually expressed a lot of emotion in this show, probably more than in the entire fourth season up to this point. But soon she will be gone (sigh). Lenkov is now teasing everyone that she "really isn't gone and might come back" (words to this effect).

Added: Friday 11 April 2014 22:16:43 MST

Submitted by: Vrinda
From: NJ

I can understand the disinfectant and the duct tape since they were in a maintenance closet, but the grenade would not be found there and McG having it on him is a stretch.

As for killing the CIA guy, he had a split second to react when he saw him draw the gun, but what are the chances of Steve hitting him squarely in the heart? Even Jack's McG was not that deadeye a shot.

The rubble arguments were out of place and silly, and just thrown in to utilize a tired plot device, and now what is so special about Wo Fat's dad and why is Steve so quick to absolve his mother of screwing up her assignment to kill him? Given how dopey she's behaved in the past, I wouldn't put it past her to kill the wrong person.

Added: Friday 11 April 2014 21:42:11 MST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From: Vancouver

This show was an improvement over recent ones, but not much.

I didn't mind the underground bromance and I don't think I've ever laughed as hard during the show as when Danno told McGarrett how much he hated him.

A few days ago, Lenkov suggested via Twitter that the musical score for the show was going to be something special, but it sounded like the usual synthesized noise. The Five-O theme did make another appearance, though.

As far as your comments are concerned, not only did McGarrett have an explosive, which looked like a grenade, but he also came up with some kind of disinfectant (peroxide?) for Danno's injury and some duct tape. I'm sure this stuff was all accounted for in the room. I also thought that causing a hole to appear exactly in a spot from which they could be easily rescued was far-fetched. McGarrett killing the guy was unavoidable considering the guy had a gun and could have either shot through the desk or, as he did, directly at McGarrett.

I didn't like the ending because it means that we are returning to the Ma McGarrett/Wo Fat soap opera big time soon (i.e., the last episode of this season) and the big question is: who will play Wo Fat's father and what is his significance to future episodes (and yet more soap opera)?

Added: Friday 11 April 2014 21:01:04 MST

Submitted by: H50 1.0 FOREVER
From: Under the Live Oak Trees

On the surface, this seemed like a good episode tonight. But, then, those "it's just TV" issues began to raise their heads:

(1) AOL's character just happened to have an explosive in his pocket -- and it was strong enough to break through steel and concrete. Huh?
(2) AOL was able to break through to the surface of the rubble so "easily" without bringing the rest of the building down on top of him. Really?
(3) AOL killed the man he needed to provide information. Jack's McGarrett shot to wound in order to save his own life and still get the information he needed. Wouldn't that have been the better method here?

Added: Friday 11 April 2014 20:25:47 MST

Submitted by: Rainbow Warrior
From: New York, NY


Oh, yes, I saw that Ben-Hur/Ten Commandments combo and I was tempted to get it, but didn't because I already had Ben-Hur, and just bought it two years ago. I have the music only track and it is really terrific. Enjoy!

Love your last post on 24!


I knew about tonight's episode with the explosion, but had not seen the picture of Grace with her hair all gray, which you're probably right is what she will look like 25 years from now. By that time, she will be complaining that she can't get any roles because she is too old, and will then miss the days of constant employment on Five-O. For people that don't know, Grace Park used to be one of the few things that I would praise during the first three years of the show. I thought she delivered some really nice performances especially compared to the dreck that was the rest of the show. Once she left, she started phoning in her performances, and now she is giving no effort at all to her role. It's just awful. If I was the producer, I'd be like "look if you're contract is up please leave,... if you still have time left, either start acting like you want to be here and give me an effort or you're gone. Mike you know this, I found I have no use for her 'Yeah, I'm here, whatever..." attitude. When she left, I just liked the show better, she adds nothing.

Nothing wrong with gray Mike, I have a little Cary Grant salt and pepper thing going on myself. I tell the young ones you're going to get older someday, so better learn to live with it. :)

Added: Friday 11 April 2014 06:58:35 MST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From: Philadelphia

We can forget Five-Faux and get ready for some serious television coming this May. That's right -- Jack Bauer goes to London in 24: LIVE ANOTHER DAY! A show I can watch and not have to put up with carguments, bad acting, beer-on-the-beach endings, dumb plots, lousy music and editing, and flavor-of-the-month guest stars.

REAL television! Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock... here we go! :!cool: :!movie: The following takes place between...

Added: Thursday 10 April 2014 12:26:22 MST

Submitted by: Vrinda
From: NJ

Sometimes, when I post photos of Jack on my Facebook page, I get those, "I'd like to have his baby" comments. Since these are coming from women I know - two or three - I know they are just being funny and having fun. They don't intend to find Jack and procreate with him. Since these comments usually come about when I post photos of McGarrett, they might be talking about McGarrett.

That was the only place where I saw such comments. However, I've seen similar comments made about Alex in several places - the IMDb, other message boards, comments sections of online articles about the show, etc. It goes beyond a just a few people, and then when Alex took up with Malia Jones, their comments turned sour, criticizing Malia's appearance ("She's not that pretty;" "She's too thin.";) and some women said they were no longer interested in Alex. Did they really think they stood a chance of actually dating and marrying Alex?

At least with Jack, Marie was already in the picture when Hawaii Five-O started, and I don't know any woman who got turned off Jack because he was married. I don't know of anyone who lost interest in James MacArthur when he rushed into marrying Melody Patterson, either.

Not to pick on the women only, since I know many men who admit they are only watching the new show to see Grace Park, and it's not for her acting. When the new show premiered, some men on a TV message board I was reading said they would watch it just to see Grace, adding how hot they thought she was and posting her modeling photos. No one said anything about her acting. I've even seen some comments where men have said they would stop watching if Grace left.

Added: Thursday 10 April 2014 11:47:54 MST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From: Vancouver

Rainbow, I don't know if you have seen the picture of Grace Park in connection with the next episode. In case you don't know, which is unlikely, because Peter ("Mr. Blabby") Lenkov has been busy promoting the remaining shows, Danno and McGarrett will face death in a building which explodes. In this picture, GP's hair is all grey, probably from powder and stuff emanating from the explosion. She looks very much like GP will look in about 25 years. Her hair, in fact, looks like mine does now! :D

Added: Thursday 10 April 2014 08:40:24 MST

Submitted by: John Chergi
From: Pittsburgh PA

Thanks for the feedback Steven. Nicole Fleming was a great character villain & she used Commander Nicholson to get the plates. Loved the bloody trail for the plates & all the great characters in it. It was a nice twist with Commander Nicholson turning rogue & killing for the plates.

Love Didn't We Meet At A Murder? King Of The Hill,V for Vashon,Hookman,Highest Castle,Deepest Grave too also are #1 selections.

One of my most underrated characters in Classic HFO was Dr.Baldwin. He was the Dr. who checked the money for any type of trap in the (Lovehoys ) LoveJoys episode. He also played the Dr. when he made the cyanide container in Thanks For The Honeymoon. Last time I checked ,he was still alive in his 80's. He also was in other episodes of HFO my Top 10 Number One With A Bullet as Allie Francis lawyer. John

Added: Thursday 10 April 2014 08:39:24 MST

Submitted by: Steven
From: Miami

John Chergi- "...it was tough but I picked FOB Honolulu #1."

I wouldn't choose that as my all-time favorite though it's #9 on my S3 list, which I seriously need to update, but Sabrina Scarf as Nicole Fleming is imo one of Five-0's all-time despicable villains. Love the performance and the cool way her character dispatches her boyfriend, Commander Nicholson; she's just cold blooded!

Added: Thursday 10 April 2014 08:10:53 MST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From: Vancouver

Despite the fact that we are living in 2014 and Jack Lord has been long gone, I have seen recent postings by women along the lines of "I would like to have his baby," similar to those which one would expect from some of AOL's most devoted fans. Whether they were talking about Jack Lord himself or his fictional character of McGarrett, I don't know, because I didn't analyze their comments to that extent.

Added: Thursday 10 April 2014 07:55:51 MST

Submitted by: Rainbow Warrior
From: New York, NY

Thank You, Vrinda, as always!

Added: Thursday 10 April 2014 06:53:58 MST

Submitted by: ringfire211
From: Philadelphia


I took out my 50th anniversary edition of Ben-Hur for Easter and I'm at intermission. Every frame of the film is just perfect! I love watching it every year. Magnificent!


Guess what?? I just purchased the BEN-HUR/TEN COMMANDMENTS combo on Blu-Ray last weekend! Can't wait to view both on Blu-Ray. Should be awesome! BEN-HUR also has the Miklos Rozsa music-only track - a feast for the ears!

Added: Thursday 10 April 2014 05:16:24 MST

Submitted by: H50 1.0 FOREVER
From: Under the Live Oak Trees

John, it might interest you to know that, not only do many people see Nicole Wylie as front runner to become Mrs. McGarrett, but they write fan fiction stories about Miss Wylie becoming Mrs. McGarrett. I wrote one. Frankly, it is the best one I've written, because the characters were so well developed in the episode that I had something to work with. We not only see and hear her; we feel what she is feeling through her facial expressions, body language, the tone of her voice, and her personality. In short, Marj Dusay is one FINE actress!

Added: Thursday 10 April 2014 04:17:06 MST

Submitted by: Vrinda
From: NJ

H5O 1.0 is right about the McGarretts and the actors who play them being like identical twins in that they look alike but are different as people, but in the case of Jack’s McG and AOL’s McG, there are even more differences – part of which stem from what the fans see in them.

Jack’s McG and Jack himself shared some personality traits – the love of art, cooking, Hawaiian culture and people, treating people with kindness and using fair play – but there were things which they did not share. McGarrett was wired up, ready to pounce when someone pushed the wrong button, like he took the ink blotter off that lawyer’s desk in "The 24-Karat Kill” and wrote Chin Ho’s name on it. In real life, Jack would not make such a violent outburst. He was known to scream at people when they got on his bad side, but not use physical force. McGarrett was also a policeman and used guns, while Jack was for strict gun control laws.

Most of Jack’s fans that I know like Steve McGarrett and understand who was as a fictitious person and understand who Jack was as well. Some, despite common sense and lack of evidence, still believe and endorse all the gossip and lies told about him.

Both Jack and Alex were strict about maintaining their privacy. However, despite the lack of publicity for all the good things Jack did, we still know about them and find evidence of them, because many of us want to get past all the myths and misconceptions.

Alex’s fans, on the other hand, are totally focused on the image of McGarrett that he projects on the show, and ignore who he is in real life. They applaud him for his work with Donate Life and for keeping his family life away from the paparazzi. However, the bulk of the adulation he gets comes from what the women see onscreen. They praise Alex for his actions as McGarrett, not as Alex. It’s not about there not being enough information about Alex for them to get to understand who he is. They are enthralled with the image created for TV. Some women were losing interest in the show because of Steve and Catherine, as though the two were real.

Those women are also more interested in Alex’s physical appeal. They go on about how sexy, handsome, and cute he is. Very rarely do they talk about his acting, except as an afterthought tacked onto rambling comments on his appearance. Some have even admitted that he’s good-looking, but can’t act and the show is not that good. Then why are they watching? To see Alex flex his muscles and maybe go shirtless.

All the sex scenes Alex did in his entire career are nowhere near as sizzling and scorching as Jack’s bedroom turn with Susan Strasberg in "The Name of the Game is Kill.”

Added: Wednesday 09 April 2014 23:06:39 MST

Submitted by: John Chergi
From: Pittsburgh PA

You're right Joel D. The Singapore File has to be in most Classic Hawaii Five O fans Top 20. Interesting story from the start. This Nicole witness running for her life in Singapore. McGarrett agreeing to fly there on short notice.

Only 2 small flaws. The part when they take out the suspense by showing the priest entering dinner. Also, that guy had that fake bald head who attacked McG in Singapore.

Two of my FAV sequences in Singapore File.Loved when the ship worker is tapping out the incoming message while McG slowly writes it down. Also enjoyed McG & Nicole in the back of the old produce truck with wind swept hair.Future known.

I saw a poll once & Nicole was picked as the best choice to have been the future Mrs.McGarrett. Jack must have liked her too because he was more caring & physical with her than most of the other women. The Singapore 5.5 stars out of 6 for me. John

Added: Wednesday 09 April 2014 19:15:59 MST

Submitted by: Rainbow Warrior
From: New York, NY


I agree with that, but I don't think the female fans of AOL on the new show understand that, as I think Vrinda would back me up on, or am I wrong Vrinda?

Added: Wednesday 09 April 2014 11:44:48 MST

Submitted by: H50 1.0 FOREVER
From: Under the Live Oak Trees

Re: "[The women] are all in love with AOL, and act like his on screen character is him in real life."

After studying Jack's McGarrett and Jack, himself, for my websites, I have come to the conclusion that much of the "love" women feel is for McGarrett, not Jack (or AOL). We know the characters (the two McGarretts), not the actors who portray them. True, Jack (and AOL) put much of themselves into those characters, but they give the characters their own personas.

If Jack and his McGarrett could sit side by side and express their opinions on various subjects, we would see distinct differences. As an example, McGarrett was a political appointee, who knew he would lead Five-0 for only as long as Governor Jameson (or his successor) wanted him to. Jack, on the other hand, declined two requests that he run for governor, saying he did not have the personality for politics.

In short, Jack and McGarrett (and AOL and his character) are like identical twins. They look alike and share certain traits, but they are two distinct individuals each with his own likes, dislikes, opinions, and everything else.

Added: Wednesday 09 April 2014 08:48:23 MST

Submitted by: Rainbow Warrior
From: New York, NY

Well, I hope so Mike, because Grace Park has been just awful and wooden, and I was kind of done with the show when it looked like she was dead. I was kind of amused at the comments of the women on that page who didn't want her back. They are all in love with AOL, and act like his on screen character is him in real life. Very sad.


I took out my 50th anniversary edition of Ben-Hur for Easter and I'm at intermission. Every frame of the film is just perfect! I love watching it every year. Magnificent!

Added: Wednesday 09 April 2014 06:37:34 MST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From: Vancouver

Catherine is down but not out. But maybe it's just Lenkov jerking us around again...


Added: Tuesday 08 April 2014 18:27:39 MST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From: Vancouver

The lawsuit that never ends!!


Added: Tuesday 08 April 2014 08:55:10 MST

Submitted by: Joel D.
From: North Idaho

Enjoyed the classic 5-0 Season 2 episode "Singapore File" on Me-TV today, and as usual, Mr. Mike's review is spot-on. It's a great episode that balances the danger faced by McGarrett and his witness, Nicole Wylie, with the obvious chemistry developing between the two of them as they try to escape hitmen.

"Another time, another place," he tells her as things get a bit cozy on their boat to the Philippines.

If I may add a couple fun pieces of "trivia"/production snafus:

1. As happens often in the show, the made up newspaper headline (something like "Girl's testimony convicts mobster" … can't recall the exact words) is pasted right on top of some other story. In this case, the large subhead is about astronauts. Perhaps the Apollo moon landing astronauts? (this episode was filmed in 1969).

2. You can see storm clouds and a rainbow in the background as Danny sees McGarrett off on the flight to Singapore. It's almost exactly the same background as the final scene with McGarrett and Nicole at the airport, which according to the storyline should be several weeks (or months) later. Both scenes were probably filmed back-to-back.

Added: Monday 07 April 2014 20:05:29 MST

Submitted by: Mr. Mike
From: Vancouver

I thought I would have difficulty writing much about this show, which I did not particularly like, but I went on for far too long, including info about where the opening rap music was censored. You can read all this blather by clicking on the "Latest Episode" link at the top of the page.

Added: Monday 07 April 2014 08:37:12 MST

Submitted by: H50 1.0 FOREVER
From: Under the Live Oak Trees

Here's some more information about the August March / Richmond house: The August March house in real life is the historic Clarence Hyde Cooke House, also known as The Marks Estate. Located on the Old Pali Road, it was built in 1932 for the heir to the Castle & Cooke fortune. Castle & Cooke was one of the Big Five corporations in Hawai’i and, at one time, was affiliated with Dole Pineapple. The house was designed by architect Hardie Phillip, designer of the Honolulu Academy of Arts, and features a double-pitched Dickey roof, which was originated by architect C. W. Dickey and is commonly associated with Hawaiian architecture. The Dickey roof is a hipped roof with a gabled ridgeline. The house was put on the National Register of Historic Places in 1986.

Added: Sunday 06 April 2014 19:28:51 MST

Submitted by: H50 1.0 FOREVER
From: Under the Live Oak Trees

Good episode. I just watched it on cbs.com. Did anyone recognize the August March house (Richmond house)? Yep! That's it. It also appeared in "Magnum, PI," where the carport was the entrance to the King Kamehameha Club and the Kahala Beach pavilion was the KKC beach bar. Read more about the beach bar and Kahala Beach and see pictures on RJL / Jack's Blog / scroll down.

The coloring in exterior scenes is still way off, too intense.

Added: Sunday 06 April 2014 15:05:58 MST

Submitted by: Dan Gibson
From: Greensboro, NC

Well, I'M HERE -- DOES THAT COUNT ? ... the erstwhile "fan created episode" came and went Friday nite, and was a reasonably good one. All were involved in solving the case, and there were no side stories interfering. STEVE was back to being relentless (that's when he's at his BEST), heading up the investigation, while still with an eye on the most recent lead from the Champ Box. I have to say, even "jerry" was acceptable, and much less the cartoon character of previous shows. So now we get down to the nitty gritty of the final month -- the preview revealed that we have a big-time swat team episode coming next Friday, complete with explosions and possibly a team member in jeopardy. Following that, we gear up for the STEVE/CATH trek to Afghanistan ...

Added: Sunday 06 April 2014 06:06:13 MST

Submitted by: H50 1.0 FOREVER
From: Under the Live Oak Trees

Where is everyone? If you're off to Afghanistan with AOL & Gang, would you please come back.

Added: Saturday 05 April 2014 19:36:04 MST

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